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Posts posted by celeron550

  1. ok.noone can seem to answer this question with any degree of certainty over at 2cpu.com...hopefully someone here can.my question is this:does the iwill dbd100 dual motherboard have a 1/4 pci at 133 mhz? anyone know?thanks all...the answers i get here will determine if i buy this board at all...thanks in advance smile

  2. hi all.first off,just a thanks to the folks on this forum who have made my transition from win98 to win2k as painless as possible,saved me a few sleepless nights and saved some hair on my head smile

    now,my latest prob is with the bootup time of my system from power on to the desktop,which sometimes takes in excess of 3 mins...when i first installed win2k it was blazing fast.now,i dont really have that much stuff installed(compared to 98),as i usually use 2k for my net and frontpage2k and burning cds.its just annoying its taking so long to get to the desktop after initially being so quick.it gets to the logon screen quick,when i enter the password it then sits on a blue screen for a couple of minutes until the desktop(i have active desktop enabled,so i can use the backgrounds that come with win2k) and my installed proggies load...


    any ideas guys????


    also,is there any desktop themes type programs for 2k?( does microsoft have one for it?)


    thanks in advace smile

  3. thanks again..it works a treat!!!!! yeah,tiberian sun goes great in win2k..it was just that i got 2 cd/cdr and my cdr is master..apparently cc requires the first cdrom(drive letter) to recognise the disk..no worries now smile....


    now if only i could fix my refresh rates and stop having to adjust my monitor and im in heaven.........

    by the way,whats the max res cc ts can go? i can only get 800x600 with a gforce,is that right?

  4. k.here is the problem..in win98 i could change the drive letters of my cdroms(g to h etc),i sometimes had to do this for certain games,like tiberian sun,which requires the cd to be in the first cdrom(first drive letter)..in win98 i changed these settings in the device manager,however the option doesnt appear to be there in win2k(or is it?)..i know i could change the master/slave jumpers on the cdroms(which i will probably have to do),but is there away to change it in win2k???any help most appreciated....

  5. being a 'newbie' with win2k,i too at first,was skeptical towards it,and had a few teething problems(which were quickly remedied by members of this forum smile )...my biggest moan with win2k is its size, i mean a gig basic install really lives up to the term 'bloatware'...but i have grown to love the stability of win2k.geez,with win98 and constant bsod's and reinstalling continously really became a drag,no such problemo's with win2k,hell,the worst error ive got so far was win2k telling me to go run a certain game(sega rally 2) on win 9x!!!..i too like to play games occassionally so thats why i dual boot,which is a better solution than ragging on win 2k,but ive found i spend more and more time with win2k than 98 because of its stability,faster net performance etc etc...besides,20+gig hdd's are so common,dual booting is barely a concern...

    as for games,well,i have to disagree with you on speed..quake 3 runs just as fast on my win2k as 98,if not fractionally faster,as someone previously said,if u can set it up properly win 2k,games wise,performs admirally...


    just my .02cents...

  6. hi all.i just upgraded to win2k and all is well except i cant get my 2 creative 8 megs sli going...ive tried 3dfx beta drivers and the ones from this website and read the 3dfx faq,but to no avail...my cards are detected in device manager and have no error by them,but when i click on their properties it says they working,but if i click on the resource tab,it says that they arnt using any resources cause they have a problem..can anybody who has got their voddoo2 cards going in win2k please give me a step by step guide as to how they did it...thanks all...

  7. hi all.i just upgraded to win2k and all is well except i cant get my 2 creative 8 megs sli going...ive tried 3dfx beta drivers and the ones from this website and read the 3dfx faq,but to no avail...my cards are detected in device manager and have no error by them,but when i click on their properties it says they working,but if i click on the resource tab,it says that they arnt using any resources cause they have a problem..can anybody who has got their voddoo2 cards going in win2k please give me a step by step guide as to how they did it...thanks all...
