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Posts posted by Spuddeh

  1. Bloodman, i'm not exactly sure if what you're saying is exactly accurate, but looking at the way in which that sort of game reads mouse data, it would appear to me you are mistaken, i have tried this, and yes, it makes a difference, but i've also found that there is still an element of mouse acceleration built in, i think microsoft have made an aweful mistake to modify their mouse code from the windows 2000 base, as the accuracy was superb, for that reason, untill a permenant, and effective fix is found for this appauling problem , i'm sticking to windows 2000 sp2, however much i prefer XP's other benefits

  2. for those of you who want a simpler approach,

    -get the NV Refreshrate Fix,

    -run the setup, and it'll complain that its only made for windows 2000 build 2195 at the latest,

    -right click on the shortcut the program creates, and go to compatability,

    -enable the compatability tickbox and select windows 2000


    it'll pick up your hardware appropriately, and function as it would in windows 2000

  3. I'm most distressed with the mouse setup in windows XP (all)

    i have the same problem, i've turned off mouse prescision, made the registry entry removals (mouse smoothing) etc, and still, in games (all) my mouse appears to, for some unknown reason, enable some form of in game mouse acceleration, if anyone can PLEASE help, the sum of £50'000 will be left in unmarked notes under the third toilet stall in victoria coach station (london)

  4. Eeeep, i find the 7.52 drivers SUPERB except for in one area. i cannot alt-tab out..at all :|

    anyone know of a fix / setting to get around this

    i'm running a ge-force DDR (asus deluxe) and a p3 933 on a asus p3v4x (latest AGP drivers) etc smile.gif

  5. I'm afraid this is true, re-installnig is the only way to remove ACPI, (press F6 repeatedly before it starts copying files gpreparing for the install <-- not 100% sure) when installing win2k

    this solved many problems, though i actually think its decreased performance (3d) tho when i dont use ACPI i am able to go into suspend mode smile

    always a good thing

  6. My guess would be yes, yit seems that your mainboard may have a communicatins port failure, have you tried any other peripherials in com2, because my guess would be that they dont work either, i'd suggest either buying a new mainboard, and totally re-installing, or getting a communications card (PCI) and using that, it'll cost you about £20, and it should sort you out nicely smile

  7. Right...Many people have trouble with midtown madness 2 in both win2k and 98

    this is because its a buggy piece of microsoft mess. there should be a patch on the microsoft website to sort your problems, if not, try the 7.17-2 drivers, they've worked a treat for me (tho they make my machine reset when i go to the video colour panel :))

  8. I've had a SBlive! since they first came out (origninal release) and it has been superb! smile

    It worked in windows 95...then windows 98...then windows 2000 AND ME

    the latter two worked without me even needing to install any drivers wink

    (at the expense of EaX2, but it only costs performance)

    P3 933EB

    384mb Cube PC100 Memory (Cas-2)

    Mainboard : P34Vx

    Graphics card: Asus V6800 Deluxe ge-force( laugh!)

    Running win2k Pro and ME (dual)

  9. indeed i've an optical mouseman wheel, its very comfy, but not small enough for sniping in many games

    anyways, to fix this problem, you've gotta find a way to trick the drviers in to thinking that that mouse is a microsoft intellimouse explorer, and thus allow it to use all buttons / work properly in games.

    the way i did this is to leave my intellimouse explorer plugged in whilst installing the new drivers, and then telling win2k that they were both intellimouse explorers, which did the trick nicely smile

  10. tell you what tho, i used to have a razer boomslang, the shoddy'st peice of crap i ever bought, its unsightly, un-comfortable, its buttons are too sensative, and to big, the mouse wheel clicks like the really old mouse wheels you used to get with the PS/2 or Com intelli-mice, (they clicked like fek) smile

  11. Right, quite a hastle this card has caused me, my asuscom ISDN TA card is just fine...untill i use internet explorer on certain pages...and this causes a windows 2000 bluescreen, (aaaaargh) www.barrysworld.com caused that for ages, but many sites do it, i've tried the latest drivers / older drivers, older drivers are fine, but wont allow the computer to shut down correctly smile.gif - so the latest ones are just shafted, either i'm being asked to chose to have a stable pc..or a PC that freezes on shut down, can anyone help please, as i am most agrieved smile.gif


  12. I've gotta new p3 cumine 800 and asus ge-force (6800 deluxe), its not too shabby....one minor complaint....i get theeee most appauling framerates around, 138fps on demo1.dm2 (i used to get 149 with my athlon 650 (asus ge-force as well) - and quake3 is totally un-changed...in any way, i'm using the latest drivers from asus, the via 4 in 1 drivers...or whatever, AGP x4 (unavailable on the athlon mb)..and running win2k sp1, anyone wanna gimmie any hints as to why its running so poooorly???
