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Everything posted by DeadCats

  1. DeadCats

    Win2k file sharing between just two home PCs

    Quote: Originally posted by kearos: ...A 2-PC peer-to-peer network is what I have now as well. So I should enable guest access, install NetBEUI and File and Printer Sharing, share my directories and I should be ready to go, yes?... That, and also IPX/SPX/NetBIOS protocols installed is what works for us, I'm guessing because of my wife's old Novell/Eagle NIC on her Win98SE machine. I've been tempted to play around and see if just TCP/IP would work, but haven't had the time yet. YMMV.
  2. DeadCats

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    IBM PS/2 Model 286-30 12Mhz 286 CPU 30Mb HDD 13" IBM monitor with a .42 dot pitch (talk about going blind) And PC Tools definitely ruled! It was a combination utilities/dosshell, but *highly* configurable. Like a combination of Magellan and Norton Utilities. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 09 October 2000).]
  3. DeadCats

    Win2k file sharing between just two home PCs

    Quote: Originally posted by kearos: Hi DeadCats,Enabled guest account now. Just curious, what does enabling guest account do? For me, it's about the easiest way to setup my computer Win2k computer so that my wife has access to my shared directories from her Win98 computer. We've just got a 2-PC peer-to-peer network. [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 09 October 2000).]
  4. DeadCats

    Win2k file sharing between just two home PCs

    If you haven't done so already, you might want to goto Control Panel>Users & Passwords>Advanced>Advanced, click on Users, right-click on Guests, click on Properties, and uncheck the, "Account is disabled" checkbox. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  5. DeadCats

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    Hmmm... You guys are making me feel nostalgic. I may have to go set up the old 486/33 (or 66, with either 4 or 8MB RAM, can't remember which) and NEC 13" MultiSync monitor, with Win 3.11 and DooM. Jeeze, makes me wish I hadn't given away my old IBM 55sx with GeoWorks OS. [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 07 October 2000).]
  6. DeadCats

    hahaha s.hitey windows2000 - no more slow games 4 me

    Instead, let's just register a usenet newsgroup. I vote we entitle it, "alt.win2000.davidnewbould.die.die.die." Come to think of it, we could have one for jdulmage, too. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 07 October 2000).]
  7. DeadCats

    Build 2195, Service Pack 1, RC 1.1

    How about an SP1 checked-build. I note you can download it.
  8. DeadCats

    HP 8100 Quit working under Win2k but works under WinME

    Man, I just don't have any good answers for you (but maybe someone else does?). That's about the way I have mine setup, except mine are: Maxtor 30GB as Master on Primary IDE Channel Maxtor 8Gb as Slave on Primary IDE Channel HP 8100i as Master on Secondary IDE Channel Creative 6x/24x DVD as Slave on Secondary IDE Channel And everything works fine, of course (doncha just hate it when someone says, "Mine works!"). Using Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.02d. You might check to see if they're set to use "DMA if Available" under Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager>IDEATA/ATAPI Controllers. Sorry I couldn't have been more help.
  9. DeadCats

    hahaha s.hitey windows2000 - no more slow games 4 me

    Hey, whassamatta, can't we give this jerk-off the same amount of latitude we sometimes give jdulmage? (It would be kinda cute seeing a catfight between the two.) I mean, if nothing else, it demonstrates that Gawd created Win9x so that idiots wouldn't have to try running Win2K. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  10. DeadCats

    HP 8100 Quit working under Win2k but works under WinME

    Maybe I missed it somewhere in there, but could you please state what drives you have on which controllers, and whether master or slave? ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  11. DeadCats

    NTFS to FAT32 !!!

