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Everything posted by Mr.Guvernment

  1. Mr.Guvernment

    More Fragmented Files with each Defrag

    and these a "red" files showing? or blue? often my defrags leave blocks what seem off in the middle of the HD.
  2. Mr.Guvernment

    Help with setting up my own server

    for the url you would put ftp://user:pass@ipaddress:port/filename and make that the url and ti will connect and off u go!! as fgor an HTTP server MAKE sure you ISP allows you to run one!
  3. Mr.Guvernment

    scanning over a network

    u have to map the drives - mapnetwork drivers" but that means sharing all the drives on your netowkr - be siure to use permissions and turn off simple file sharing under folder options if other use your netowrk,
  4. Why would this be a glitch? (did not read all responses yet) you are deleting all the images and other files for the HTML file - they are associated - i think it is supposed to do this on purpose? if u look at ANY web dir usually the extra files / downloads / images are in spearate folders so when you delete the folder, or the html it deletes the other.
  5. Mr.Guvernment

    is it poss to download all win updates to CD?

    or u could set up a SUS server your own windows update server - i did that here - downloads all updates for what ever o/s u want
  6. Mr.Guvernment

    Bandwidth limiting.......

    QoS limits network and i could not get it to go below 1mb or %1 since i can not put in decimal points. so 1mb is faster then my connetion..lol also i use a router / firewall - netgear - i was hoping on some software that i could limit each computer on our network but not locally speed on the lan guess i need to buy a cisco router
  7. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows xp 64bit vs 32bit

    ^^^^ makes sense - start to do away with an old coding out with the old in with the new.
  8. Mr.Guvernment

    Anyone have an FTP they can setup to host a file for test?

    okay m8 - links are: no mirror site yet but will let you know - this site should be up 24/7! if you want to make a quick HTML page with some info i can put that up as well... hope this is okay for you - like to help out since you give such long detailed response kind of a least i can do to help you out in return.
  9. Mr.Guvernment

    Motherboard Monitor 5 Help

    ujnfortuantly - the sensors that MBM% likely uses are not on your compaq. companies like that tend to do things their own way. what processor are you using?? if a P4 - maybe look into a thermale take spark 7 - these come with a decent thermal sensor - i own one myself and it report the temps failry close. if u need more info maybe visit www.overclockers.com under cooling - lots of info
  10. Mr.Guvernment

    Anyone have an FTP they can setup to host a file for test?

    hey m8 - send it my way i can put it up on a 4mb line with no restrictions or worries and also have it on a mirror site. as well if needed wherte can i grab it or can u email it to me? this will be an http server so no passwords needed for anyone free for all!
  11. Mr.Guvernment

    connecting to home net from outside

    make sure your ISP allows HTTP servers to be run! many ISP's will shut you down if you run an HTTP / FTp server. unless you are on a buisness plan.
  12. just be sure all hardware you have and software it supported under 2003 first!
  13. Mr.Guvernment

    Need to make a Proxy Server

    ^^^ i was thinking that. basically our server only allow access from our main office IP address. i was just going to remote into my system here , and then remote again into our server. but the issue is that we use netop remote control - and it does not allow you to remote connect to one system - then use the program from that same machine. so i would have to remote to my system - vns to another system - then remote from that system to our main server. i will only be ona 256kb / 128kb cable connection so all that remoting will be slow as heck! i figure just be easier to connect via proxy and go through our ip and out instead of having to remote via 2 other computers.
  14. Mr.Guvernment

    Need to make a Proxy Server

    kew yeah forgot to answer those ones. It will only be me who needs access logging is not need no groups or anythng fancy. basically i need to be able to connect to our companys main servers while i am @ my g/f so i can spend x-mas with her and not have to run home every time something goes wrong. shall check out the links!
  15. Mr.Guvernment

    Win2K and large HDD

    with a hard drive that big u are better off wityh NTFS anyways - better reliability then FAT32 anyways - there is really no reason to use FAT32 any more if your using Xp/2k
  16. Mr.Guvernment

    Win2K and large HDD

    Some pCI card only see 120g i have a 200g and a 250WD on a old p4 1.4 - u can do paritions - i had to do that with one of my drive a 15g in an old 133 system.
  17. Mr.Guvernment

    Sharing broadband on multiple NT/2k/XP PCs

    TRUST ME! use arouter - they are cheap and easy to set up - not to mention NAT / Firewall if u use file sending on msn, icq - run game servers, you need NAT. OH not to mention that computer using ICS has to be up all the time - with a router it doesnt.
  18. Mr.Guvernment

    FTPing to my LAN server???

    if u want easy - bulletproof FTP - formely G6 ftp.
  19. If you went to a forum - and were allowed to flame all you wanted - what would it be about? Flame meaning for those that dont know - complain / b***h etc about a topic / person / thing at your free will using language as you choose. (usual those thread or opst that are deleted by mods ) let me know please! (hope u dont mind this topic philip - may be of some use to u in the near future)
  20. Mr.Guvernment

    If you could Flame about something - what would it be?

    ^^^ very true well, i have not done any work on the forum yet but i have regsitered a domain so guess i got to get started on my master plan!!! MUAHAHAHA
  21. Mr.Guvernment

    Issue with Asus Probe and Limited User Accounts

    that part i am not sure of. do you have in your control panel / add/remove program - and area there to set access permissions for programs? i know it is in XPO and 2k3 once u get some windows update and i think they also put it into 2000.
  22. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows NT/2000/XP Does it work OK with your PC

    guess we will have to see how long horn does. i use server 2003 myself when possible - it just kick's XP in the butt but on a serious note - 2k always BSOD'd for me when something went wrong - or it would hang for ages - or my system woudl just reboot. it was not the hardware as when it started i went nuts finding the problems. - and in the end it was 2k it's self - i always used 2k drivers and comaptible hardware and everything i had ran fine on XP and never crashed like it did on 2k
  23. Mr.Guvernment

    connecting to home net from outside

    if u have multiple computers and u try the FTP route - u have to share all dir and folders you want to access then map them to the system with the ftp server and such. u could do a VPN set up this would let you connect as if you were on the network it's self. realvnc is not overly secure form what i have heard (people with basic c++ knowledge have been able to comprimise it and get access) use a program like NetOp remote control or pcanywhere - they tend to be a little more secure if u configure it right.
  24. Mr.Guvernment

    Screen Capture Problems

    PowerDVD has a screen capture function as well.
  25. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows xp 64bit vs 32bit

    the Opteron and FX51's / FX' s - are indentical chips as far as i can see - excetp the socket. PS - do not buy a FX chip - since AMD has plan to change the socket in the comming months. they are doing what intel did with the P4 - alot of people bought 423 and then they change to 478. So if u can wait! and dont buy - heck, or even recommend an FX at this time - they are going to turn the FX into the budget chip i recall.