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Everything posted by Bursar

  1. Bursar

    memory errors

    It's not to do with it being an OEM version of the OS. I have had this problem many times with Windows 2000 and also NT 4. There doesn't seem to be any link between any of the cases. I have had the errors you mention, as well as ones stating that the memory cannot be written. I didn't find a cure for them It only happened in a few instances though. Since the upgrade to XP I haven't had any problems with those messages.
  2. These things are interesting, but they'll probably play havoc with air traffic control. And can you imagine the devestation that would be caused should a plane or bomb hit it? It would need to be a long long way from civilization.
  3. Bursar

    NV30 performance level hints ;)

    I also saw they were claiming it was around 3 times faster than the current GF4. This would lead to 3DMark scores in excess of 36,000!!! Somehow I can't see that just yet.
  4. Bursar

    How do i get Army Operations to work on windows xp?

    I know it's not much help, but it ran fine for me under XP Pro. Are you running it logged in as a user with Admin privaleges?
  5. 8) How much strain is that lot putting on your card? It looks like it needs a couple of supports to stop it from bending. And if something should come loose, you can kiss goodbye to just about everything in the path of the falling heatsink!
  6. Bursar

    Ultra-Violet Cold Cathode or Neon Light

    Well, you tend to find that Cathodes give out much more light than neons, but they need a seperate invertor. Neons have invertor built in. Cathodes are also more expensive than Neons. You pays your money and takes your choice.
  7. Bursar

    Sharing issue

    Have you created an account on the XP machine that has the same username and password as the one that your wife uses on the 98 PC? Try that first.
  8. Bursar

    Windows 2000 - SP3 Feedback -Post here

    I have that icon available in a Win2k Pro test machine that I've just installed the SP onto. Are you running Server? Maybe it's not available for that.
  9. Bursar

    Whoah, shiny!!!!!

    Yeah, it has come on. I was going to use it on a new site that I'm setting up, but had problems with some of the configuration options. I switched over to XForums, and got everything running exactly how I wanted in a few mins. Still, phpBB is a decent system, and hopefully it will continue to get better.
  10. Bursar

    File Backup/Automation Software

    You could just use the AT scheduler if it's a fairly straightfoward job. From a command prompt, just AT /? to see the available options for it.
  11. Bursar

    convert and bsod / hang

    IIRC the conversion happens the next time you boot the PC, not there and then. It's been a while since I've done a conversion though as I just format all my disks as NTFS from the start. Haven't had any problems with any application being able to read them. As always though, make a backup first, just incase.
  12. Does anyone know where Media Player keeps the database that holds CD track names? And is it openable by Access or some other similar program? Failing that, how about WinAmp?
  13. Bursar

    Where does Media Player 8 keep its files?

    I have seen them in the past, but I can't remember exactly where they live.
  14. Bursar

    Where does Media Player 8 keep its files?

    Thanks to all that have replied. I'll have a fiddle with things and see if I can get what I want. Quote: * If anything can show you what & where an app stores information pretty well, it is those 2 applications... Speaking of which, I should load them myself, because I am wondering where exactly it is the IE stores its "AutoComplete" information! It's in the registry, but it's all encoded. You can't actually read the contents yourself. I can't remember the exact location, but I'm sure a search will turn it up.
  15. Bursar

    Fan Stacking: Ever heard of it? Your opinions please...

    The other thing you need to think about if you reverse the direction of the fan is the shape of the blades. They are designed to spin one way, much like a propeller. Spinning the blades the other way isn't going to do you much good. The other thing that you can do is a twin fan mod where you stick two fans next to each other. This is likely to be much more beneficial. Not my piccy - shamelessly borrowed from a website site to illustrate the point.
  16. Bursar

    Where does Media Player 8 keep its files?

    I'm not worried about directly editing the info in the database, but I would like to export it out of the database into another format (just plain text would be fine, as long as all of the info was present).
  17. Quote: I thought it was a Pringles tube? You're quite right. Now you mention it, I rember it being a Pringles tube.
  18. Yup, there was an article in one of the trade papers about it. A load of people got on a bus, and they did 'drive by hackings' of wireless networks in the centre of london. It was only done as a test, and the results were that with a laptop, the right software and an aerial made out of a coke can, they could gain access to most wireless networks without any problems what so ever. Worrying stuff, and the people in charge of those networks should be strung up.
  19. Bursar

    Is there no way to download this fix?

