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Posts posted by rgodart

  1. Gp3

    Well i tried with the 6.50 drivers and it passed the calibrating successfully...

    But i'm not gonna let that stop me from using newer drivers. GP3 runs fine when setting all the settings manually, no calibration needed.

  2. Gp3

    I have the same prob.




    PIII 800EB

    512 MB RAM PC133

    Abit be6-2

    geforce ddr

    directx 8.0a

    detonators 10.80


    The weird thing is, it once worked fine (like 5 months ago), so i don't know what could be causing this problem. I put detonators 6.50 back today, cuz 10.80 crashed my comp sometimes while watching a video. I'll install gp3 tonight and i'll post back here.

  3. Does service pack 2 automatically turns on compatibility mode? Cuz before service pack 2 i had to manually tell the shortcut to run in windows 98 compatibility mode to make certain games work. Since i did a format and installed service pack 2 they don't seem to need compatibility mode anymore...

  4. It says SCSI in device manager. I'm pretty sure it is the driver, cuz with lower drive versions my drive works like a udma 66, but it gives random crashes. It can go from 2 minutes to a few hours... in the latest beta drivers highpoint fixed incompatibility for the harddrive i have (maxtor 7200 rpm 30 gig udma 100) but it seems they messed up the transfer rate... But then again, those drivers are still beta... since january tho... I affraid they're finished up[censored] drivers for the hpt366 chipset frown I would have liked to keep my be6-2 a little longer, i love this card :-)

    Maybe i'll put in some promise udma 100 pci card someday.

  5. I had the exact same problem a while ago, system: PIII 800 EB, abit be6-2 rev1, 512 MB RAM,geforce ddr, SBLIVE value,...


    A few months ago i disabled drwatson by doing the following:


    start--> run--> in the run box type "drwtsn32"


    uncheck everything, and clear the error list, click ok and you're all set. I didn't get the UT error since then.

  6. I got a abit be6-2 rev 1 with highpoint controller 366 for udma 66.

    My harddrive is a maxtor udma 100.


    First i tried the maxtor on the hpt366 controller with official bios and drivers from abit: both version 1.25

    But windows freezes every now and then.


    Then i tried beta bios and beta drivers 1.28, from abit's ftp.

    Windows doesn't freeze anymore, the drive works fine, but DAMN SLOW! (not pissed at anyone here :), except highpoint.

    I benchmarked with sisoft sandra: maxtor drive on the 440BX UDMA 33 controller gives a drive index of 18799, maxtor drive on hpt366 gives only 8248!!!! What the ******* hell is hpt thinking??? it seems they are not doing anything to fix this, cuz the drivers haven't been updated since january 1...


    Has anyone managed to get the hpt366 controller to work fine in win2k?


  7. is it possible to make win2k backup my mails (outlook express) everytime it boots up.

    And another thing: is there a program to sync a folder on the c: drive with a folder on another drive??

    This may sound like a crazy idea, but i would like that when i add a site to my favorites, it's being added in a folder on a backup drive too. I moved my documents allready to the backupdrive, i just had too much troubles with win alreay and i'd like to be prepared for the next time, i don't want to loose my files anymore.



  8. A friend of mine (unfortunately i only have a P3 800 :)) has following system:


    Athlon 1.3 gig

    ASUS KT266

    Hercules geforce 2 pro

    sblive value

    512 MB of pc133 ram

    win2k pro sp2 with AMD patch from ms and AMD, via drivers 4.32 and detonators 12.40




    When he tries to install 3dmark 2000 the setup just stops and gives him an error (sorry i don't know what the error says). When he installs 3dmark 2001 all goes fine during the setup, but when he does a benchmark his computer reboots and then says: "disk boot failure". Then he does a reset and it boots fine.


    Anyone had this problem on that kind of system?

    Could it be related to the UDMA 100? It's really the only thing that i can see that causes this problem.


  9. It works here when i use the latest compatibility update. Install the latest compatibility update from windows update, then look in the shortcut of the game for a tab "compatibility" (or something like that, i don't remember the exact name as i just did a format and didn't install compat update yet), and choose "windows 98 compatibility layer". It should work fine then.

  10. hi,


    i made a bootdisk with cd-rom support but when i restart my computer with that disk in the drive it tells me ntldr is missing. Shouldn't it just boot without caring about ntldr?????

    That bootdisk contains all necessary files to boot into msdos, why is it looking for ntldr?

  11. I got the same fear, but then again i think many companies won't be happy if ms stops supporting win2k. I don't think companies are willing to change OS's again after just up[censored] all their winnt4 computers to win2k. i'm not planning to go xp for a while either. i'm really happy with win2k. Finally all the drivers are out (after a year of waiting) and i'm not plannig to go trough the same troubles with winxp + i don't like that activation thingy, even if i bought a legal copy...unless someone comes up with a crack.

  12. Here's how i do it:


    1. Install partition magic 6.0


    2. Resize your win2k partition using partition magic and move the partition to the end of the drive, as your win9x fat32 partition has to be on the beginning of the drive (seems to be a limitation of fat)


    3. Make a new partition in the free space you've just created, choose fat32.


    Make sure your win2k is allways your activated partition tho. Otherwise your won't be able to boot to win2k once those modifications are done.


    4. Make the fat32 partition active and reboot your computer.


    5. Boot from a win9x boot floppy, format your partition to fat32.


    6. Start the win9x setup


    7. After win9x is installed, install partition magic and look at your partitions in bootmagic. You'll be able to setup a bootmenu there.


    I think this way of dual booting is way better, win2k and win9x are both on primary partitions then.