    I'd really think twice before attempting to convert your file system with Partition Magic. It's one of those 'iffy' programs. It either works okay, and does what it's supposed to do, or it doesn't and you find yourself weeping in the corner. AFAIK, the only way to convert NTFS to FAT32 successfully, is to do a destructive format of your partition which will, of course, wipe out any files on that partition. There may or may not be any shareware or freeware utilities out on the web to do it without the necessity of doing a destructive format, but I doubt there would be many for the NTFS5 file system, which is the one Win2K uses. What you might be able to do, assuming you've got several partitions and enough room to move files around, is clear one partition (not your primary partition) of all your data files, format it to FAT32, and move all your data files back to it. You'd end up having to format your primary partition and reinstall Win2K and your programs, but it might be the least painful and safest way of getting the job done. Not a fun chore ahead of you. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  12. DeadCats


    All this crap almost makes me yearn for the good old DOS days, when a HARDCORE gamer was known by how much of the 640K he could s-q-u-e-e-z-e out of his config.sys and autoexec.bat, rather than having to resort to a boot disk to play games. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  13. DeadCats

    NHL 2001 - Quick game only, no tournament mode

    Wish I could help you out kearos, but those games are not what I play. IMHO, it's Microsoft's fault. They've been pushing Win2K as a business platform, stating that Win98 (now WinME) is more suited to gaming. And apparently some developers are listening to them. Now, we all sat here listening to that crap from Microsoft, all saying, "Hey, that's wrong! Win2K can do BETTER as a gaming platform that Win98!" But it seems only a few developers were listening to us. Those like iD, Raven, etc. You may or may not find a fix for your predicament. I hope you do. It's frustrating buying a program that SHOULD run great under an OS, and find out it doesn't. You'd think with the preeminence of Whistler, they'd all be producing true 32-bit programs, but I guess not. I remember when developers of DOS programs made that mistake with Win 3.0 and Win3.1. They listened to the naysayers, "Windows will NEVER work," and they lost their shirts. As an example, DBase was THE database program at that time; nobody else even came close. But it took 1-2 years after Windows 3.1 came out for the developers of DBase to finally come out with a Windows version, and by then it was too late. They'd lost the race, and didn't even know it. In the meantime, these gaming companies have one future choice: Develope for Whistler, develope for consoles, or get out of the market. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  14. DeadCats

    How to dual boot w2k and win98se?

    /me votes for ras for the, "Windiest Post In The NT Compatible Message Forum" award. Not that he didn't provide an answer...he definitely did!
  15. DeadCats

    Will More RAM Improve Game Performance?

    The answer, as usual, is "depends." I have a GeForce 256 SDR on a PII 333DMhz CPU, 66Mhz PCI bus (33Mhz AGP bus), so most of my games are processor-limited. In other words, even though I have 192 MB of RAM, because of the limitations of my processor they're only gonna display so many frames per second REGARDLESS of what video card I have installed. You may (or may not) be experiencing the same problem because of the limitations of your Celeron CPU. That, plus 500Mhz isn't very fast nowadays. I CAN say that, generally speaking, upping my RAM from 128 to 192 made a SIGNIFICANT difference in the normal operation of Win2K. As far as games, it didn't seem to make much difference in say, Soldier Of Fortune, where I was more processor-limited than anything else. Not to say SoF was bad; it only slowed down during the last segment when 15-jillion bad guys were trying to kill me, all at the same time. More RAM may or may not help improve the frame rates of your games. Most modern games make use of the physical specifications of your 3-D card, and are less dependent on CPU RAM than they used to be. In other words, if you have a new hot & heavy 3-D card, they'll make use of it, DEPENDING on your CPU/RAM, etc. It did make a BIG difference in Unreal when I first got my PII 333Mhz, and upped the RAM from 64 to 128, but at that time I was more graphics-limited than anything else. That may explain the reasoning behind my, "depends" answer Basically with games, though, there's more of a chance you'll be processor-limited than anything else if you have a bleeding-edge graphics card. (This also involves your bus speed to some extent.) For a long, long time it's been thought that computer game demands drive hardware development much faster than software demands do, and I have to agree with that proposition. When you think about it, my wife's P133 does just as efficient a job in developing software as my PII 333 does, but man, DooM is about the fastest game she can play on it! Anyway, that's my opinion, and I'm stickin' with it. Good luck! ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 24 September 2000).]
  16. DeadCats

