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Everything posted by Mr.Guvernment

  1. Mr.Guvernment

    Anybody give SOF 2 a spin yet?

    Quote: Unreal Tournement 2003 or Planet Side comes out. have u played the 2003 demo, impressive!
  2. Mr.Guvernment

    Anybody give SOF 2 a spin yet?

    Quote: ive got the full game and its so ****ing cool...so dont listen to the people who havent played it yet they just want more than is possible on todays computers ..probebly spotty geeks or somthin. play it buy it..or copy your mates..it copys strait from the cd..no copy protection at all...do it. i have got it, and i have played it and i did expect mroe, then SOF 1 with more maps. for a 2 cd game i would of expected FAR better textures, and player models, sorry, but i am on of the very disappointed people, and computers CAN handle far better then what it has to offer.
  3. Mr.Guvernment

    Your dream motherboard

    http://www6.tomshardware.com/mainboard/02q2/020514/index.html VIA P4X333 with DDR333 and AGP 8x USB 2.0 UltraATA/133. VIA emphasizes that the bandwidth of their bus between the Northbridge and Southbridge has been doubled, now delivering 533 MB/s (just as fast as SiS, twice as fast as the Intel Hub architecture). AGP 8x 6 PCI gett'n there
  4. Mr.Guvernment

    Buying a new video card and.......

    Hey all well i am finally going ALL out on a video card, Since i am down in Antigua, u can't get crap here,and i will be in toronto this saturday for a week, so grabbing a card up here, sick of this crap TNT2, can't even play spider man on it! either: It was between the G4 -4600 and the 8500 128mb ATI, but i just found out that ATI now has a 128mb All in wonder out!!!!!! (yes i will pay the price and i am not going down to a lower geforce or ati card ) (canadian prices) Asus v8460 Ultra GeForce4 - 4600 w/ 128Mb DDR & TV-Out AGP Retail Box $624.99 ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 8500 128MB AGP Eng/Fr$629 JUST FOUND THIS!!! , make my life harder!!! [/list:u] I have read mixed reviews, and that ATI is actually better in a few ways.. (that is the ATI 8500 128mb, not the a-i-w, but they use the same GPU) Now the new all in wonder 128mb card i have not read any reviews on yet, but i had an all in wonder 32mb card before and loved it.the tuner, and stuff, remote control.... Some specs: GeForce 4 Ti 4600 NVIDIA Reference v28.32 300/650 128Bit DDR High speed 128MB DDR video memory with 10.4 GB/sec bandwidth Uses "Immersion Gold Coating" for enhanced reliability and circuit connections Special "Copper Fan Sink" cooling solution for superior overclocking and performance DVI output for easy connectivity to digital flat-panel displays Supports multiple displays High quality TV output for big screen gaming or presentations ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON 8500 128MB AGP h**p://www.ati.com/products/pc/aiwradeon8500/images/broAIW8500.pdf PIXEL TAPESTRY II technology increases memory bandwidth up to 11 GB/sec Radio frequency remote control and the usual and more All in wonder stuff. Is 1g more a second a huge difference from the geforce? On toms hardware on his VGA charts, the G4-4600 blows away the ATI 8500 128mb (not the all in wonder) in frame rates, but on Jedi knight II they are almost the same, because the ATI has better integration with Direct X 8.1 and is already working towards direct X 9 Now, i can't find any real good detailed specs on the all-in wonder I plan on playing a fair amount of games, as well as 3d GFX and movie watching / editing.. so i for sure am thinking the all in wonder , if ican get it Anyways what do u think, and cau u provide an more like details...technical specs, numbers etc thnx for the input!.
  5. Mr.Guvernment

    battle of the computers

    ^^^ love the sig m8!! ahahaha my recent one i decide to use to some people who say ICQ messed up my comp [size:24]ICQ doesn't kill computers , Idiots kill computers.[/color]
  6. Mr.Guvernment

    Post yer Sig.

