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Everything posted by DeadCats

  1. DeadCats

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I dunno 'bout anyone else, but it's 4:20 where I am...awwwwww.
  2. Boy, I'll echo that. Win2KPro is extremely stable and runs all my stuff well. Better on this old PII 333 than Win98SE or WinME. But when it blows up, it really blows up. I'm still re-installing applications from having to do a re-format and re-install of the OS and programs from some weird combination of software/hardware failure that gave me the good old BSOD. First time ever, on this machine, and somewhat scary. B-U-T, what OS did I go back with? You betcha, Win2K. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  3. DeadCats

    Someone, Anyone, Please Help Me...!

    How much are they worth to you? There are businesses that make their living trying to recover data lost like yours. If your documents are THAT important, give one of 'em a jingle. I had to do that over a bad set of backup tapes, and they charge. Boy, DO they charge, but they were successful. It's been a while, and I have no recollection which service I used, but for me it was well worth the bucks. One thing's for sure: they aren't going to be able to recover any sectors you've completely overwritten. Which means to completely STOP using that HDD first, like DosFreak and a few others have suggested. No lecture on the importance of good backups necessary...you now know firshand that horrible, sinking feeling at first realization that the accumulation of years has been instantly erased. Pow! Good luck. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 25 March 2001).]
  4. DeadCats

    Firewalls? hmm... who has actually ever been hacked?

    Thanks, DosFreak. And now the other eternal question. Is a hardware 'firewall' alone, such as NAT, etc. along with anti-virus software sufficient for a 3-pc, homebased peer-to-peer network w/cable modem, or is a software firewall like ZoneAlarm also important? (needed, wanted, etc.) DC
  5. DeadCats

    Where is the download section?

    It's now under the FAQ section, and holds the top spot. Leastwise, there's links from there. Dunno about older drivers. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 24 March 2001).]
  6. DeadCats

    I think WindowsXP looks lame

    Man, I loved Warp. But it was so amazing to sit there and watch IBM miss the deal of the century, when Win95 missed it's release date by a big margin, and IBM had a golden window of opportunity to really push the ad campaign for Warp 3.0, which was out the door it seems like a good six months prior to Win95. People were tired of waiting for Win95, and here was Warp, ready to be installed. So what did IBM do? Ran an ad campaign featuring cute Italian nuns and no clue whatsoever what the product was they were trying to sell. That's at least the third great opportunity missed by IBM's underestimation of Bill Gates' ability to maneuver: The belief that personal computers would be a niche market at best; allowing Microsoft to keep ownership of DOS; and pushawing Gate's design ideas for OS/2 (coded by Microsoft), which did in fact become Windows. At the same time, they spent millions on obscure advertising; laid off thousand of productive workers while keeping an extremely topheavy management; and paying unGawdly amounts in salary and bonuses to top-level chiefs including the CEO (who had the stupidity to treat Gates as 'one of the little guys'). Damn, SHS, Joker, now you got me going again. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 23 March 2001).]
  7. DeadCats

    I think WindowsXP looks lame

    Little known but greatly appreciated by low-end machine owners like me, was an OS/GUI known as GeoWorks. They did it up good on Commodore's, but switched over to PC's in the early '90's. At about the same time Microsoft debutted Windows 3.0, GeoWorks released Ensemble for the PC. Like Windows, it also ran on top of DOS and for me, it was great. I remember magazine ads for GeoWorks Ensemble quoting another rag's reviewer(PC World, I think it was), as touting GeoWorks Ensemble as, "What Windows should have been!" And it was. Multithreaded, multitasking, faster and with much lower hardware requirements than Windows. And its print drivers gave 9-pin printers near-laser quality output. The whole operating system and fairly full-featured programs, including a word processor, spreadsheet, and flat-file database programs (and solitaire, applets, etc.)fit in less than 10MB, even their later versions. It was coded in Assembler, and was fast, fast, fast. But that was the problem. Without a software development environment and tools, nobody could (not very easily) or would code programs for it. A later version was coded in C, and a developers kit was released, but by then it was too late. GeoWorks beefed up the applications, bringing them up to a par with most office suites, but it still didn't matter. GeoWorks had a lot of fanatical users, including myself, and we hung in there as long as we could. The very first versions of AOL for the PC all ran GeoWorks runtime engines on top of DOS, and I was also a charter member of AOL via GeoWorks. (Hey, it as 1990, give me a break! ) GeoWorks and Ensemble are still out there. GeoWorks produces computer 'appliances' last time I heard, and Ensemble is now owned and produced by New Deal, Inc. And it's now sold to buyers of used, lower-end machines such as those sold through Renaissance Computers, and as an economical operating system for school computers. Anyway, enough of a stroll down memory lane. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  8. DeadCats

