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Everything posted by Hornet303

  1. Hornet303

    Flickering in Everquest with GF2 MX

    Hey, what you should do is download NvMax, it will let you turn off the vsync in OGL and D3d, and that should clear up your problem. I had the same problem, but it worked like a charm. plus put the framerates much higher, as they are not restricted by the monitor refresh rate. jeff
  2. Hornet303

    Abit KT7-Raid problems...

    Ok, I just hooked up a deal for a Abit-KT7a Raid board and a 1ghz T-bird for 299 the other day. Now, im quite computer savvy, but this is my first AMD since the days of the K2's. My question is this... I have installed Win2k server fine. I did all the Microsoft Updates from the web including :SP1, all critical updates, IE 5.5 ect... Now, when I run the system, everything runs very stable. and realatively fast. Now, the first thing I did was go to AMD's website and downloaded the AGP fix. When I ran it, and rebooted my system froze. I wasnt able to boot safe, so I had to repair the installation. Once I repaired it, went to www.viahardware.com and downloaded the 4-in-1 patch. Installed that, and it froze again. So I reformatted, reinstalled Win2k Server, and installed Q3a so I could benchmark. When I look at the video driver, it is showing me Im using PCI for the video subsystem. SO it tells me that Im not using AGP. So, I installed the 4in1 patch again, and it freezes again. My question to you guys is there a certain order I should do this in? Is there times when you just shouldnt use the 4-in-1 patch? Iam also having problems with my SB live not playing anything (which may have to do with the posistion of my cards) and I have not installed the latest SBLive Driver (from creative's site). Anyone can help me out?! Id be stoked... thanks for your time. Jeff
  3. Hornet303

    SCSI Cd Writer

    I have been using SCSI burners for the past 4 years. I really like them, but sometimes they can be tempremental. I used to have an old *** Adaptec ISA card (1520 or something like that), and it would work ok SOMETIMES. Then I borrowed my friends 2906, and that worked sometimes too.. seems like it would require a reboot every once in a while. Recently I got a 2930 (with a new cable mind you) and it works perfectly. I can burn at 8x (I have a yamaha 8x4x24), it works golden. It could be the cable, or it could be the card, but I hvae been using the old cable for those 4 years. Anyway, just thought Id offer that. jeff
  4. I use NAT in Win2k Server for my firewall, which is pretty good. For antivuris, I use NAV corporate edition. I find that works well when rolling out new DAT files to all the workstations. But the best anti-virus software I own is NAV for Gateways (exchange, notes, and the such).. I run a NT4.0 Server with Exchange 5.5 and NAV for Gateways has stopped VBS virii a few times that would hvae set us back a day trying to get rid of that **** . Whenever I recieve a notice that somone sent us a virus, I email that person and recommend they get Nav for gateways. Jeff
  5. Hornet303


    I had a similar problem with a Gateway 866 with 256mb ram 20gb HDD at my work. I set up 5 computers that were EXACTLY the same, and 1 of the 5 kept rebooting. Anytime under heavy computing, it would reboot, no blue screen (automatic reboot off), no error logged in the Event log. I got on the phone with Gateway tech support and after 20mins of trying to convince this guy that its not a software issue, he sent me out a new Motherboard with memory and a CPU populated on the board. No problems since.. thats about as much help I can offer. Strange *** problems. Try taking of of your DIMMS out, memory can be pretty trickey to troubleshoot. jeff Also, you might want to check the temp of your computer.. the fact that it reboots at different intervals shows me that its probably not heat, but work investigation.
  6. Hornet303

    Fallout vs. W2K

    Ive installed it just like Spaceman said. I think I got the information from the actual fallout website. Once you get it installed, I didnt have any problems playing it at all. Good luck
  7. Hornet303

    BSOD w/ TNT2U oc'ed more than a few MHz

    While I am a big proponent of re-formatting. I personally do it a 3 times a year or so, and that is if everything is relatively stable. Changing the board and CPU (from your old K63 to an Athlon) is a pretty big deal. All the old drivers from the k63 had to be replaced with the newer ones. Truthfully, not too many installations will survive a board swap. I would suggest it if your overall system stability is poor. It probably wont help your OC issue with your video card. I could never OC my TNT2 very well. It could be damaged. Good luck
  8. Hornet303