    ^^^ u got a green laughing floppy? dam, were can i get one of those? do they do any other tricks?
  7. anyone i need to know so i can check for prices on FedEx and UPS for delivery of a system a friend wants: Specs of the possible system : p4 2.0 / 40g hd / 350w pwr. / ge4 4400 / pioneer dvd / sound blaster audigy / floppy / int. 56k / 17' monitor. thnx
  8. Mr.Guvernment

    yo yo yo , how much u think a computer case weights? + 17'

    great thnx guys! i will check it out now basically a local guy here in the island spec out a system fro a friends mom, i LUAGHED when i saw teh specs, the the price! Here is the system "Dell demension P4 1.4 - doubt this is a dell, prob just the cpu 128mb memory 30GB Hard Drive 15' monitor 4mb vid card (built in) offixe XP suite Windows 2000 16x DVD floppy 56k modem mini speakers mouse /keyboard HP 655c printer [/list:u] NOw, you'll first niotice the lack of detail, FSB? mem - pc 100, 133? HD speed 5400, or 7200 A 4mb card won't play dvd's very well.. to my knowledge. Now this guy wants $4700 EC (eastern caribbean) -and supposedly it is a new system = 1,700 US = 2,200 Canadian I got my Vaio below for $1500 US.!!! What a dam rip off, so basically i told my friend that i can build him a dam WICKED system for that price in canadian, and save them about $1k! So i just wanted to know roughly the weight to add the the final price. thnx again!
  9. Mr.Guvernment

    Geforce2 MX400 Tv-Out

    played a DVD out fine here on ma g4 4600 ultra to my t.v...? - RCA out to video in on t.v is this only in older version cards? I also use PowerDVD to play all video files...
  10. Mr.Guvernment

    MS Office XP question

    you may want to check out the MS site for office updates, perhaps for language packs????
  11. Mr.Guvernment

    What is the best messenger program ??

    ^^^ true dat, to my knowledge yes, but it was basically in the overall programming of the app, it was poorly done. i am still trying to find the oroginal info i had on the app, and why it was so unsecurem as opposed to just open ports.
  12. Mr.Guvernment

    battle of the computers

    Quote: Brian, are you talking about that kid who asked: "Why's my system so dope?"?, he was a fag-lamer extraorinaire (spelling?)! i think everyone was reasdy to go postal on him!!!!, and hope some did but anyways just check ma sig! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
  13. Mr.Guvernment

    Post yer Sig.

    nothing to exciting in mine, made the size 2 so it wasn't so huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think more people need to go left too right and not up and down on their sigs takes up less space. i got 4 systems spc'd out there!
  14. Hey all living down in Antigua, computer prices here are a joke!! Get this 128mb, pc-100 is $269 US!!! yeah, crazy! anyways, i am in need of a place which delivers internationally, and also accepts international credit cards. Any one know of any well ones, with a good rep? thnx in advance.
  15. Mr.Guvernment

    DirectX 9

    Well, it is only a beta, and this is why, it is not fully working, and games are , or sorry, direct X is not yet optimized for use with games as of yet to it's highest level that is one of the con's of using Beta drivers
  16. Mr.Guvernment

    PowerDVD & .mp2 files

    does your vid card support hard ware acceleration? perhaps it may not, on my ati all in wonder 128 rage card, it would have that turn on, and it slowed down play back to a choopy level.
  17. Mr.Guvernment

    What is the best messenger program ??

    ^^^^ yes very true but overall, i have not heard very good "security" reviews for this app. (am, trying to locate some now) basically if you have this installed, although u have your firewall and such in, because of the ports this program requires to run, you are leaving your computer very open to attacks.
  18. Mr.Guvernment

    Possible Fix for Final Fantasy VII PC + Windows XP

    i love people who can take the time to do this he should send this to the developers of the game!
  19. Mr.Guvernment

    Anybody give SOF 2 a spin yet?

    suxs really erally suxs!~ totally over hyped. Medal of honur does far better WWII attempt, if that is what sof II was going for, as some one else had mentioned. i was VERY VERY disappointed, i uninstalled it almost as fast as i had installed it.
  20. Mr.Guvernment

    What is the best messenger program ??

