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Everything posted by Vampyr

  1. Vampyr

    Linux 4 Dreamcast

    Cause... just think of it.. the ability to watch DiVX movies on your television, mp3 support, bragging rights
  2. Vampyr

    Ports Database.

    What sort of router are you using? Have you tried using a port scanning program..also, try ports 6666 through to 6669
  3. Vampyr

    Will XP run on this okay?

    You can run MacOS on a pc through an emulator. email me or icq me at 19901838 and i can give you more details. And regarding linux...install redhat 7. its alot better than mandrake and it has rockin NVidia support
  4. Vampyr

    Will XP run on this okay?

    That'll run XP nice and fine. Regarding your version of linux, what are you using? All you may need to do is upgrade to the new kernel and install some new library packages for PCI sound support (unless your using icky corel linux then yer screwed)
  5. Vampyr

    I think WindowsXP looks lame

    XP runs rather well under a fat32 filesystem
  6. Vampyr

    Internet connection sharing

    I could make you a routing program that runs on a floppy... super secure (linux distribution doesn't contain telnet, ftp, or ssh).
  7. Vampyr

    Still weary on 2454 Activation

    I've properly installed the cracks for 2454. The activation page says i have a million days to test it before it expires. One question though, every day i still get warnings saying i have less than 14 days to activate the product??? has anyone jumped their clock up to see if it actually does expire?
  8. Vampyr

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    Helicopter? Helicopter?? Helicopter!!! Can I come too?
  9. Vampyr

    Interesting Install Tid Bit

    question...how can a person call dial-up fast???
  10. Vampyr


    It my be based on a realtek 8019 or 8029 series driver. Try a bunch of drivers from the 80xx series.
  11. Vampyr


    What type of nic do you have? When you look at the card what type of chipset is it?
  12. Vampyr

    Win2K Device probs, pls help

    Make sure there isn't a PCI card in the PCI slot adjacent to the AGP slot. Next disable all that shitty Power Management stuff in the bios, next make sure Assign IRQ 2 VGA is enabled in bios and lastly turn Plug and play OS to off
  13. Vampyr

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    At least this forum isn't as bad as the one in BetaXtreme. Nothing but pure crap in there
  14. Firewire is expensive. Also, firewire hasn't become a standard in the PC industry (very few motherboards available with onboard firewire). Firewire is an awesome technology, its faster than USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 and some have even rumored that firewire hard drives outperform scsi hard drives. Hopefully firewire becomes more popular in the future.
  15. Vampyr

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    The only problems i had with WinME were when it was first released, and that was due to driver related problems. After ME compatible drivers came out I had no problems with WinME. Recently I have ditched winME for the XP beta, not because winME sux but because XP appeals to me more.
  16. Vampyr

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I've have noticed pimpin's useless posts too.. nice comments like "guess so". I agree that not all of my posts are all that great either but at least they have some substance to them.
  17. Vampyr

    VCACHE(01) Error

    Sounds like bad ram. Try installing Windows 2000, if the install is unsuccessful then its bad ram. I had the exact same problem, i replaced one 128mb stick and everything worked fine after that.
  18. Vampyr

    Rip-off of a Mac OS

    The Mac OS is very versatile, you just have to know how to use it. (keyboard commands, etc) and for the one button mouse thing, the MS Intellimouse Explorer IS mac compatible and yes, you get support for all 5 buttons. I'm not gonna brag up the mac as being the ALL POWER COMPUTER. But there are some things that the mac can do better than the PC, just like there are things the PC can do better than the mac. Right now the Mac is leading in the graphic creation and music recording industry.
  19. Vampyr

    Windows Whistler to be Windows XP.

    Could XP stand for "Exterminate Penguin"????
  20. Vampyr

    New Purely Gaming OS - READ!!!!!

    One thing to consider is that consoles have a limited resolution... i could probably get a million gagillion frames per second too if i ran at 640x480, but i don't because it looks like shiat. A gaming OS just isn't viable, the cost is too great and the amount of hardware and configurations is just too great.
  21. Vampyr

    Upgrading W2K to XP2446

    I've successfully upgraded to 2446 and 2454 from Win2K and XP b.2419
  22. Vampyr

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    JD, Your the one turning this board into a flame forum. DOn't try to defend yourself, i've seen your posts on other forums "Darkseige"
  23. Vampyr

    Windows Media Player 8

    Ok, I just installed build 2446 and my windows media player 8 is all screwed up. Whenever I try to play any sort of media with it I get a BSOD. My question is, is there anyway to reinstall WMP8 without have to reinstall Whistler?