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Posts posted by BDW_OX

  1. I am using a ATI Radeon 64mb card with VIVO and when I go to watch a dvd on my TV with the composite out (yellow wire) I get the macrovision signal p***ed thought the card and on to my TV. This is no fun, and I would really not like to have to buy a stand alone decoder card. Is there a DVD playback software that can disable the macrovision signal, or some registry tweak that will make the ATI card kill that signal on the Video out feed.

  2. I am using a tekram DC-390U3W scsi controler with a plextor 40x scsi cdrom, a plextor 12x scsi CDRW, and a Toshiba 5x scsi

    DVD, and a Quantum Atlas V 13.6g drive on it. Everything was fine until i decided to unistal adaptec ezcd creator 4 from my system. Afterwards Win2k did something funny with the ASPI or its interface with the scsi controler. Because all three of my CDrom drives are inaccesable through Win2k as drives. They can still be detected by software like PlexTools, CDR-Win, disc-juggler; but not by Nero or my reinstall of Adaptec EZ-CD 4. I don't want to have to reformat but i cannot get the drives to detect no matter what i do. If anybody knows how to fix this beyond a reformat it would be most helpful.

  3. The A7V works the best with the 1002 bios it ships with. Everything else so far "screws the pooch." Asus has dropped the ball big time on the BIOSes for this board. I installed 1004a and my computer blue screen giving me a new error on every reboot. The best advice is just wait the extra seconds on boot for the ATA100 controller to cycle and not try to upgrade to disable that function.

  4. My computer runnign Win2k has a sblive with the live drive II. Everything on it works great, but the port labeled line in 2/mic in 2. I have tried pluging different things into it, but none of them come through to record with. the regular mic 1 on the back of the card works fine but i hate having to reach back to plug stuff in just to make calls with dialpad. Does anyone know if this is an issue with my live drive (ie physical defect) or just a win2k driver issue.
