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Posts posted by bytemangler

  1. It's been so long that I almost forgot DOS. I hope someone still has a fresh memeory of it because I need help. I like to have a .bat script that look at a file in a directory, say file1.txt and compare to other files, if the last file is file003.txt than rename it to file004.txt.

  2. Got a question. Here at work we have a dedicated DSL line and a corporate internet line that run through a proxy server. I like to add a 2nd NIC that I can use DSL exclusively for internet via SBC Gloabal without going through a corporate proxy server. The 1st NIC of course I'll want to use only for work related (email, intranet, etc...). How can I bind each NIC to each fuction in win2000. Can it be done??

  3. I'm a little baffle by this. I install Office 2000 on my system using custome and select all to run from my computer. I also did the same thing on another user's computer. In Word,Excel, you can use the SEND TO (email,fax,..etc) command. My computer it has that, but the other computer it is not available at all.???? I am at MS KB to see if I can find something. Anyone can help?



  4. Hi, question.

    I have setup an intranet site for our employees. I would like to setup an autologon of an employees that is not part of our domain. I tried TweakUI for win2000 but the domain always default to the local, and not the other domain where the user is from. Just in case you're wondering why it's this way, our corporate HQ is from another state and MIS wanted to created a user from their domain. In TweakUI Logon tab it show only name and password option but not from ?what domain?. I can reconfigure to have a specific user/domain as the default autologin if I disjoin the domain. What am I missing here??

  5. Hello all,

    Well, I have a project I need to do in Access2000 (why access 2000 and not 2003? corporate have not upg yet). I will be heading to Barnes and Noble later today but here's what I have. I just created a form with rows setup. RowA,B,C, and Total. User will enter numeric data in A,B,C. What I like to to do is on LostFocus (when a user tab away from either a,B, or C) the Total row will automatically sum up the current total. If this require VB script can you give sample please...thanks


  6. Hi Clutch,

    since you've reply I like to ask you one last question. In access I have created a database with a selected querry. Everything works fine. I created a data access page in access2002 with all the entry info. I am stump as to how to make my querry work in the data access page? Anyone with some expertise in access2002 please jump in. I'm doing this for a user and I only have 3 weeks of access experience! I will keep looking in the net for supplemental. thanks!

  7. Thanks Clutch for the tip. I was using access 2002 which I thought was 2000 (my bad). I just put the [] in the criteria in the query screen and it did give me popup. thanks. Now my second part is that I have created a Data Access Page from Access2002. Data entry is working but I can't see any where on how to make the query I have created to work within HTML form (access generated). I can make a command button but the choices for the button is not what I needed. I wanted to created an html version of access so that each user do not need a copy of access to do entry into the database. Access can generated that form for me, but it's no good if you can't retrieve it.

  8. Was wondering if anyone is an access2000 developer here. I try to do a simple project for a user. I can get the Web Access Page working for data entry and making query is no problem. What I run into is that I don't know how to make a user interactive query, what I mean by that is instead of having say job="123-4567" explicitly I want it to open a prompt waiting for a user to enter a desire job# when a query button is push. Can it be done in access2000?

  9. Quote:
    Here's a thought... ICQ. I haven't used it in a while, but you used to be able to see a person's ip with it when they were online. just create some dummy profile on your server and leave it signed in. From your remote desktop sign in and look at the properties of the server's icq user. ICQ might not do this anymore, and it may be a bit of a security threat but it's a different approach that may work for you.


    Hmmm...something I'll look into. thanks

  10. I have a Linksys router/4-port switch. I connect to me server through an IP address, how does DNS2go and noip work with that. Doesn't the client software just monitor the ip change from my DSL and make sure my domain name stays connected to that new ip? that's from my understanding of the service (someone enlighten me please)...


    Right now I don't have a domain name. everyday I just check for the new IP before I leave for work and just change my IP configuration on the terminal server client.

  11. You'd probably guess that I am being a cheapscate here but I have not decided yet what to do with me server (I don't want to buy static IP yet). Anyway, I was wondering if there is a freeware out there that can querry my router for the current DSL ip and send it to my yahoo account so I can check it from work so I can terminal serv in. Nothing fancy just ask for the current IP and email it to me@yahoo.com. I should be able to schedule it of course. Is there an indie programmer out there that can whip this up for a reasonable $, or free because you a nice guy/gal ;-).