    I think WindowsXP looks lame

    Welp, there ya go, jdulmage. Just as you predicted, newer members are leaving due to the flaming, etc. Contributing members, at that. I wonder, do you see your own *unique* contribution to this phenomenon? I've got my own personal opinions about you and a few other 'members' but it's my opinion, it doesn't belong here. I'm sure you have your own opinion of me; and what it is, is none of my business. Sure a little flaming (in jest) may add to the 'fun fest' here, and things here have been a little slow lately. But, personally, I've about gotten to the point of being fed up with the rest of it; the not-so-friendly stuff. I can wade through the crap as good as anyone, but what I just witnessed really pisses me off. I've done it myself sure, but find that just a smidgeon, even a modicrum, of SELF-FRIGGING-CONTROL GOES A LONG GOD DAMNED WAYS!!! But I have to actually put it to use. This appears, from the sum of your posts, to be impossible for you to accomplish here. May I suggest to you someplace more suitable; somewhere they feed, watch over, and change the diapers of those who are not in control of their own actions, jdulmage? I have no other suggestions; many good ones have already been made. [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 22 March 2001).]
  9. DeadCats

    I think WindowsXP looks lame

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jdulmage: exactly, you know where this gaylord came from?...this is an example of a lamer, his opinion means dick all, especially when he posted it in an unprofessional way...</font> Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jdulmage 09 March 2001:It ain't just me, but the past 3 months in this forum have shown unprofessional attitudes, pointless posts, rude and personal situations with damn near half to 3/4 of the posts made here...This forum is starting to suck.,,Counntless flame wars over OS's, processors, video card companies, hardware, software, the works....everything being flamed all the time, shows NO professional attitudes by ALL of us, including myself....But we should try doing it in a professional manner...</font> Is it really necessary to go any further than this?
  10. DeadCats

    Win2k Games

    Geeze, EddiE, can't you even remember who you've been smokin' with? ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  11. DeadCats

    Interesting Install Tid Bit

    Hey, Brian, that's how I learned all I know about computers; "Gee, if I push 'N' I'll never find out what happens at the FORMAT command." But I agree with you. If they were made to clean up their own messes (like I had to do), then it actually make for some informed users...but that'll never happen. DC ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  12. DeadCats

    NTFS Partition to Fat32?

    Hi, Ronin. I've used PM 6.0 to do the very thing you ask about. No problems at all. Though I've had problems with past versions of PM, this one seems to be fairly decent. The only thing I do not like about PM is that it uses Win2K's own CONVERT utility to do the opposite; to convert FAT partitions to NTFS. The problem with that is that there appears to be no way of doing it without having to settle for the default 512-byte sector size...way too small, IMHO. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  13. DeadCats

    Video Intro for WinXP 2428, which file is it?

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by JBrave715: jdulmage Senior Member Posts: 816 Registered: Oct 2000 God you post alot.. You post more here in a week then I do a year. </font> He's been a pest here for a lot longer than that, but jdulmage does appear to have some entertainment value. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  14. DeadCats

    QuickCamPro 3000 + USB = No 640x480?

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vechlor: BTW: DON'T INSTALL SP1 for W2K, IT SUCKS!</font> I am now convinced that the problems I run into upon any unsuccessful attempt to install or troubleshoot a piece of software or hardware, is because "it sucks." In fact, upon reflection, I now see that most of the world's problems today can be squarely blamed on, "it sucks." The fall of the roman empire, the collapse of the third reich, and the decline of western civilization. Why? Because "it sucks." Rape of the rain forest, starvation in northern africa, oil spills off the coast of Alaska, and Bill Gates' mansion is way too small. The reason: "It sucks." But I have a solution to all of this INSANITY!... Format the World; I wanna get off. DC ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  15. DeadCats

    DVD Player?? (soft)

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Four and Twenty: hey T0NT0 perhaps you want to stop double posting in the future as this is sin with a fate worse than death</font> /me agrees with Four and Twenty, and sentences TONTO to be picked up by Four and Twenty's helicopter, dragged across the landscape, and deposited at jdulmage's doorstep. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  16. DeadCats