    Quote: I like Trillian... it does them all (AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, IRC) i hope you are all using a firewall, and anti Virus. From what i have heard, as well from a freind who decompiled the program, it is not very secure AT all,a "hacker" possible dream. Unless they have fixed all that in newer releases. for one, think of all the ports it needs to run each app..? i'll stick with ICQ and MSN, thas it for me. Just found somewhere: if you use the multi chat program trilian so hurry up get it out of youre computer it´s easy 2 get yore passwords exstracted frim the ini. TRILLIAN PASSWORD DECRYPTION CODE ** USER NAME DOES NOT EFFECT THE PASSWORD COMPILE PROCESS ** Compiled By F_O_S_K 12/02/2002 "Trillian / User / Global / Profiles.ini" The encrypted password will look something like this: B049E7A25CE3 Simplified: B0 49 E7 A2 5C E3 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 = C o f f e e = Coffee The unencrypted password for *users* account. And here is all you need to know below. ENJ*Y Lower Case Upper Case l | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 L | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- a | 92 47 E0 A5 58 E7 BA F3 10 C2 A | B2 67 C0 85 78 C7 9A D3 30 E2 b | 91 44 E3 A6 5B E4 B9 F0 13 C1 B | B1 64 C3 86 7B C4 99 D0 33 E1 c | 90 45 E2 A7 5A E5 B8 F1 12 C0 C | B0 65 C2 87 7A C5 98 D1 32 E0 d | 97 42 E5 A0 5D E2 BF F6 15 C7 D | B7 62 C5 80 7D C2 9F D6 35 E7 e | 96 43 E4 A1 5C E3 BE F7 14 C6 E | B6 63 C4 81 7C C3 9E D7 34 E6 f | 95 40 E7 A2 5F E0 BD F4 17 C5 F | B5 60 C7 82 7F C0 9D D4 37 E5 g | 94 41 E6 A3 5E E1 BC F5 16 C4 G | B4 61 C6 83 7E C1 9C D5 36 E4 h | 9B 4E E9 AC 51 EE B3 FA 19 CB H | BB 6E C9 8C 71 CE 93 DA 39 EB i | 9A 4F E8 AD 50 EF B2 FB 18 CA I | BA 6F C8 8D 70 CF 92 DB 38 EA j | 99 4C EB AE 53 EC B1 F8 1B C9 J | B9 6C CB 8E 73 CC 91 D8 3B E9 k | 98 4D EA AF 52 ED B0 F9 1A C8 K | B8 6D CA 8F 72 CD 90 D9 3A E8 l | 9F 4A ED A8 55 EA B7 FE 1D CF L | BF 6A CD 88 75 CA 97 DE 3D EF m | 9E 4B EC A9 54 EB B6 FF 1C CE M | BE 6B CC 89 74 CB 96 DF 3C EE n | 9D 48 EF AA 57 E8 B5 FC 1F CD N | BD 68 CF 8A 77 C8 95 DC 3F ED o | 9C 49 EE AB 56 E9 B4 FD 1E CC O | BC 69 CE 8B 76 C9 94 DD 3E EC p | 83 56 F1 B4 49 F6 AB E2 01 D3 P | A3 76 D1 94 69 D6 8B C2 21 F3 q | 82 57 F0 B5 48 F7 AA E3 00 D2 Q | A2 77 D0 95 68 D7 8A C3 20 F2 r | 81 54 F3 B6 4B F4 A9 E0 03 D1 R | A1 74 D3 96 6B D4 89 C0 23 F1 s | 80 55 F2 B7 4A F5 A8 E1 02 D0 S | A0 75 D2 97 6A D5 88 C1 22 F0 t | 87 52 F5 B0 4D F2 AF E6 05 D7 T | A7 72 D5 90 6D D2 8F C6 25 F7 u | 86 53 F4 B1 4C F3 AE E7 04 D6 U | A6 73 D4 91 6C D3 8E C7 24 F6 v | 85 50 F7 B2 4F F0 AD E4 07 D5 V | A5 70 D7 92 6F D0 8D C4 27 F5 w | 84 51 F6 B3 4E F1 AC E5 06 D4 W | A4 71 D6 93 6E D1 8C C5 26 F4 x | 8B 5E F9 BC 41 FE A3 EA 09 DB X | AB 7E D9 9C 61 DE 83 CA 29 FB y | 8A 5F F8 BD 40 FF A2 EB 08 DA Y | AA 7F D8 9D 60 DF 82 CB 28 FA z | 89 5C FB BE 43 FC A1 E8 0B D9 Z | A9 7C DB 9E 63 DC 81 C8 2B F9 Numbers @ | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 --------------------------------- 0 | C3 16 B1 F4 09 B6 EB A2 41 93 1 | C2 17 B0 F5 08 B7 EA A3 40 92 2 | C1 14 B3 F6 0B B4 E9 A0 43 91 3 | C0 15 B2 F7 0A B5 E8 A1 42 90 4 | C7 12 B5 F0 0D B2 EF A6 45 97 5 | C6 13 B4 F1 0C B3 EE A7 44 96 6 | C5 10 B7 F2 0F B0 ED A4 47 95 7 | C4 11 B6 F3 0E B1 EC A5 46 94 8 | CB 1E B9 FC 01 BE E3 AA 49 9B 9 | CA 1F B8 FD 00 BF E2 AB 48 9A Underscore _ | AC 79 DE 9B 66 D9 84 CD 2E FC [/list:u]
  21. Mr.Guvernment

