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Four and Twenty

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Posts posted by Four and Twenty

  1. Quote:

    Well he already said he want's a AMD processor. Why not give him advice relative to his situation instead of telling him to go with intel?

    i did in my very first post
    i told him to get the asus one

  2. i like nvidia graphics cards


    but i have yet to see any chipset for the amd platform that is anywhere near as stable as an intel chipset


    amd processors themselves aren't unstable but they are way too hot


    so no i am not just bashing for no reason


    i like quality

    i demand quality



    i did make a recomendation of what i think is the best of the bunch

  3. i got the large cd kit also and installed office on a test machine but i haven't had a chance to use it or run into those problems yet


    i also got a beta refresh kit a month or so ago and never had a chance to install it


    i figure it was updated versions of the software


    did you guys get taht? did you hava a chance to install?

    perhaps those are updates that will fix the problem


    i have tested server 2k3 extensively but office beta is just not good for business


    for the reasons you guys have stated above.

  4. i don't know about that board but compared with the other manufacturers he listed i have had the best experiences with asus


    i wouldn't buy from any of those manufacturers

    i also wouldn't buy amd via sis nforce or any of that crap


    i would buy intel supermicro or tyan

  5. Quote:
    ok Im trying NAV corp 8, still does not detect virus test emails I send myself but Panda does. I dont like panda though because its a hog and crashes my games when realtime protection is on. NAV corp does not do that. ok any suggestions? Is NAV personal still a big memory hog? help me out here

    what email program are you using? Symantec Corp. 8 works great for outlook 2k and outlook xp, it also does some others.