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Posts posted by MoreLight

  1. it's possible you have a chatty nic in one of your servers. disable them one at a time to see if the broadcasts stop.


    also run an mmc snapin to monitor broadcast traffic and try to determine the mac address of the comp that is sending the packets if the above suggestion doesn't work.


    how many subnets do you have? do you have a dhcp server on each, or a least a relay agent? check your host id's to make sure you aren't using the basenet or broadcast areas if using non-standard subnets.


    if all else fails, Clutch is The Man. get hold of him, he is almost a networking god on this forum.


    let us know how you're doing. good luck.

  2. Yes Cisco have great routers, but not worth getting for home users. Brutally expensive and not supported for Win 2000.


    There is a perfect router for your needs and it is worth every inexpensive penny.


    Pick up the Linksys cable/dsl router. it supports connection by PPPoE and has a built in 4 or 8 port fast ethernet switch as well as providing DHCP for your network.


    I've been using mine with PPPoE dsl and it connects very fast to the servers and avoids using crappy connection programs provided by your ISP, like Enternet 300. check out www.bestbuy.com for a good price on it.

  3. Clutch was right as usual. I'm using the same type of setup with a native Win2000 domain network, ADSL and the 4 port Linksys dsl/cable router.


    In my case i use a dhcp server that i configured to my network. in your case simply plug the network cable from the cable modem into the Wan port on the router. ***ign the nic's on your computer's to be automatically ***igned ip addresses.


    use a browser to enter the configuration utility in the router (default address is and configure your router settings. the router acts as a dhcp server for your network. i think this is enabled by default.


    don't bother setting up one of your computers as a router. it will get more complicated than you probably want it to.

  4. Tribes is working, but it depends on what you run it on.


    It runs fine on a win2000 pro client, but will not even think about starting on my advanced server domain controllers. Go figure. The servers have better hardware and more ram than the client.


    I wonder if I setup a share on the client, if that will allow the server to run it. Reverse networking.......lol.

  5. Microsoft specifically states that Terminal Services can not handle multimedia intensive applications. That would include games. You will probably be able to get by with 2d games, but anything that runs in 3D is out of the question.


    Do what I do on the network and create DFS links to the games on the server. It works pretty well for all but the most hardware intensive of games. Make sure you use roaming user profiles located on the server also.


    You will still need a decent video card and ram on the client however.

  6. I just got Tribes today. Installed and updated it. Go to play and nothing. It won't run the .exe.


    The game compat area mentions a win2k patch for tribes on sierra's ftp, but I went there and there is no patch dir.


    I'm using a GeForce DDR (6800 deluxe) and 6.31 drivers with DX8. does anyone know how I can get the game running, or where a working patch can be found?



  7. I had problems with the graphics engine in the original version of MM. They seem to have fixed most of the issues in MM2.


    I found in MM with win2k and Nvidia chipsets only certain driver versions performed well and most others just plain sucked to be honest. I also found better compatibility with the ATI 128 chipset than NVidia.


    You might just want to give up on playing it, because if you find a driver version that works with MM (and it will probably be a quite old version) that most of your other games will not work well or not even run at all.


    Then again you might get lucky and find a good fit for all your games. If you really have to play MM, start with the earliest GF2 driver versions and work your way up until all your games are happy.

  8. One other thing that may bear watching, although its just about 6am so this may be nonsense.


    You seem to be running or trying to run the same game install from 2 different OS's. It may not make a difference, but when you reinstall MM2, don't run it from Win98 at all. Try to get it going and run it exclusively with win2k.


    If you run it in Win98 first, it may be trying to use the last set of drivers, directX dll's, the dreaded mscvrt.dll and other crap it will find in Win98 from its history file, and of course its not going to find that junk when you try and play it in Win2k.


    If you absolutely have to play in both, you can try installing the same game on separate partitions, one for each OS.