    OfficeXP RTM'd

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Son_Gohan: Windows XP + Office XP =Windows 95 + Office 95 combo</font> Interesting observation. Several different inferences can be drawn. I'm sure Microsoft would prefer it that way. Kinda like the combination of OS/2 + PS/2; you certainly wanted one to run the other. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  17. DeadCats

    Save Problem

    Anti-virus software?
  18. DeadCats

    OfficeXP RTM'd

    XP has been installed to my machine since yesterday morning (don't ask me how it happened: it's just there). I haven't played with it much, but so far I'm impressed. I'm still driving this old 333Mhz-clunker, and I noticed Word performance was snappier with Office XP than with Office 2K. I also like this version of Outlook enough to move to it from Outlook Express + Schedule. I also suspicion my wife and I'll be able to use its scheduling over our peer-to-peer network without having to run Exchange. I note XP installed some form of MAPI, but don't know anything about it yet. But like I said, I haven't really done much with it yet. YMMV. DC ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  19. DeadCats

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    Face it, jdulmage, we're on to your little schemes... We know how you love to keep things stirred up, centering you in the limelight. But we also know your mommie never gave you enough tit-time, so that's to be expected. (Just think of the newbies that will shrivel at this drivel just because the the precious dears don't know we're really the slut-puppies we are.) Sometimes its what a person brings to the show, not what they take away from it... DC ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  20. DeadCats

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    Yeah, Sandoval does have a nifty explanation for it. "Dish" means a food item. Not necessarily served ON a dish, the dining implement. As it refers to revenge, I believe it means that it's not something to be sought "in the heat of passion." Anyway, back to jdulmage's point: Everything's fluid, including message boards. Eveything's always in a state of flux. "Things fall apart; the center will not hold." One things for sure: All life is about change. It's inevitable. Quit whining and learn to deal with it. I mean, look at it like this: I just farted and left stains in my underwear. Now, I can either gripe about my wife's damn chili. I can quit eating her damn chili. Or I can just shut the heck up and change my underwear. Personally (assuming I don't want to have to start fixing my own meals), changing my underwear is the easiest and most effective solution. It sure beats the results I've obtained from griping at my wife. So, jdulmage, if you don't like what's going on here, either improve your own part of it and learn to live with the rest, or leave. Or change your underwear. DC ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  21. DeadCats

    This forum is losing touch badly.

    "Revenge is a dish best served cold" may be a closer translation. Makes a big difference in the meaning. And I agree with Four and Twenty. 'Bout the only thing in danger around me is brownies...and donuts...just about any pastry I guess. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 14 March 2001).]
  22. DeadCats

    should i conver to NTFS?

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Brian Frank: [if you still have dos apps you want to run, you'll have to use Win9x to run it to my knowledge)[/b]</font> Just being a DOS application has nothing to do with anything. Certain DOS apps do certain things, like directly access hardware, which is a no-no in Win2K...and in unadulterated WinME for that matter, two. But even that's not always true. I still use a GWBASIC proggie that has no problems accessing LPT1 in Win2K and ME (it shouldn't), though it correctly would not work in NT4. There are a various reasons, pro and con, for going with NTFS partitions. A search on the past few days posts will reveal most of them. Brian Frank is correct in that you won't be view your NTFS partitions from within WinME. If you do decide to go with NTFS, I'd stay away from Win2K's "CONVERT" utility that converts FAT partitions to NTFS. The problem I've found no work-around for, is that it defaults to 512 Byte sectors, which is way too small for my liking. And I tried Partition Magic 6.0's conversion applet too, which just uses Win2K's own CONVERT utility, and doesn't allow re-sizing the sectors. If you do decide to go with NTFS, you might wish to do a destructive format and choose larger sector sizes, such as are typically assigned under FAT32. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. P.S. After 12 years of daily use, I just realized that a standard computer keyboard lacks the cents-sign, which most typewriters do have. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 02 March 2001).]
  23. Welcome, Alex! Good to see another 3DFiles junkie here. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  24. DeadCats

    Hello Everybody, New member here! apk

    5371, please take it outside. Thanks. P.S. Thanks for the sigs back, SHS. ------------------ "Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999 "Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001
  25. I agree with clutch. I've seen Alec in action in 3DFiles as well as here, and he does nothing but try to be helpful to people. SHS, WTF did the sigs go?