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Everything posted by DeadCats

  1. DeadCats

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    Hmm. Out of curiousity I just checked my Win2K CD-ROM, which is an upgrade disc, and sure enough there's a BOOTDISK directory. Emilee1, do you happen to know someone that lives nearby that knows a little basic DOS? ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  2. DeadCats

    UT ate my free space?! Help!

    Quote: Originally posted by felix: UT loves RAM, thus it has blown your swapfile right up. Just shrink your swapfile back to your old size. And, if that's the case, lack of sufficient HDD space could also be why UT bombed. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  3. DeadCats

    New VIA/Win2k M$ patch

    Quote: Originally posted by pugnex: where do you find this patch? and is it only for geforces or would it help with a v5 too It is (or was) on the front newspage of www.ntcompatible.com (you do know where that is, right?). It's for Asus mobo VIA chipset owners. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  4. DeadCats

    Windows 2000 reports formatted drive as unformatted

    Quote: Originally posted by ancker: ...has anyone seen this? ...anyone have a fix? 1. Nope. 2. Format it. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  5. Quote: Originally posted by DavidNewbould: Yesssssssssssssssss finally someone agrees with me that win2k sucks for games. . Dear DavidNewbould: Once again, you prove that some people NEED to run WindowsME. NOTE TO ADMINS : please dont ban him (again). We need people like DavidNewbould around to demonstrate the need for "simple" operating systems. Kinda like having Harley-Davidsons and Hondas; each fulfills a market niche. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  6. DeadCats

    norton systemworks 2001, worth it?

    I haven't been able to locate any event log errors attributable to SystemWorks 2001. Could be an update fixed that? ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  7. Try adding in the new WickedGL drivers from Wicked3D. Of course, the link is www.wicked3d.com and they work like a charm. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 21 October 2000).]
  8. DeadCats

    Need advices on installing Whistler

    Quote: Originally posted by jdulmage: Bye jdulmage I told one to min time stopping where to get Whistler or any anything eles [This message has been edited by SHS (edited 21 October 2000).] Surf-drinkin' are we? 8)
  9. DeadCats

    norton systemworks 2001, worth it?

    I've been running SystemWorks 2001 for around a month now, with no problems. It comes in two flavors: The $40 version gets you NAV2001, Speed Disk, Disk Docter, Win Doctor, and Clean Sweep. For $20 more you get those plus Ghost and Norton Fax. Right now, NAV2001 is going for $19.95 at the local Staples (the closest thing we have to a "computer store" out here in the boonies). In Win98 and WinME, SystemWorks installs a few more goodies. Aparently they either don't work or aren't needed in Win2K. I've found Speed Disk to be substantially faster than the full version of Diskeeper, but it lacks a boot-time defrag and a couple of other features that Diskeeper has. All-in-all, it's a pretty good set of utilities, especially if you can get it at a good price. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  10. DeadCats

    Winddows NT 4.0 vs Windows 2000: Why Should I Upgrade?

    Quote: Originally posted by unix_based_punk: Well, I've upgraded to 2000. It took all my hardware and drivers and used them for the upgrade...I was amazed to say the least...Everything is working here. The clash of the titans is taking place on my pc with Windows 2000 and Linux with the 2.4 kernel. It should be interesting to say the least. Alright, another "amazed" Win2K convert! P.S. Good luck in the OS Wars. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  11. DeadCats

    Uninstall office 10??? HOW!!!!

    Man, that's tough luck. I'd grab the little SOB, drag him over to my house, and let him set there all day long re-installing all my applications and data, and then tweaking it all back the way I had it (if its possible to ever really get it back that way again). Then I'd shove a 10BaseT cable (attached to a hub)where the sun-don't-shine, wire it to 120 volts and scream, "Dance, you little LAN party ****e, dance! MUAHAHAHA!"
  12. DeadCats

    What does W2K SP1 break? (Problem w/ watching DVDs)

    I don't have any problems viewing movies with my Dxr3+DVD drive+SP1. Neither did I before SP1. However, before SP1, MP7, and the Creative Dxr3 beta, all I used was the Sigma Hollywood Beta drivers plus the Creative Win98/WinNT4 hacks. Now, I use the Creatieve Beta+the Registry Hack, and have no problems with watching movies on my PC. And that's with SP1 installed. Now, I never did try to tell if SP1 was the trouble...DVD movies worked just as well afterwards as they did before. Obviously, YMMV. Sorry I couldn't have been more help. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  13. DeadCats

    Looking for opinionated answers

    Of course, Win2K does have backup software. If you happen to have a 2nd HDD, you can use it to backup your important data to the 2nd HDD. No additional cost, either. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  14. DeadCats

    Unable to share drive on w2kpro from 98...

