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Posts posted by whoisurdaddy

  1. Hello, I am having following problem with my Win2k. My Win2k keeps turning off screensaver after each shutdown. Whenever I turn on the screensaver, Win2k would lose the screensaver information when I shutdown the computer. So the next time when I start the computer, it would have "None" for Screensaver. Anybody know why is this happening? The only thing I installed on my computer recently before this started happening was POD Bot 2.0 and SBLive! Driver.


    Win2k Server Edition w/ SP2

    Abit SA6R w/ PIII-933

    512 mb PC-133 SDRam

    Geforce 2 GTS w/ 11.01 Detonator 3 driver


  2. Well, NFS5 works on my Win2k too but not 100%. I can only play single player mode. When I play like LAN game, it crashes back to my desktop. I don't know why. I even deleted that Gimme.dll. Strange. Anyways, I can't get like Need For Speed 4 and 3 to install either. Well, looks like EA isn't going to get their acts together anytime soon. They think people should use Win98 for gaming. Well, too bad for them because they just lost their long time customer. I have been buying all their NBA Live series and Need For Speed series. Good thing Counter-Strike got me addicted.

  3. Hmmm...I thought XP is suppose to be more gaming friendier than Win2k, I guess not. I have been hearing a lot people having gaming problems with XP just like Win2k. Hopefully, that will be changed on the retail version.

  4. I know. laugh hehe..just kidding. I was bored when I posted the last one. I wasn't trying to insult people's intellegence or anything.


    Dodgeviperrt10, you got NFS 5 working on XP yet? I am thinking about upgrading to XP from Win2k, if NFS 5 work on XP.

  5. Hmm...I don't have any problems with my Divx movies. I make my own Divx movies. I use Divx Alpha 3.11 codec and FlaskMpeg version .594. I know there is a new Divx codec and FlakMpeg out there and I have tried them and I don't like them. The sound in the movie turned out crappy. I don't have problem with low volume with the low volume because I edit the sound with CoolEdit and amplify it like 300% and save it back to the movie with Virtual Dub. smile


    My system spec:


    Windows 2000 Server Edition w/ Service Pack 2

    PIII-933 w/ 512 mb PC-133

    Geforce 2 GTS

    SB Live!

  6. I have Ratpadz and Microsoft Intellimouse Optical mouse. The mouse pad I had before was a free mouse pad I got from going to some fair. Anyways, Ratpadz rocks. I also like my Microsoft mouse. I play Counter-Strike a lot and my shooting got a lot better espcially with my optical mouse. I have played Counter-Strike on someone else's computer with ball mouse and I can't stand using ball mouse after using optical mouse.

  7. Santa, I have SP2 installed and I don't have any problems with Counter-Strike. What is your system's spec? Here is mine:


    Windows 2000 Server Edition with SP2

    Abit SA6R w/ PIII-933

    512 mb PC-133

    Geforce 2 GTS (using driver version 11.01)

    SB Live! X-Gamer


    Oh, I was thinking your problem might have to do with V-sync turned off. If you have V-sync turned off then trying turning it back on and see if you still have the same problem.

  8. I deleted the gimme.dll and the game loads fine and I can play Single player but I can't play Multiplyer mode. Like the game wound count down "3" "2" "1" then I get kicked back to desktop. Anyone else have this problem?? But this problem doesn't exist on my other Win98 machine. But the difference is that I don't have to delete gimme.dll file when I play on Win98. I was suspecting that I am getting kicked back to desktop in Multiplayer mode was because I don't have gimme.dll. Is there another way to load the game without freezing and leaving gimme.dll file alone??

  9. I say go with Win2k. I haven't used NT4 myself since I upgraded mine from Win98. But Win2k is basically NT5 using NT engine. I believe Win2k has more multimedia capability than NT4. I might be wrong. If I am someone else will probably correct me. =) But I say, go with Win2k. It rocks.


    My system spec:

    Win2k Server Edition

    Abit SA6R w/ PIII-933

    512 mb PC-133

    Geforce 2 GTS

    SB Live! X-Gamer

  10. I don't have any problems with SB Live! in Win2k. May be because I have Intel Chipset.



    My system spec:

    Abit SA6R (Intel 815e chipset)


    PC-133 512mb

    Geforce2 GTS

    SB Live! X-Gamer

  11. I've tried Tribes 2 but didn't like it. I only like the vehicles in that game. =) Other than that, I am back to Counter-Strike. But Tribes 2 ran pretty well on my machine.


    Here is the spec:

    Win2k Professional w/ SP1


    512 mb PC-133

    Geforce 2 GTS

    SB Live!

  12. JBrave has a good point. I am also going to buy XP when it come out but there is no way in hell I am going to pay for every copy I am going to install on my computers. What I want to know is how many home users really buy a legit copy of Windows for every computers they own??

  13. Hello, currently I have 2 computers and 1 monitor. What do you guys suggest I get to share a monitor to two computers. I also have 2 keyboards and 2 mice. I bought a Linksys Switch box that can do what I need but the problem is it lags my keyboard. When I play games, certain keys were lagging like 1-2 seonds behind. That is no good for playing Counter-Strike. So I returned it. I think the problem with the Linksys monitor switch box is that it doesn't have its own power. It is drawing power from Keyboard ports. Anyways, is there other ones out there you guys use??? I don't really need to share a keyboard and a mouse for two computers. I prefer to spend $100 on this the most.