    I just got an edgy feeling about this, because I use my server and DFS (distributed file system)links to a bunch of games on my network so I don't have to keep installing them on member computers local hard drives. Most of the time this works flawlessly, but occasionally MM2 will, not start, but instead redetect the video etc., and splash up that stupid word document. I close that, restart the game, but will have to reselect the game resolution, audio, control settings.


    This isn't too bad, because all systems are Win2k. You on the other hand are mixing operating systems and it may be relevant.

  9. Damn, it would be nice to get you going with this game. It runs very nice in win2k and in network play. I've played for hours without problems.


    Your memory: is it mixed or all the same type?


    Your video drivers: when you installed the newer Det 3, did you completely uninstall all the old drivers, reboot back to PCI VGA card in device manager and then install the new drivers? I'm not trying to insult your intelligence, but it does make a difference, big time.


    Do the memory and video checks first. Then uninstall MM2, including manually deleting any folders left over and any registry keys. Then reboot and re-install MM2. Use the no-cd crack to run the game, and hope to hell it works.


    Its unfortunate you applied SP-1. I don't use it, but have heard a lot of horror stories. Maybe its nothing.


    If this won't work, you may want to try DX8 beta. Contact me by email if interested. I'm using it on my Domain Controller, and all my games work just fine so far.


    Good luck and hope this works.

  10. I hate it when people say this, but its running fine on every win2k system on my home network.


    2 comps using win2kpro and 1 with advanced server.


    various video cards from diamond v770 ultra, rage fury, and asus 6800 ddr deluxe. same thing with sound cards, pci128, aureal 2500, yamaha POS, and montego II dell oem POS.


    my highest driver version is det 3 6.18 on both NVidia cards and native drivers for rage fury.


    I'm always using a no-cd .exe from gamecopyworld, just to avoid putting the cd in. Maybe try one out and get back to this post with your results.


    The game should run fine on your system, my wife has a Dell XPS-T550 and those systems run most games in Win2k pretty good with a little upgrading now and then.

  11. hmm. so you're not using 98, its ME. a lot of people seem to be having problems networking a mixed environment with ME.


    my preference would be to let the win2k machine be the primary for the network and the internet. win2k is superior in all areas including networking and ICS.


    what are your tcp/ip values and subnets from your nic's? are you using static or dhcp addressing through ics? using netbios at all? these parameters are setup far more easily in win2k than win9x.


    using a hub (what type) switch or router?


    if you can get back with that info, a lot of guys are using Wan connections with mixed mode networks and should be able to pin down the problem.


    Its probably an incorrect ip/subnet or maybe you just need to apply port forwarding to your cable modem.

  12. Hey DosFreak. Should be changed to 2000Freak now. I went and pulled down the toolkit shortly after you posted the link earlier this weekend.


    Very sweet set of tools. Props for digging up that one. I've been trying to use the tools to get Superbike 2001 to work, plus tips from other posts about deleting the files in the Miles subdir, but no luck so far.


    Once you have the NFSHS problem dealt with, would you mind using your considerable talents in this area and try to get that one working also?


    In the meantime, I'm going to blow the dust off my NFSHS disk and give it another try. Not enough tracks to play in Porsche Unleashed frown

  13. what verion of win2000 are you using? there is always a hibernate tab in control panel | power options.


    are you on a standalone computer or a member of a network at work?


    any chance someone has been playing with GPO's on your computer?

  14. do you have the cable modem plugged into your win98 machine, and then a win 2k machine is networked to the win98 machine and you are using ICS to share the internet with win98 machine?


    on which machine are you getting the internet dropout? the 98 or the win2k?


    if its both machines, do you still get a lost connection if you disable ICS and use only the win98 machine to connect to the games you're trying to play but can't?

  15. Actually you can, but that is not the point of Terminal Services. It is used to provide access to applications from thin clients that don't have the hardware resources to run the apps themselves.


    You need multiple servers to play with that and it's hell on the network. We hooked up 15 computers running advanced server and installed terminal server on all of them and ran the clients on all of them at the same time.


