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Posts posted by UnreaLord

  1. Hello. I installed succesfully this modem in WindowsXP Professional.

    When I connect to the internet, CPU Usage and system resources in general get extremely high! As a result, the system get veeery slow...In consequence, I cannot work! Any ideas ? I also tried to change USB port, I have installed the latest VIA 4-1 drivers and a VIA USB Filter Patch...any ideas ? please help me....:(confused

  2. Is anyone using Motorola SM56 Speakerphone modem having problems with the latest Win2k drivers (those with speakerphone suppot)? Personally, I'm still using the fax drivers because when I install the other ones, when I try to connect to the internet, I get an error message: "Hardware failure - error 629" or something. Anyone any idea? I need help ..... frown

  3. Hi. I downloaded the latest drivers for this modem and every time I try to connect to the internet, I get an error message (I cannot remember it exactly...it mentioned something about modem failure I think).Why is this happening confused ? Anyway, thanks in advance smile

  4. In the last few days, when I connect to the internet (Motorola SM56 Fax Modem), I make it normally....it connects! But when I try to open a page it seems to download data (the little blue monitors at the bottom right of the screen are continuously blue,you know...) but nothing! MSN Messenger cannot login and in general I cannot do anything! I re-installed the modem, but in vain! Tell me waht to do....internet(which is the main reason I installed Win2k) doesn't work....... frown

    Pls help !!!

    Thnx in advance

  5. I have 3 hdds : one with Win98, one other with Wi2k pro and the last one with mp3z :P

    I wanted to install XP on the third disk and every time to have a startup menu in which I'd choose the OS I'd like to start with.But I was told that I'm not able to do that,because WinXP will be auto-installed on C: and I won't be able to choose OS frown . Is that true ??

  6. I'd like to ask if WinXP does really worth.A friend of mine told me that although it's on beta version yet,it's more stable than Win2k!Really?When someone is on Win2k,does the upgrade worth ?

  7. Having witnessed all these controversial opinions,I'd like to ask something:

    I have both Win2k Prof. and Win98 first edition installed.I use Win2k for internet and work and win98 for games.Would it be wise if I upgraded win98 and installed WinME?I say again that I use Win98 only for games.thnx

  8. I own two HDs, the one with Win2k installed and the other with Win98. Is it worth to upgrade the second HD from Win98 (First Edition) to WinME ? I only use Win98 to play games and watch DVD movies. In games will the performance be increased? Will I have any gains from that upgrade?