    WinME upgrade to Win2000

    Quote: Originally posted by wozzeck: Is it possible to use an OEM version of WinME as the "qualifying software" for an update to Win2000? Brief answer, "no." From what I understand, (and who knows, I may be wrong), Win98 or WinNT is what is expected as, "qualifying software" for the upgrade version of Windows 2000 Professional. Unfortunately, I've had no experience (but maybe someone here has) with the OEM verion of WinME. IMHO, if you're successfully running Win2K, there's no reason to waste your time with WinME. It was fun to play around with when I installed it to my wife's notebook, but that's about all it was. Personally, I used an old Win98 disc to qualify for it, since the install program had a problem recognizing WinNT 4.0 from an old MSDN disc, so I know it's possible. You've got the install order right though; Win9x(ME) first, THEN Win2K in a separate partition. Have fun. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 24 September 2000).]
  17. DeadCats

    reminder to all newbies

    Quote: Originally posted by ThC 129: Please search for something on the topic your looking for instead of just posting it. I dont like answering questions that i answered 2 months ago because someone doesnt want to search. Well, Cheesy ol' pal, I don't see anywhere in there where ThC 129 referred to HAVING to answer questions. All I see is ThC 129 STATING how the answer to a question could be found, and STATING his dislike for providing the same answer more than once. He even was polite about the whole damn thing (note his use of the word, "please"). Now let's go over that again: ThC 129 actually DID provide help by stating how the answer to a question could be found. He was polite about it, and he spoke of his OWN personal dislike in answering questions he had already recently answered. It appears to me that ThC was not only explaining how to possibly find the quickest answer to a question, but also showing newbies how they could not only find the answer to a PARTICULAR question, but also to questions they might have in the future. And that knowledge is probably a lot more help to newbies that just being provided an answer to one particular question. Something along the lines of, "If you teach a man to how fish..." don't you think? But YOU, in your specious, sarcastic remarks, not only did not allow ThC the right to have likes and dislikes, but then you took it upon yourself to represent the opinions of ALL other newbies. My, how exemplary of you! Well, if you're gonna do that, then on behalf of all newbies, perhaps you'd like to thank ThC for actually providing a GREAT way of finding (or not finding) answers! But let me show you the 1st post a person just made in the topic above this one, as listed in Today's Active Topics: "I just recently installed Office 2K on my system (full install) and am suffering a problem with Access. This topic may have been covered before but I could not find anything by searching." Now, obviously that newbie isn't as clueless as you purport ALL newbies to be (how kind of you to do so)! ;( Sure, I can see how it might be hard to miss the search function. But IMHO, the fact that ThC pointed out that feature could have the potential of being of much more help to newbies than anything else he could have stated. Yes, I know, in a later post ThC stated, "i keep having to answer the same questions over and over and over again." Did you consider the fact that some of the members of this forum have a tremendous amount of specific knowledge in certain areas, and that they are often questioned by individual members when they have questions in regard to that specific area of knowledge? And no, Cheesy, I don't consider your post a flame, although it certainly suggests that my most recent post was pointed at you which, IN FACT, it was not! I do not consider you as being the type of person capable of producing creative flames. Now go run home to mama. 8) [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 23 September 2000).]
  18. DeadCats

    reminder to all newbies

    Perhaps the easiest and most polite response is, "Help on your problem may be available in this forum. Please do a search on, "xyz." And just leave it at that. Of course, that's not as much fun as saying something that starts a flame-war or causes some fragile newbie to burst into tears! (Mama, mama, that bad old man yelled at me!) ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  19. DeadCats


    There's a couple of different hacks floating around on the message forum. If you do a search on, "dxr3" you'll find them. One involves using the Sigma Hollywood Win2K beta drivers along with some of Creative's stuff. I've tried that solution and it worked very well. The other involves Creative's beta drivers (available from Creative), along with a simple registry hack, which I'm now using, and it also works very well. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 23 September 2000).]
  20. DeadCats

    Have you ever been soooo Riled up, you just wanna....