    It's probably because the patch hasn't received huge amounts of testing yet. Are you actually suffering from this problem, or do you want the file 'just because'?
  20. You might want to be careful hooking it up. A lot of the Delta 60mm fans pull too much juice to be fed properly from a mobo fan header. You can easily burn the header out. That one looks OK though, 3 pin header for RPM monitoring, but the power is supplied by a 4 pin molex. Bear it in mind if you buy a different one that only has a 3 pin socket on it.
  21. Bursar

    Does The Sims work on XP or not?

    Quote: Answers to Questions: 1. Upgraded because 98 is ugly and XP is pretty, and because my computer was acting messed up due to programs that I downloaded through KazaaLite, thus I formatted my hard drive and decided I might as well upgrade to XP while I'm at it You missed the point. It wasn't "whay are running XP?" it was "why did you install Win98, and then upgrade to XP?". Wipe your PC again, and do a clean install of XP only. During the XP install, it will ask you for the Windows media that you are upgrading from. Insert your Win98 CD at that point, and then remove it when done. You don't need to install Win98 first, and you're just storing up problems that could bite you later on if you do install it first. If you're worried about whether it will work or not, try and buy it from somewhere that has a returns policy. I know EB and Game in the UK have them. You can take the game back within 10 days for a refund/swap for any reason you like
  22. First up, remove the heatsink from the CPU, clean the CPU core and the base of the heatsink thoroughly. Something like acetone free nail varnish remover will do the trick. Then put a very thin coating of Arctic Silver onto the CPU core (the AS only wants to be on about as thick as one sheet of paper). Then attach the heatsink as normal, but try not to move the heatsink around too much otherwise it will smudge the AS all over the place. Whilst your at it, have a look inside the CPU socket on the motherboard. If you have a thermistor in there, try and bend it about a bit so that it touches the bottom of the CPU. This should help give slightly more accurate readings. You could also put a small dab of AS on the top of the thermistor.
  23. Bursar

    "Update success" message at bootup

    Have you got the latest WindowsUpdate stuff installed? That has a feature very similar to WinXP where it can download updates in the background without you knowing. In the Control Panel, you should see an icon for Automtic Updates where you can configure the settings for it. If it's not that, then I don't know I'm afraid.
  24. Bursar

    stability and reliability

    The guy is in the UK, so linking to sites in the US that sell software probably isn't terribly useful. As for the XP backward compatibility thing, yes it's true, but buying a copy of XP gets you a copy of XP. You still need the 2K media to install, and that's not something the public can easily get hold of without buying a copy (not counting the dodgy sides of the net). So if you want 2K, buy 2K. If you want XP, buy XP. It's the easiest way. Also bear in mind that if you buy a new PC, you will be unlikely to get a proper set of media for the OS. You'll likely get a recovery CD that will restore the machine to its factory condition from a hidden partition on the hard disk. And which one you choose will also depend on the various peripherals you have, and what you actually want to use the PC for. I found 2K to be a great OS. I've now moved over to XP full time, and find that it too is pretty decent. Most of my hardware works properly apart from my digi-cam (seperate thread about that). But a card reader should fix that. There's little difference between the two for most home users.
  25. Bursar

    Video/FM tuner question

    I've got a Hauppage card, and it's card. I think it's just the basic model (picked it up second hand), but it's decent enough. I've only run it on Intel systems, and haven't had any installation problems providing you follow the instructions on the Hauppage website. The latest software and drivers for it are available from the Hauppage website. I've only used it under 2000 and XP, but there's no reason to think that it won't work under 98. The radio software I did find a bit flakey to be honest, and it locked my machine. I haven't bothered with any of the later versions of the radio software, so they may be a bit better. The only thing I will say is make sure the customer has a decent aerial. They'll either need an extension from their main TV aerial or if they use a portable aerial, they will likely need a signal booster. I have a booster on my portable aerial, and the picture is fine.