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Posts posted by brainsoft

  1. My dad as always told me the same, and he did it in XP as well. I've never really understood that however. I don't understand why you would need MORE swap as you got more ram, I would think you would require less.

    However, if you look at what windows has set your pagefile too, it is usually larger than your ram. I have 384mb of ram, and XP sets my swap file to 578(?) to 768mb. I usually reset it to 384 to windows old lower limit.


    I'm in linux now though and simply gave it a 2gb swap partition and said screw it.

  2. Quote:

    Pretty much... Philip is supplying us with a wonderful service, free of charge. Heck, if he doesn't like the [size:18]font[/color] you use, he could ban you permanently. After all, it is HIS box, HIS money, HIS ISP, HIS software.

    That is exactly right. Unfortunately, if he DID run this forum that way there wouldn't be very many memebers here, atleast not intelligent ones. I for on will not participate in a forum with powerhungry tyrants for administrators, I've already left forums for less. I'm glad to see he doesn't do this.

    This converstation started because SHS locked my thread, and as an admin he has the right to do that. Although he doesn't have to giv me a reason or inform me, I do feel it would be the right thing to do. This is kind of similar to stores that don't give refunds or exchanges. They are not required to do so, but it is nice when they do,a nd usually expected of them, for good business. I don't buy important stuff if I have no way to return it if I don't like it.

    Anyways, unless SHS == Phillip, then I don't see why you are raggin on Phillip here, this never involved him.

    If any of my threads should be lock, it is this one, now, not my other ones.

  3. Thank you DOS Freak, that is the first coherent response I've gotten as to how it is actaully wrong.


    And second, If I don't like something, I speak up. If nothing changes, I live with it, or leave. There is a LOT of unofficial software posted here though. I appreciated the first half of your reply though.

  4. I understand that, but I don't feel that that is any reason to edit and lock my threads. If Voodoofiles was a ***** site I never would have started this thread in the first place; I agree with you in that regard. Microsoft doesn't support WMP8 in Win2k, and doesn't plan to do so, but that is no reason to edit and lock threads about it. Users want it, they should be able to find it, and find it quicker than I did if they so choose.


    Hell, look in your own signature even! Unofficial software and drivers! tsk tsk!

  5. I don't use Nero, but I noticed that when burning with BlindWrite my ram uses has risen by 200mb. I'm only using 123Mb right now, and that's WITH ICQ and Norton antivirus (autoprotect) running. I'm not worried when it rises, just found it very strange.

  6. I know, it WAS in the a pre-release of PowerToys, but going by your logic, it's not supported by MS and it's not downloadable from the MS site, so it's not okay. There are infinately numerous other examples, take nearly ANY support thread on this site for freaks sake. Microsoft wrote WMP8. Someone changed one little thing to allow it to run on Win2k, but for some reason my posts get edited, my threads get locked (even though one is STICKY for some freakin' reason!), and I am never personally informed of any of this. This is one hell of a way to run a forum, believe you me.


    If I were a cartoon, there would be steam shooting from my ears, I am so angry right now.mad

  7. 1) Voodoofiles is NOT a wares site!!!! It is a computer tweak/support site! With that logic, I could just as easily call THIS site a ***** site, because I KNOW half the people didn't and never will pay for XP. That's life though. I found that file with google, just as anyone else could do, no wares connections are required. Try it yourself. Go to voodoofiles and search for "windows media player". Now, what is illegal about that?


    2) There are a lot of things not supported by MS. I don't see you closing threads to about PowerToys though! Or, if you use your arguement that Powertoys can be downloaded from the MS site, even though not supported by them, how about that ISO recording program that utilizes XPs built in burning capabilities? That isn't on the MS site, nor is it supported by them, yet I didn't see THAT thread closed, so what gives?


    3)If you plan on closing someone thread, they should be informed that you are doing so and your reasons for doing so, personally, ie by email. It is a simple curtesy that administrators owe their users, you should know that! If I hadn't been subscribed to the thread here I prolly never would have knows about it, or known that you think I did something wrong.


    4) I used to be a forum administrator myself, I've been in your position, but I justified myself clearly on any occasion I needed to use my administrative/moderative rights. The messages you edited didn't even have an edited tag on the bottom of them to show that you had edited the original content, which in my mind crosses the line between moderation and a few things I've been on both ends of and really don't want to get into right now.

  8. The link is NOT *****. I couldn't understand any of your other messages, the english was too broken.


    If my thread in the Win2k APPz forum is closed, why is it set sticky? I was doing a good thing for many people, I know many people who wanted to use WMP 8, but use Win2k.


    Even if you feel my threads promote "*****", that is no reason to delete the entire thing, simply removing the link would suffice.