  12. Hi,

    I just got done dl win2003 server fro MS. The password requirement is very tough (gotta have at least 3 uniguw char in a pass i think). A Is there a way around this? Just a thought because my users get very touchy if they have to think to come up with a unique password. It's easier to just have johndoe for a password versus 3john$Doe. I know...I know...it's the trust computing thing.

  13. Thanks, I'll try that.


    Another question somewhat related to this. I have DSL running at home and my ISP can't assign me static IP. I was successfully log on one day using the ip I look up and then the next day the ip change on me. My question is what can I do to keep up with the ip change without going into my router config and find out every day?

    I think I read a while back of someone mention DNS2GO you can sign up with and it will dynamically update you domain name with the new IP.


    Thanks in advance.

  14. Hi all,

    Got a question. I setup terminal access on w2k server at home. I can TS in as admin but when I try to login as a user (domain) with privildge to to termserv in I get a message "The Local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively" . If I make this user part a an admin group, no problem. Any idea?


    The client is win2k/sp3

  15. Ok I finally got the darn thing working on the NEC test machine. I replace the win2000 savage4 video driver over what MS supply during install and it work (even tho it tells me it's not digitally sign..). Well, thanks for all who respond, time to play....

  16. The link to dl CRC.EXE is dead.


    ok now here's my test machine.


    computer1: NEC multimedia machine (kinda like laptop/desktop hybrid)

    p3-450,16 gig HD, 128, Savage 3D integrated video,pc card slots


    computer 2: supermicro dual p2-450 (2 cpu), 256 RAM, GeForce256 video,scsi card/hd.


    I didn't have any problem putting in 2000 server so I figure it's not that picky for 2003 server.

  17. Hello all,

    Got a little problem. I download a trial win2003 server from MS. After installation the system reboot to a black screen, and keyboard does not work. I tried reinstalling serveral times and on 2 seperate computers and it's the same thing. It will let me log on in safe mode with/without networking option. Any help is welcome as I am at a lost here.



  18. I have try somthing similar at work using Linksys 54g pc-card and 54g WAP. We have 2 inventory rooms with one on the second floor and other on the first. Connection was really bad when moving around, sometime it will go from 60% to 20% and even disconnect altogether. Granted our building has wall but it was a big problem with wireless. The distant from the WAP and the rooms are only about 50ft max. I ended up just wired a wall jack in each room for the laptop the shipping guy is using to pull materials, works alot better, just unplug and go. Overall I don't have good experience with wireless...yet. Maybe the technology needs more tunning?

  19. Quote:
    If I understand you correctly .... you wish to modify the permissions of already created hidden shares on a NAS.

    You can script this through batch files using xcalcs.exe

    Yes, I have created a share for example user$ for user1 and it's hidden. I want to go in and set the access so only user1 has read/write to it. I will do the same for each users we have at work. Thanks for the info, I'll look into the xcalcs...

  20. Quote:
    If the OS is in fact Windows, it BSODs if it has no drivers for the new mass storage controler aka panic.
    All you have to do is to assure that the correct drivers for the new IDE or SCSI controller are installed before you change the hardware.
    I successfully converted IDE to SCSI(and vice-versa) disks many times on Windows 2000 and XP

    Thanks for the info, I will give it a try....

  21. Quote:
    Saddly. With out knowing the OS It's hard to answer. How ever if it's 2k or xp they are going to have issues with this. You will probably get a BSOD on the reboot. What you could try is do the ghost and then do a repair install, might work..

    Oops sorry,

    It's a windows NT server 4.0/sp6a. I kind of think I'll get a BSOD but I'm hoping maybe changing something in the BOOT.INI will fix it.

  22. Can it be done??

    I have a print server running on IDE drive right now that controll all printers at work (15 total). I want to do a ghost image of the IDE and transfer it to a new SCSI drive but I want to preserv the current setting so I don't have to re-install drivers. Has anyone done this?