    Made for an interesting afternoon to say the least. We could only access the servers using administrative accounts and you don't want anybody using the TS client with an admin account. Trust me on that one ;(

  16. your ethernet 2 nic is using a reserved ip and subnet because it can't resolve an ip from a dhcp server. thats why you aren't able to share the internet connection.


    try using ICS from your win2000 machine. ics acts as a dhcp server on the internal network and should assign ip's on the same subnet for your other machines. it should, but i won't guarantee that it will. just set your other machines to obtain ip address's automatically.


    normally you would go to a command prompt after this is setup and use ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew to force dhcp to lease new ip's for the adapters, but i have no idea what you use in win98.


    maybe just cold booting and logging onto the network again will do the trick. anybody?


    personally i don't use ICS because it takes over dhcp and messes up my actual dhcp scope, so i use winproxy instead for internet sharing. other people have mentioned that WinRoute does an excellent job and also provides a firewall at the same time.


    let us know if any of this helps you smile

  17. Solaris was right about the Guest account. You enable that and someday you will get a visit you will remember for a long time.


    The reason you were having difficulty accessing the C: drive on your win2k machine from win98 is that a share called C$ is an administrator hidden share. You have to have administrator privileges in the workgroup or domain to access these root shares.


    It might be an idea to get a hardware or software firewall installed at your Wan connection also. Make sure you have all your computers setup the way you like and all your shares working first. Document all your settings and share names etc, then implement a firewall to protect yourself.

  18. MAC when I saw your post, I thought finally I'm going to play this f'ing game.


    Uninstalled and cleaned the registry. Re-installed the game, did exactly what you said. Still get the "EA Sports Its So Lame" deal and BAM its back to the desktop.


    Curses.....foiled again. frown

  19. Change the Autorun value in the following registry key:




    To disable the Autorun feature, change the Autorun value to 0. To enable the Autorun feature, change the Autorun value to 1.



    Restart the computer.

  20. You're making this way too complicated. You only have two machines hooked together by a crossover cable, not the Chrysler Building.


    Netbios (NetBeui) is used for name resolution in NT networks. Its fast and non-routable. You don't need it.


    What gateway? You have two machines and no router. Delete any gateway entries.


    Do like DiDInSiDe said. Give them each Class C ip addresses with the subnet Make sure each computer has these statically assigned.


    After you do that, use a command prompt and ping each computer from the other. You should see 4 ping results of <0ms and ttl of 128. If you don't, your NIC's don't have the right drivers, or they are bad. Either that or you don't have a working crossover cable.


    This setup with TCP/IP is bulletproof.


    You can also try to ping from a command prompt on each computer. If that works, then TCP/IP is configured properly on each one, and the only reason they can't ping each other is you are probably using a regular cat5 cable instead of a crossover.


    Once you can ping each computer, then all you have to do is share the resources you want on each computer (drives, printers, CD-ROM) and map the devices on the other computer. They also should be members of the same workgroup.


    If you want to learn about DNS, then study the books for exam 70-217. Its not a simple matter to deal with. Its one of the more complicated systems in Windows 2000.


    And upgrade that W95 machine to W98 if you can. Why swim upstream?

  21. Still can't get the game to run no matter how many re-installs and application of the compat patches from Microsoft.


    I also took one of my computers offline, formatted it, did a fresh install of win2k pro, then installed the game, ran the compat patches, uninstalled, reinstalled, ran the patches again, and always a dump to the desktop.


    You would think with a virgin install of the OS it might have a chance.


    There has to be a way......... frown

  22. Thats right. You can stripe in win 2k pro, you just can't do fault tolerant with it. Only server can do that.


    In addition to upgrading your disks to dynamic, you also have to have unallocated space on more than one disk. Then select the unallocated space, create volume, select either normal, spanned, or striped disk. Then add the other unallocated space from other drive(s), give the drive a letter or make it a mount point, format and you're done.


    I know this works, because I just did it to 3 drives on my win2k pro machine about an hour ago.


    Whoever told you there was a reg hack to do that was smoking crack at the time.