  9. I got something, but everything I recover is corrupt and of no use to me. That drive hasn't been formatted forever! I'm finding pieces of files from I don't know how long ago!


    I've given up on getting that stuff back, but can someone recommend a goto free space wiper for me? I want to clear all the slack space.

  10. I have Undelete 2.0 for Win2k from Executive Software, but don't want to risk installing it as the installer says it's not compatible.


    I deleted 10Gb of stuff that was waiting to burn. I'll go into detail about it if you wish, but needless to say I really need those images back!


    Does anyone know a good undeleter program?! I don't think I have copied anything else to the drive since then, a few mb at most, so most of it should be intact. I only use the drive for installing games, and haven't installed any of those.


    Dammit! I just remember I made a 1gb ghost image of my c drive, so i'll be missing nearly 80% atleast. Anyways, I need anything back that I can get.



  11. CloneCD doesn't need a third-party ASPI layer to be installed to function properly and those third party ASPI layers have given me nothing but grief.


    CDex is the only I have that application that needs an aspi layer and won't use the native layer support offered in NT. Even then, I don't go install Adaptec ASPI or LSI Logic or anything like that. The Adaptec ASPI, updated and all, won't make CDex work for me, but putting the one file CDex needs, winaspi32.dll, into system32 makes it work fine.

    To avoid any problems with doing that though, I placed the file directly in the CDex folder. If there are any applications that need that file, I suggest you put them directly in the install folder of the app that needs them. Programs that call dll functions check their home dir first, then proceed to the system folders.


    I you need a good working ASPI layer, I suggest the one that BlindWrite includes in it's install. When you install BlindWrite it also installs a a powerful ASPI layer into it's own directoy, named ntaspi.dll. It has all the expceted aspi calls in it, plus many more features. Renaming ntaspi32.dll to wnaspi32.dll and placing in the dir of whatever program needs it can do wonders, and avoids system problems because nothing else will ever try to use it!


    Like I said, even the Adaptec and LSI LOgic ASPI layers wouldn't work right, but using that one file worked wonders. I'll send it to you if you really need it, but I highly suggest not installing any ASPI layers if you don't need to.

  12. WinRAR all the way! Second WinACE and MAYBE third WinZIP.


    rar format has higher compression, greater stability and awesome efficiency! It can unzip every major format, including ACE, and has an easy to use Interface. Only once in a blue moon do I actually open the application, I do 90% of my exracting directly through right clicking. The only time this isn't true is with files names .001, .002, etc.


    Longlive WinRAR!


    Hardly one uses the ace format, and if you end up with an ACE file the newer versions of WinRAR can extract them. It Can't create them, but who would want to?


    WinZIP boo!

  13. I know there's a log, but it's really shody and a complete pain in the *** to use. I often have longer conversations with people, people who aren't always on at the same time as me. When I get a message from these people, I need to refresh my memory as to wtf we were talking about, so I look in the hostory. If I have to filter though the logs (only useful for IRC IMHO) I tend to go crazy. Triallian treats each time you open a message window to someone as the start of a "session," and similarly the end of one when you close it. There is no native way to make Trillian work exactly like ICQ does, by default it wants to act like AIM and MSN, with chat sessions. I don't like chat sessions though, I want invidual messages that I answer when I choose. I think that that MUST be an option, along with the default way. ICQ has both modes and Trillian needs it too.


    Because I set trillian up like ICQ, where sending a messages closes a window and hitting enter DOESN'T mean send, it means new line, There are a LOT of open and close sessions in my log. For every three lines of log, ONE is actual message content so logs in the currently implemented format are NOT a very viable solution.


    shassouneh, if you want IE that bad install Solaris.

  14. As far as I know Abit has withdrawn support from Canada. I wouldn't bother RMAing it anyways, I couldn't even go a week without a computer much less 2.5 months! Anyways, I can survive.


    When I get my own USB keyboard I will definatly get one with a small hub in it, 2 ports. That way I will still have USB ports avaliable.


    I'm also thinking about going back to XP. My movies are choppy on Win2k for some reason, I think it may be WMP, even though I have WMP8 on it here now. I just hope I can tolerate the problems XP has with my burner. Perhaps a fresh install would fix that, I never did a fresh install after I got this burner, I just replaced a ghost image.


    I'll upgrade to XP and see what happens, and if nothing works, I can replace the partition with my Win2k ghost image.



  15. The new Trillian is SO much better! All it needs now is a good history and I'll switch to it full time!


    Alex, for customized non-standard programs, a uniformly applied theme is generally the best route to please the audiences eye. Take Trillian for example. Many things are different colours, but they all go together! smile


    I'll check it out, as I just said in my emial =)