    CD ripping program ?? ...any recommendations??

    U got a creative sound blaster card? Use Play Center. , ahs everything u need!
  22. Hello, We use a compuetr and only access it via Remote access. 16-bit color is as low as i can go with 800 x 600, however on 2k i could go down to 256, which is what we need as this runs slow now, even over a 100m network. does anyone know how i could go lower the 16-bit color on XP? the vid card is NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro - 32mb card. thnx in advance.
  23. Mr.Guvernment

    Need less then 16-bit color on XP with aTNT2

    god i feel dense! completly forgot about that! thnx m8
  24. Mr.Guvernment

    Suggest a video card!

    Quote: Trident TGUI9400CXi, 1MB expandable (2 chips), VLB (pulls) http://home.att.net/~videomonitors/adapters.html Woot! Seriously, That is WAAAAAAAAYYY too much to be paying for a GF4 MX 440. Heck, I bought my parent's GF4 MX 420 at best Buy for . Just check out www.pricewatch.com and thr absolute highest price for the GF4 MX series is 0 from where? PNY! LOL! If ya check out www.newegg.com you can get a GF4MX for about . So yeah if your going to get a GF4 MX 440 don't buy it for that much. Heck, for that price ye can get ya a GF4 Ti4200 which is far superior to that MX. Check the bottom of this page: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduct.asp?Submit=TOPSELLER&DEPA=1 Excellent website. I don't really shop for cheap cards, I usually get the Ultra/Ti4600 brand cards so you might want to ask around about how overclockable the 4200's are. Some can reach 4600 levels. Don't buy a GF4 MX, they are not based on the g4 chip, but on the G3 chip, with some added support. it is not what it seems., a scam if you ask me.
  25. Mr.Guvernment

    Suggest a video card!

    WAIT! now is NOT the time to buy a card, i just bought a G4 4600 Ultra, and well, wish i didn't. Both ATI and NVIDIA supposedly, are making new chips this august, as well u got Creative making there new card, and Matrox which will be coming out with theirs soon. I say wait till Sep, even november if you can to buy a new card, just to see what is coming out.