    ISA Server or Proxy Server 2

    with a win2k server, you can share the internet connection with ICS and DNS.. I actually got rid of Proxy Server 2 on my NT4 server and installed Win2k Server, and now run NAT which is really cool.. Much faster than Proxy, and you can ping from inside as well. J
  9. Hornet303

    BSOD w/ TNT2U oc'ed more than a few MHz

    When was the last time you totally re-formatted your computer and re-installed everything? I ask cause I notice you have ALL kinds of problems with your computer when you run 3d games. Like your numerous problems with Unreal and stuff. Sometimes its easier (and faster) to just redo your entire system, than to troubleshoot a problem that could take days to find. j
  10. Hornet303

    BG2: TOSC and W2k hangs...

    Man, I dont know. Sounds like you have some type of issue going on tho. A few off the top of my head... DirectX8?.. but usually they are old motherboards and or chipsets. What kinda board and chipset are you using. Old versions of ALi chipsets and VIA chipsets had terrible times with Nvidia products under win2k. I ***ure you that BG2 will run great under win2k, I played for TOO many hours. But the biggest issues I've seen are due to chipsets. My old Ali board wont work with any TNT product and win2k at all. Some via stuff will work, but not well for 3d stuff. It seem that most reputable board manufacture company has gotten rid of most of the sever stability problems. Plus, I just bought a batch of 5 computers for my work, and I ordered them with those M64 TNT cards, and they SUCK! Im soo pissed I didnt have the option to put in Geforce 2 MX's in. Jeff
  11. Hornet303

    Can I change the songs in THPS2 ????

    Man, I never flame people... But skating to the Spin Doctors? Oh thats terrible. How about the greatful dead orsomething even worse. Sorry bro, I dont mean to be a *****, I just had to put that comment in.. Jeff
  12. Ok, here is my setup. We have 3 servers, all NT4.0 sp6. I am running a Win2k Pro workstation with 2 NIC's. One is for the 10.0.0.x network (for internal stuff) then another NIC for my WAN connection (static IP). I notice recently when I go into the network browser, it takes a LONG time for the domain and its contents to come up. Once Im looking through a specific server, it speeds up again. When I look at the lights to the network cards (in the sys tray), it looks as if it is polling each card to see which one wants to route the traffic. Also, doing some stuff like copying from one spot of a server to another, the network lights for Recieved on the WAN will light, and the send of the LAN light will light up. Odd. How do I best go about setting up routing or what not. Oh, the WAN connection is a SDSL system, with a Flowpoint 2200 DSL router. thanks for any help. Jeff
  13. Hornet303

    Multihomed Workstation Network Browsing is slow..

    Thanks Clutch, Im readin! I appreciate your help. JEff
  14. Hornet303

    Voodoo5 Vs. Geforce2 Ultra

    Why would anyone be intersted in the v5-6000? The card is a total hack. I usually never particpate in these discussions, but come on. The card is HUGE. It wont fit in some cases due to its size, not to mention th external power it had to draw from. SLI was a cool idea with the Voodoo 2's, I agree. And I think its a pretty cool idea to put 2 on 1 card (ie the v5000), but when you are adding 4 of 1 chip, its just plain unefficent. Ill be intersted to see the rampage, but its gonna get beat by NV20. As far as 3dfx licensing their tech to other companies to fab like Nvidia does, well, 3dfx 2 years ago did the same thing. All the Voodoo 2's were made by 3rd parties. So, they bought STB so they could produce their boards themselves and after a year and a half they decide to give up on production. They killed STB, wasted a lot of money, and put them behind in the video card race. Their only saving grace is the Rampage. But Nvidia is kinda like Microsoft, they are winning each quarter with new products and high performace. 3dfx is loosing money and fan support. Nvidia has more money and momentum in R&D, and 3dfx has further to go to catch up. Rampage better be good if they want their spot on top, its not impossible, but it dosnt look good. Jeff
  15. Hornet303

