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Everything posted by ShoeHornOPlenty

  1. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Anyone Know When WinXP RC1 Will Be Sent Out??

    I figured it would probably be sometime in June before it would come out. I didnt think it would make much sense for it to be out at the end of this month when they just release build 2469. Oh well, stuck using build 2465 until next month, or until a suitable crack is available for 2469
  2. I have Whistler 2463 and Gamespy Arcade 1.07c, whenever I try to launch a game in Gamespy Arcade, it just sits there looking stupid at me and wont launch the game. I have to close down the program (Gamespy Arcade). Anybody know how to get this to work properly?
  3. Well, thanks to a lot of help from Miku and the Whistler ACT, I got NBA Live 2K1 working, the game will run and I can do everything in it, there is one slight problem though. That being, it is very slow. It feels like Im chugging at only a couple frames a second at best, and thats in the menus, you dont wanna know how slow Im moving in the game, feels like less than 1 fps. I have a GEforce 2 MX with 7.58 drivers, I have tried several different sets of drivers and no different results as well as 4 different cracked .exes, reinstalls, and the original exe with the same result. I have also tried running under all the different layers with no noticible difference. This shouldnt be an issue for me since I have a P3 667 and all up todate drivers for all hardware. No other game presents this issue for me, except this one Anybody have any ideas as to why this is happening with this one game?
  4. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Got NBA Live Working, But Its Incredably Sluggish

    Tried the demo today with the exact same results as the full game, it runs but just very sluggishly, next to impossible to play in its state
  5. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    Grabbed the one off of Freedrive and it isnt working either, wont extract the files properly with WinRAR, any chance you could send me the one you have that does work by email or something?
  6. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    Whenever I try to extract the files in the whistler ACT I get 2 errors that say cannot open apppatch\acgenral.dll and cannot create apppatch\acgenral.dll, all I get are the install, uninstall and readme files extracted so I dont get runcompat how do I get these files extracted, I use WinRAR Then if I run the install batch file it doesnt do anything really because it cannot find a bunch of the files [This message has been edited by ShoeHornOPlenty (edited 16 April 2001).]
  7. ShoeHornOPlenty

    EA Game Problems? Post Here!!

    I know Im not the only one judging by all the different threads in this forum who have had big time problems getting certain games by EA working on Windows 2000. I decided to start this thread for everyone so we can have all our EA game related problems posted in one nice easy to find location so everyone doesnt have to go digging through all the threads to find them Personally, I cant get Superbike 2001 and NBA Live 2001 working for the life of me. Tried the ACT and all kinds of compatibility modes and cant them working for the life of me, hopefully one day soon there will be solutions to this and other EA game problems
  8. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    After doing everything, I go and run it using the appcomp tool with Windows 98 checked off, and I get an error returned to me that is a microsoft visual C++ runtime error, msvcrt.dll is not compatible with win32s and then that the application failed to initialize properly
  9. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    Well miku, youre either lying or are an incredably lucky man cause I have tried several fixed .exe's for superbike and have tried all the compabatibility modes and the game (superbike 2001) still crashes me back to the desktop.
  10. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    So Using any cracked .exe should work, ok, ill give it a shot and see what happens
  11. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Are we in trouble? All your base are belong to us?

    What You Say?!?!
  12. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    Did you use Qfix? If so, what things did you place checkmarks next to in order to get the games to run?
  13. ShoeHornOPlenty

    EA Game Problems? Post Here!!

    Gotta wonder what the boneheads at EA are going to do when Windows XP comes out in the fall....
  14. ShoeHornOPlenty

    HELP!!! Q3 Locks up everytime I try to start it?

    Do everything Brian said plus make sure that you have the latest patch for Quake 3 installed (1.27)
  15. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Half-Life Crashes!!!!!

    Check the Windows Update site (its in the start menu) and go and apply any updates shown (Sp1 if you dont have it as well as all compatibility updates, etc.) Also make absolutely sure you have the most up to date drivers and try playing half-life in different video modes (D3D GL, and software and see if it runs in any of those)
  16. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    Personally The first few EA games I tried with Win2K worked perfectly (NHL 2001, FIFA 2001, The Sims, The Sims Livin Large) however I have had no success with NBA Live 2001 or Superbike 2001. What I find odd is how the NBA Live 2001 demo worked fine for me but the full game doesnt
  17. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Half-Life crash problem!!!

    Do you have the latest patch installed? Also please provide some system specs
  18. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    Anybody have any luck yet with NBA Live 2001 or Superbike 2001? Hmmmmm, notice how it is mostly EA games that dont work on Win2K, lol
  19. ShoeHornOPlenty

    IE 6 Beta Available for download

    Ive been getting that msg too, not sure what the heck it means
  20. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Win 2K Mouse Pointers and Fonts in Win Me?

    I was just curious if there was anyway to get some of the Win 2K visual features such as the fade effect for menus, shadow for mouse pointers, and the font style Win2K uses (Hampton 8 pt. I believe it is) in Windows Me? Anyplace I can go to download this kind of stuff or is it possible to take those things off of the Win2K disk or anything like that?
  21. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Windows Me Dos Patch

    After some looking around I found some info concerning a real time dos patch for Windows Me that exists. It allows your computer to reboot into DOS or something like that. Has anybody heard about this patch, and better yet, know where I can get it?
  22. ShoeHornOPlenty

    IE 6 When?

    Hey after seeing on the main page info about IE 6 beta being released soon, I was just curious as to when Microshaft will be releasing this bad boy?
  23. I just recently installed Windows Me and all my drivers seem to work beautifully, except any drivers I install for my Maxi Sound Fortissimo sound card. Towards the end of the driver installation I get the blue screen of death and one time even got a black screen stating something about how it was trying to overwrite a system file. I tried using the drivers on their website that say theyre for Windows Me/2000 and the Windows 95/98 drivers, and get the same problem each time. Anyone know where I can get working drivers for my card other then from the Guillemot website or know of anykind of a workaround for this problem, it would be much appreciated
  24. ShoeHornOPlenty

    Will More RAM Improve Game Performance?

    I know that sounds like a silly question cause of course more RAM the better, but does more RAM mean a better frane rate? I was playing the NHL 2001 demo and had the graphics swttings cranked up to the highest but I was experiencing major slow down so I had to move them back down some. MY computer has a Hercules GeForce 2 MX, 128 MB SDRAM, and a Celeron 500 running on Win2K. Will uping my RAM by another 64MB improve my frame rate performance when I have my graphics settings maxed out on NHL 2001, or is it something else I need to have upgraded? Thanks in advance for any help