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Everything posted by CeRbErO

  1. CeRbErO

    Installing Hitman in Win2k

    Hi, I am having severe problems with installing Hitman: Codename 47 on my Win2k machine, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me solving this problem. The problem is, that after I've selected English language before launching the installer, InstallShield is initialized, but after that, setup just exits, withhout any messages or anything. I know Hitman is supposed to work flawlessly in Win2k, but Eidos refuses to answer my questions because W2k is not listed on the back of the game. Anyway, I have the Swedish release of Hitman, which I believe is exactly the same as the UK one. Using Win2k with SP1 on a PIII/1ghz with 384 megs of ram... Please help me with this one, my little brother is going berserk on me
  2. CeRbErO

    Installing Hitman in Win2k

    I solved the problem myself. I logged in as another User. Strange, tho, since both accounts had Administrator status...
  3. When my Win2k Pro is starting up, I have to wait about 1-2 minutes for it to do nothing. It stops on the first graphical screen and just, kinda 'waits'. This problem began when i opened my comp yesterday, to move one of my hard drives. I messed with some of the IDE cables, but they are all in place now. I have Win98 and Win2k dual booting, and there's no problems at all with Win98. And Win2k runs smooth as hell, once I get in the damned thing. I have a p2/233 with 64 mbs of Ram. ------------------
  4. CeRbErO

    Which GFX card to buy?

    Hi, I wanna buy a new graphics card for my old ****ty comp... Can't afford to buy a completely new computer, so i'm wondering, which card would be best for my system: p2/233 mhz 64 mb ram agp 2x ? Thanks in advance... (I would rather want a card with TV-out on it) [One minute later...] Oh yeah. I forgot. I'm using Win2k Pro SP1 [This message has been edited by CeRbErO (edited 06 August 2000).]
  5. CeRbErO

    Which GFX card to buy?

    I know i should have more RAM/better CPU, but I can't afford that, and won't be able to for a long time , but i think Win2k runs fairly well, actually. Better than Win9x anyways.
  6. Hi Is there any program similar to the QuickRes.exe that came with the win95 powertoys? I need it to change resolution quickly for watching movies. I have kind of a ****ty graphics-card (a STB Velocity 128), and in win2k, i cant watch mpeg files and such in a scaled window, then it gets pixelled, and lags alot! I didn't have this problem in Win9x tho, so if anyone knows how to get rid of this problem, please tell me how. That would be much better than using QuickRes.
  7. CeRbErO

    QuickRes for Win2k ?

    I dont have any money to buy the resource kit ...
  8. Just a few tips for you guys with slower computers, like myself: (I have a P2/233 Mhz, 64mb ram, and Win2k runs MUCH better than Win98) You really should disable some cosmetic enhancements, like Pointer Shadow and Menu Fading etc... It really helps! I didn't think it could help that much. You don't need that stuff. I just have menu roll-ins now instead. Disable all the un-needed systray programs, like Winamp Agent, Volume Control and such. That helps too. Hope you guys get something out of this. I did. ---- Ch33rs, CeRbErO [This message has been edited by CeRbErO (edited 19 June 2000).]
  9. Is it possible to have a normal Windows shortcut perform a keyboard command? E.g. when you click the shortcut, it would do the same thing as pressing ctrl+alt+f or whatever. Or is there some program that can do this?
  10. This is my only problem with Win2k at the time: After i have logged in to windows, and it loads the shell and everything, it loads the startmenu and all the icons and toolbars fast as hell, but then it waits about 30 seconds before loading my tray programs (i.e. GetRight, WinampA and such). How do i fix this ?
  11. Ofcourse you're right Mystical, but I wrote this for people using Win2k at home, as an alternative to Win98, and they/me maybe dont have the money to buy more RAM of any kind at the moment. And most ppl with home PC's just have 2 IDE controllers. I have 2 hard drives on my first IDE controller and 1 cd-rom and 1 cd burner on my second one.
  12. I have a Canon CanoScan FB310 scanner. I downloaded the new Win2k drivers for it, and the installation goes great and so on, but when i try to start scanner loading program, i get an error message saying: "0x2" and nothing more. Is there any way to get this working ?? I don't wanna boot to Win98 every time I'm going to scan....
  13. CeRbErO

    Win2k Startup takes about a year...

    Well, I found my prob eventually I found, that when I messed around with my IDE cables, i happened to unplug my floppy drive powersupply
  14. CeRbErO

    Win2k Startup takes about a year...

    Yeah. I know a better CPU would help, but it's just... Before i messed with the IDE cables and all, the startup took about 20 secs... The **** started just after i messed around...
  15. CeRbErO

    Voodoo 2 and D3d in Win2k?

    In november last year (99), I tried a beta version of Win2k. I found some kind of tutorial about how to "combind" NT4.0 and Win98 drivers for the Voodoo2 card. I did this and everything worked. Even D3D! Don't remember where i got them tho =(, so I wonder if there are any "hacked" drivers somewhere that i can download to get d3d functionality, or anyone know where i can find this tutorial again? I saw on NTCompatible's main page, that MDK2 works with Win2k, using a V2 card. And MDK2 uses D3D, doesn't it? Or am I wrong? I would rather have the answer mailed to me if you got it... cerbero@telia.com
  16. CeRbErO

    Voodoo 2 and D3d in Win2k?

    Do those hacked drivers work with D3d?
  17. CeRbErO

    Voodoo 2 and D3d in Win2k?

    I'm sorry. I was wrong about MDK2. It doesn't use D3D. It uses Open GL. But please answer my first query, would ya?