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Posts posted by gramaglia

  1. I actually install everything to a solid configuration, then use a software like Norton Ghost or Powerquest Drive Image (latest versions, 6.5 and 3.01 respectively, with support to NTFS 5) to get an image of the system partition.

    Apps and games are in the Data partition.

    If something goes wrong, replace the System partition from the image and delete the Offending App folder in the Data partition, and u're up and running again!

  2. I recently changed the sound card, from a SB32 PnP to a AudioPCI 128 (must be read Ensoniq 1371....) and I installed WinME.

    I always get a random blue screen, mostly when I watch or listen to media files.

    This happens more and more often with RealPlayer, but before its installation there was no trace of these flaws...

    The blue screen tells me something happens at address 0028 ;(xxxxxxxxx, sometimes in VMM.VXD, other times in ---.VXD!!!

    Any suggestions (other than goin back to 98 or upgrading to win2k)?

  3. Hi jdul, nice post...... 13 pages, huh? Ok, ok, let's get to problems...

    1) The Live!...I have another Soundblaster (if u can call it so...AudioPCI 128) but I have great probs in WinME...In 98SE wasn't so!

    Probably because of the new drivers WDM

    2) Sorry, but Iomega don't give me any problem, installed Iomegaware 2.51

    3)Don't have modem, so goes Messenger....

  4. Win98SE for me.

    Win98 wasn't stable enough (but I don't know if stable is the appropriate word)...

    WinME is the worse....Win95 was better I think, blue screens comin and going like madness!

    With Win98SE I had a stable machine, and tonight I'm going to reinstall...

    Win2k is far better, but I have only 64 Mb and a 233 MMX..... frown

  5. smells like ACPI problem....I don't know if you can launch the setup with some option to turn off the detection and use of that feature.

    I didn't understand on what machine u want to install 2000 on....

    Another Hint...before reinstalling, completely erase the partition, formatting it with another file system (ext2, why not)..I tell u so because sometimes I found a reinstallation (with format at the beginning) with components selected from the precedent installation, and not selected in the present.....strange,huh?).

  6. I looked around and found an interesting article on page: http://www.geocities.com/mfd4life_2000/

    That tells you how to boot in Real Time DOS under Windows Millenium (they told it couldn't be done...).

    Now the next step....What about letting him execute the autoexec.bat again? I found that deleting the bootfile at every start improved DRAMATICALLY the stability of Win98 (and SE), But I can't find the manner of doing it under WinME...bleach!

  7. Ok, I've used WinME for a lot, and I can say that:

    1) If you need TweakUI, go to http://www.wmeworld.com

    There you will find the Millennium version of the great util.

    2) With Windows 98 came Scanreg, that automatically on start checked the registry and, eventually, cleared the errors. I haven't looked, but there should be also in WinME, search for scanregw (or wscanreg, sort of....)


    Hope to be of help, bye!



    How come you're a Senior Member with only 15 posts?

  8. Really simple...

    You DON'T have to specify the unit's letter before the destination directory. You should have chosen before the drive where to install Win2k. Retrace your steps and you'll find You've just done that.

    So, first step:

    Specify the Destination Disk.

    Second Step:

    Specify the Destination Directory.

    If You've not been asked for a destination disk, I assume Windows 2000 has done a upgrade of Windows 98....But I'm not sure. Too less indications. Tell us more, please!

  9. I had the same problem, I wanted some users to be able to burn CD's using Nero.... but for using Nero you must have administrator's rights, and that means logging as an admin! I have found no other mean to burn CD's under a user account than to use another burning program.... I don't know if the "Power User" has network capabilities, and, more important, their entity....probably you could investigate this. As for reducing the "power" of Local administrators, you have no way. They're Admins, Full Stop.

  10. Hey, eheheh, I thought the same, but it's still going after 7 months.... In three years, it's his first (and only) overclock gone well wink. Anyway, did you do what I said?

    And another thing: I can't remember well, but it seems to me that VMM.VXD is a library that Windows 98 recreates at every boot, containing the information on all of your installed devices. I had a similar problem (But, as I said, I can't remember if VMM.VXD is the name) and the only solution I could find was to reinstall the system completely from scratch. Copying it from another system won't do, ( maybe if you copy the VXD from another computer EXACTLY LIKE yours this could go, it's basically a list if device drivers all in one file; if the devices are the same, there is a chance).

    So give it a try!

  11. What's this, the week of humor? I think posting once or twice could be enough, but SIX times?

    Anyway, all you need is to configure IIS. Almost forgot, you have Professional.....

    The easy answer is to get Server, the other is to install IIS 5 (that comes free with the Server edition of Win2k).

    Don't know if you can find it anywhere for free...

  12. What's the problem? A friend of mine has a k6-2 350 goin' at 500.... Anyway, I don't know how to guess the device having problems from the error you reported. Did you try Sandra 2000? It checks the entire system, and for what I can say it seems pretty good. It also gives you advices to resolve problems and improving performance. And tell me, what program did you install before getting the sequel of BSOD? does the Safe mode function? Didi you try (this sometimes functions for me) deleting the swap file and then reloading the system, so it creates a new win386.swp from scratch?

  13. Basically two things to say:

    1) It's a Server. It takes ages because it has MANY MORE services and other things to load to manage users and networks and so on...

    2) The prerequisites for the Server are the DOUBLE compared to Professional (that are even double to WinNT4/9x);128 MB are the BASE memory for the Server, the more, the better...

  14. - I hate to say something obvious, but you can try to disable from BIOS the ports giving conflict, then try to load the OS and work.

    - Well, it also could be a memory problem because Windows 98 uses the memory from (I think) the last module to the first, while Windows NT uses it the opposite way. So, if Windows 98 finds the memory leak at first, it crashes, but WinNT can use memory a lot till it uses the bad memory (virtually always) so it seems more stable.

    Use the same utility that WIND used, in a DOS boot disk, and check your RAM!

    Hope you'll find out
