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Everything posted by bottleneck

  1. bottleneck

    boot is getting slower

    Quote: There is a way to convert FAT32 to NTFS in Win2k... yes,but you will end up with 1024kbytes(I think) alocation unit size wich is slower the command is convert c: /fs:ntfs and ofcourse its irreversable sorry for my lousy spelling [edit]too late[/edit]
  2. bottleneck

    quake 3 wont install

    try installing it manualy-copying the files from the cd to the desired dir,there is info in the readme file
  3. bottleneck

    Window Blinds XP

    http://files.rb-338.com/winxp/wbxp_beta2.exe dont know if it works since I run win2000
  4. bottleneck

    Post your desktops here

    I tweaked my desktop a bit,and here is the new one
  5. bottleneck

    . faulty sblive? limiting my fps to 115

    Daedalus I just read ur 1st post and ur fps are probably being kept down by the cpu,try testing with your friends cpu in ur system and you should be getting his scores for low res and ur scores for hi res anyway the problem isn't with a faulty sb live its just the cpu is being used to also process the sound,preaty much what whoisurdaddy said. And it's not the IRQ sharing,if that was ify yuo would've had greater problems I wish I had youre problems-the fps being limited to 115
  6. bottleneck

    . faulty sblive? limiting my fps to 115

    I dont have serious sam installed at the moment,but I think it was something like you type dem_iprofile=1(I could be wrong about the command but I'm almost sure it started with dem so just type dem and start pressing the TAB key untill something hits your eye) then you play a demo,when its finished in the console will be info about the average fps,the peaks and other stuff
  7. bottleneck

    ntfs to fat32

    partition magic 6 should do it(without loosing your stuff),but didnt work out for me-maby coz it was a compressed partition,who knows
  8. bottleneck

    Annoying feature in IE6 build 2469

    tools/internet options/advanced I think you should uncheck all the "smart tags" things
  9. bottleneck

    Windows2k and External Modems

    Do a search ,somebody ansewed that question for me a while back,but I dont mind going to comp.management/dev.mngr any more
  10. bottleneck

    Updating the bios

    If you have an asus board you dont need to go into dos to flash your bios,they've got a "flasher" that runs in win(works too),I heard about some other mobo manufacturer that had an app like this....
  11. bottleneck

    dvd rom help

    Something like that happened to me with my Cdrom,it turned out to be the IDE cabel which wasnt plugged in well BTW what happened to the spell checker thing
  12. bottleneck

    Problems after SP2

    The outlook express thing happened to me too after sp2,and so did something rather strange,have a look: OK so its not a very big deal,but I dont like things like that,so I did a clean install.BTW that happened on number of occasions after only 5-6 hrs from booting and doing nothing really stressful And Mike I think I uninstalled IE 6.0(2465)successfully after trying it a while back,but not sure-did a lot of installs lately..
  13. bottleneck

    Post your desktops here

    Brian it appears its not so groovy after all,you have to upload the image to a website! you can use some free services like tripod or geocities or the one I use brinkster -its free and there are no ads
  14. bottleneck

    Sp2 and Refresh rate, is it fixed??????

    No it hasnt! Maby you know this,but to fix the refresh rate in d3d games run dxdiag.exe go to "more help" then "override",click the "override value" radio button and type the max refresh rate your monitor can handle at the resolution you play ur games
  15. bottleneck

    Ie 5.5

    this is from the ms knowledge base: Quote: To perform a download-only installation from the Internet: On the following Internet Explorer download page, click the appropriate language version to download the Ie5setup.exe file: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/download/ie55sp1.htm Click Save to Disk, and then save the file in a folder on your computer. Click Start, and then click Run. Click Browse, browse to the folder in which you saved the Ie5setup.exe file, click the file, and then click Open. In the Open box, click at the end of the command, and then type: /c:"ie5wzd.exe /d /s:""#E""" For example, if you saved the Ie5setup.exe file in the C:\Windows Update Setup Files folder, the command looks like: "C:\Windows Update Setup Files\ie5setup.exe" /c:"ie5wzd.exe /d /s:""#E" Press ENTER. Choose the appropriate items for the operating system. NOTE: To download Internet Explorer to a network drive, you must map the network drive to a drive letter on your computer. You cannot download Internet Explorer to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.
  16. bottleneck

    When is win2000 sp2 available?

    it should be on M$'s site,try: http://download.microsoft.com/download/win2000platform/sp/sp2/nt5/en-us/w2ksp2.exe I started downloading from somewhere else so....
  17. bottleneck

    Post your desktops here

    Yes its winamp3 alpha. anyway you can get the skin here
  18. bottleneck

    Post your desktops here

    nothing special here [edit]removed the pic[/edit]
  19. bottleneck

    Expandable Quick Launch Toolbar

    go to betanews and search for true quick launch or something like that,I've never tried that thing,but saw it couple of times there
  20. bottleneck

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    this comes a bit late,but here it is anyway:clutch thats not really a joke,its a song(lyrics from a song that is) band: laika Album: Good Looking Blues song: badtimes
  21. bottleneck

    Best action game?

    I would've said deus ex for many things-mainly coz of the enormous freedom you had,but since its not on ur list I'll go for half life
  22. bottleneck

    98 drivers still faster than 2k ones?

    There is something like that on anandtech,but its old-like 2 months ago
  23. bando2000 did you download the sp1network.exe and run it or updated directly from the M$ site? You should try to download it and update bu running it if you haven't done so!The reason I say this is because I had problems the first time I installed sp1 through their site,so I downloaded the sp1network.exe(it took like forever on my 56k)did a clean install,updated to sp1 and everything was fine!
  24. bottleneck

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    Well this is off topic,but wasn't half life driven by the QII engine? not that it realy matters
  25. bottleneck

    Wheel of Time and SafeDisc

    Try http://www.gamecopyworld.com It may help if copy protection is ur problem.