    DirectX 8 anybody?

    a week before it comes out on public servers? Doubtfull, im sure as soon as any beta tester gets it, it will spread, just like any of the betas..
  16. Hornet303

    Baldur's gate 2 question

    Damn,I just got this game last night. I tried to put it off, but it got the best of me. I am really impressed so far. Anyway, I only did a recommended install, and when I did that, it read from disk 1 most of the time, and a bit on disk 2, then really quick on 3 and 4. when you play, you have to have disc 2 in at all times. Ive read this from other people as well. The game hasnt crashed on me at all, and I've been doing all kinds of character manipulation (inventories and such)... J
  17. Hornet303

    Cannot Ping on a home network - help

    Let me offer something.. Are you using a hub or not? If you are directly connecting 2 computers, you will need your cat5 cable to be crossed. If you have the tools, you can do this yourself, or you can go buy one for relatively cheap. My guess is that this is not your problem, since you are able to see the other computers. One thing that has been pretty helpful has been the command prompt command : ipconfig /all (for the w2k box), and I cant remember what it is for the 9x box, winipcfg maybe? But regardless of what you set it (thru net properties), sometimes it will screw up, and the above command will help you out. Next, when you ping, are you giving the explicit IP number? or a DNS name? netbios should let you use names, but you might want to try the IP. Well, let me know how it goes... j
  18. Hornet303

    CDR drive "disconnecting" mid-burn?

    Don't be hasty, 3com NIC's are good cards. You might want to test it with a different card, such as the FA310TX. Netgear are good cards, but I'd prefer the 3coms if money wasnt an issuse..
  19. Hornet303

    Anyone know if Baldurs Gate 2 will run in Windows 2000?

    Just out of curiosity, how big is the full install? j
  20. Hornet303

    Anyone know if Baldurs Gate 2 will run in Windows 2000?

    Blade, Running it off DVD will be much slower than a HD, regardless of how fast your CD-ROM drive is. In order to get fast speed, it has to spin up (which takes time).. and if you have a 40x CD-ROM, and you multiply it by 150, thats 6mb a second. Where decent 5400rpm drives should get at least 10+mb sec, most computers will get up in the 20's. Anyway, its just a suggestion. Look at diablo 2. Its so much faster to copy the music file over, so your cd-rom isnt spinning the entire time. just trying to help. j
  21. Hornet303

    Anyone know if Baldurs Gate 2 will run in Windows 2000?

    Yea, well there are some of us that didnt play BG1. Yes, I do own it, but due to a really bad crash that corrupted my save game, I never finished it. God damn did that piss me off. Later, when the patch came out, I patched it, and tried it over. Crashed again and deleted my save. Luckily I was only a few hours in the second time around. Im intersted in playing BG2 tho.. Im not sure if I should get it. And what is the point of getting the DVD version? Cant you do aa full installation that wont require to swap? j
  22. Hornet303

    Outlook express on client machine

    You shouldnt have to change anything to open Outlook Express, if you are getting your connection from an ICS machine. Just treat it like you are the one with the direct connection. If it still cant see the internet, then you have ICS routing messed up. ON win2k server, it gets a bit confusing with NAT and ICS, Dont use ICS, use NAT and routing.. I run it on the LAN at home and its dope.. j
  23. Hornet303

    Unable to browse network

    Another thing, are you assigning yourself an IP? If you are, you might be putting it in a range that not everyone else is seeing. Example, if you are using a 10.0.0.x network, you wont be able to see the 192.168.0.x people. And its gonna differ from party to party because some may be running DHCP (where you dont assign an IP). Next time you are there, go to a command prompt and type IPCONFIG /all and pay attention to the IP that your computer is running. In order to see other people, it has to be in the same IP block as the rest. IF the party guy is hosting a DHCP server, then nobody should have any problems with IP's. I think the main key to IP information is in IPCONFIG /ALL. Compair your results with one of the other guys, and see if you can find a difference. If there isnt a difference, then I question your card.
  24. Hornet303

    Really tough Network question

    Sorry to double post, but try this..