    My whole take on the thing is that some hardware manufacturers are just playing the waiting game; waiting for enough time to go by that they can say, "Sorry, we're not going to provide new drivers for your 'legacy' peripheral." That, and if enough time goes by they can add the line, "Gee, why don't you buy our new xyz-peripheral, it has Win2K drivers!" Like others, I'm still waiting for drivers from Creative. In my case (something more than a broken beta) drivers for their Dxr3 decoder card. Creative USED to have some of the best support in the industry. At least, they did several years ago when I bought my 12Mb Voodoo2 cards from them. However, Creative has really disappointed me on the Win2K driver issue, and I can see that I'm not the only one. Win2K was in development for a substantial amount of time. Would it be too much to ask these companies to get their collective heads out of their arses and start developing drivers PRIOR to the official RTM of OS's? It's not like help from MS isn't available, e.g. MSDN. A case in point: My wife's Compaq notebook functions very well with Win2K. Well, that is except for the built-in modem, which won't function at all under Win2K. The solution? Release a (relatively simple) flash-BIOS update. But what is Compaq's attitude toward the whole thing? "We manufactured your notebook computer for operation under Windows 98. We will not support it under any other operating system." Well, that's all well and good for them. But what's MY attitude about Compaq's attitude? Instead of being, "Boy, them folks are really on the ball," it's, "Boy, I am NEVER, EVER, EVER buying a Compaq product again...EVER!" (And I'm telling all my friends not to, either.) So, screw 'em. Harrumph! /me steps down from soapbox ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 23 September 2000).]
  21. DeadCats

    reminder to all newbies

    Quote: Originally posted by Cheese Weasel: ...but 'tone' of ThC 129's post bothered me. The tone of THC's post bothered you? Jeeze, Louise, better not hang around the internet much. I'd hate to see how you'd react if you really got flamed. Personally, I agree with THC. I mean look at the stats. 4300+ 'registered members' of the Message Forum, yet how many are regular contributors? There's a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH, that only pop in here the first time they run into a problem, ask the same question that's been handled numerous times before, expect an immediate answer (like, we're all being paid to handle technical support, right?); sometimes even DEMAND an answer, but don't take the time to do a search or even find out if the Forum has search capabilities. And that's the one and only time we hear of 'em from then on. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  22. DeadCats

    Win2k, SP1, DUN & IIS - Help

    The key is probably installing the service pack IE 5.5, and any other patches in the order that they were released. Just my guess. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  23. DeadCats

    AOL 6.0 Review

    Yeah, I know AOL is gay, or fey, or what have you... I was a charter member of AOL...joined up around 10 years ago or so when most of you had never heard of anything other than maybe CompuServe. Back then it came with a runtime version of GeoWorks, what PC World said, "What Windows 3.0 should have been." I was a Rep (Community Leader), and a chat host in a couple of forums, and that was back when access to AOL cost by the hour, not by the month. It was a pretty good deal back then: instead of paying $x an hour for AOL service, PLUS any long-distance charges, we got it all free. (I do want to note, that AOL added access to "The Internet" long before more of the younger readers in this BBS had typed on their first keyboards.} And, yeah, AOL has been the shitz for the past several years, and no thinking person has anything much to do with it nowadays. But I remember how hard it was for me to quit AOL, leaving behind all the good friends I'd made over the years and all the good sense of "community" that it actually had back then. I do get tired of all the tyros who've never been without the 'net bitchin' about how screwed-up AOL is, when they don't even remember a time when there was no MTV. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  24. DeadCats


    Just from my own experience: I did a clean install of WinME on my wife's 233Mhz Compaq notebook. Previously, I'd tried Win2K on it and it ran fine, except for the modem. Compaq COULD have made the modem work with only a lousy flash-BIOS upgrade, but N-O! (Screw 'em, last Compaq we're ever buying.) Anyway, it recognized all her hardware, software, etc., and works fine on her notebook. I should mention that she doesn't run the graphic-intensive programs that I do. She just wants to be able to communicate on eBay whenever we're out of town. HOWEVER...I had to do some maintenance on my PII 333Mhz desktop over the past weekend and decided to install WinME in the process. All I can say is, "What a dog!" It seems to me that Microsoft took some of the cutesy features from Win2K and added them to WinME in hopes of passing ME off as a true upgrade. I mean, it was dog-slow....DOUBLE-dog-slow, compared to Win2K on the same machine. And that doesn't even mention all the lock-ups and reboots that were necessary to run the same programs that run flawlessly under Win2K. Win98SE was much more stable on my machine than WinME Not that I need either one of them anymore. Not with Win2K!
  25. DeadCats

    Voodoo 2 in Me

    Jeeze, you guys. What pissants! Heck, my poor wife is still playing DooM on a P133! (She's also coding a ton of 32-bit software with Delphi on the same machine.) ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935