    Quote: Originally posted by solaris8: Please don't enable your win2k guest account, especially you have cable. Win2k requires an username/password to access it shares, so just create an user in both win98 and w2k. Finally, make sure file and print sharing is only enable on the internal NIC, not the external/cable NIC. Win2K does not require a username/password to access its shares.
  15. DeadCats

    Creative DXR3

    Quote: Originally posted by RattDawg: Do any of these fixes still have the display problem? With every fix that I have tried it screws up my monitor. I get an unknown monitor and no way to reinstall the Sony drivers. Also there seems to be a problem with Direct X after getting the Dxr 3 running, games cant detect direct X. Please let me know any input is appreciated. RattDawg 1. Display problem? If you mean it no longer says "Sony XYZ" in the Display>Advanced>Monitor tab, then yeah, that happens to me, too. I think it's the Detonator 3 drivers that have been doing it to me, though. It resets it to Default Monitor, but doesn't seem to affect anything. I can still set the refresh to anything my monitor can handle in the Adaptor tab. If it bothers you that much, you might want to check Sony's website for a driver .INF. I can see where you might want some color doohickeys. 2. Hewlett Packard finally got their S**T together? Big laugh. 3. No problems with games detecting DirectX either. Running Q3 Arena, HL, HL:OF, and SoF currently on my PC. I'm using the Dxr3 Beta and the simple Registry hack. No problems with MediaPlayer 7 and MPEG codecs, either. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 13 October 2000).]
  16. DeadCats

    Unable to share drive on w2kpro from 98...

    You might want to try going to Contol Panel>Users&Passwords>Advanced>Advanced, select Users, right-click on Guests, click on Properties, and uncheck the "Account is disabled" box. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  17. DeadCats

    Winddows NT 4.0 vs Windows 2000: Why Should I Upgrade?

    /me agrees with DosFreak. I can't think of anything about NT4 that isn't bettered in Win2000. You'll hear, (usually from people that aren't running it or haven't taken the time to really check it out)"It's not a gaming OS." Well, hogwash. I can't think of a modern OS yet that runs all of the games all of the time. The fact is, Win2K runs most modern games right out of the box. And runs them just as well if not better than Win98 or whatever. And MS has been no slouch about releasing (game) compatibility updates, also. Strange, for an OS that even Microsoft has called, "Not a gaming platform," that we've seen at least 3 (game) compatibility patch releases from them. The other thing you hear a lot about is, "There's no driver support." And again, that's baloney. Most (but not all) modern hardware is also compatible with Win2K, and there are more and more drivers released every day. If you want to know if what you've got is compatible with Win2K, just look at the massive, frequently updated, list here in ntcompatible.
  18. DeadCats

    Screen refresh rate in games

    Howdy, Raggzock, and welcome to the NT Compatible Message Forum. Your problem has been extensively covered before. The easiest way for you to find the solution would be to do a search on it. (There's a little search link in the upper right hand part of the forum screen.) ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935 [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 13 October 2000).]
  19. DeadCats

    this is bull****

    And here we go, another compatibility update from Microsoft. Anyone else notice that the compatibility updates mostly concern games? ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  20. DeadCats

    Win2000 install help

    You might want to try setting your 650 to 650. Who knows?
  21. DeadCats

    Creative DXR3

    or... 1. Install Beta Drivers and use registry hack. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  22. DeadCats

    WinME File zip/unzip in Win2K

    For anyone that's wwanted to be able to ZIP or UNZIP files just like in WinME or Win98+Plus, DosFreak has done it! In his own words..."This program will allow you to use Compressed Folders in Windows 2000 just like in Windows ME. For some reason Microsoft decided not to include this with Windows 2000. Probably because 9x is geared more towards home users and the Compressed Folders does not give the extra information which could confuse home users. There have been alot of people asking for this and I have seen something like this around the Net. Unfortunately I was unable to find it so I decided to make my own version. This version IMHO is alot better than other rips from ME I have seen." DosFreak has given me permission to sing his praises, and this little utility definitely earn them. I've tried it in Win2K, and it works like a charm. It lacks the functionality of PowerArchiver, but will well serve anyone that just wants basic zip/unzip features in the Windows Explorer shell, just like in WinME or Win98+Plus98. If you want to check it out, I would suggest sending DosFreak a private message. Also, I've unzipped the .CAB file DosFreak created to contain it, and have rezipped it into a .ZIP file for anyone who wants me to send it to them. The whole thing only takes up 160K in a .CAB file, or 199K in a .ZIP. Just send me a private message or an email, and I'll be glad to pass it on to you. Thanks also go to Rave, over in 3dfiles.com, who promulgated this whole thing. [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 11 October 2000).]
  23. DeadCats

    Win2k file sharing between just two home PCs

    Cool beans. Because of the old Novell/Eagle NIC in my wife's machine, we have to use IPS/SPX/NetBIOS and NetBEUI protocols, though it may be possible to use only one, I don't know. We're on a routerless peer-2-peer, using BNC cable and terminators. I think it's called thin ethernet. [This message has been edited by DeadCats (edited 10 October 2000).]
  24. DeadCats

    Increasing mouse refresh rate

    If you're using a PS/2-style mouse, the old PS/2 mouse hack may work. If a USB mouse, I have no idea. You can get the PS/2 mouse hack from most gaming websites, or at least a link to it. ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935
  25. DeadCats

    Why do u guys hate me so much ?

    This reminds me of an old Paul Harvey story entitled, "Some Farmers Shouldn't" about a farmer that sold his whole dairy herd in order to buy an automatic milking machine. We don't hate you, David. It's just that, obviously, some people aren't meant to run Win2K. If you post something considered inflammatory, expect to get flamed. That's usually the goal anyway. But before long, people that really want to know something will learn to ignore your posts. As far as jdulmage goes, he's kinda like the class clown in here. He's a likeable guy and well accepted, but still causes us to shake our heads from time to time. And we'll accept you here, too, just as BaronX says. Just keep hanging around and try to contribute something positive when you get a chance. Hey, everone notice the cool spell checker here now? ------------------ "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolph Hitler, 1935