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Four and Twenty

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Everything posted by Four and Twenty

  1. Four and Twenty

    Printer error

    wierd have you try reinstalling the printer drivers
  2. Four and Twenty

    icons look like win95 and direct 3D doesn't work!

    sadly i have no help for you but i have seen a similar problem with the a voodoo3 3000 agp that happened after running unreal and having it crash it happend to my college roomate. When his unreal crashed all icons were white they had the proper shape but they had no color whatsoever. we tried reinstalling the drivers and we tryed using the voodoo drivers that came with win2k all to no avail. Finally when we were quite fed up we reformated and started over. Needles to say that fixed it. Probably not the answer you were looking for but that will do it.
  3. Four and Twenty

    shouldn't a boot disk always work?

    you could try changing the boot order in the bios
  4. Four and Twenty


    what a fdffing waste of bandwidth
  5. Four and Twenty

    dual boot

    here is my boot.ini Have my single hdd partitioned in two the with win2k on logical drive c: and windows Me on logical drive D: [boot Loader] timeout=10 Default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT [Operating Systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect C:\="Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition" Hope this helps somehow
  6. Four and Twenty

    ati 8meg agp gfx card $30 bucks obo

    ati 8meg agp gfx card $30 bucks obo email friendofkindbuds@hotmail.com if interested also will trade for something
  7. Four and Twenty

    Win2k & Win Me - No hibernation

    I have a dual boot win2k 2195 / win me 2491 I recently install Media player 7 beta on my sys under win me and then pretty soon after i uninstalled it. Now I can not hibernate either OS. Is there a way to fix this with out the dreaded reinstall all.
  8. Four and Twenty

    WarFTP download speed being limited under 2000

    try another ftp program
  9. Four and Twenty

    Win2k Phone dialer problems

    If i use the win2k dialer it does not dial the way i set it to in the proerties. It dials only what i type and does not use the calling card infor that i put in. If i run the win98 dialer in win2k it works perfectly oh yeah outlook also has no prob dialing and using the long distance rules that i have set. i would just overwrite the dialer with the win 98 version but it comes back thanks to the gd file protection crap. The reason i need the win 2k version to work is that i use it to dial numbers from access databases so the win2k dialer pops up every time and there is no way for me to make the win98 one go in its place. Plus the win2k dialer is much better looking and less anoying to use (aside form the dialing prob!) Any one have any info on this?
  10. I hav tried all the tip in this website and i still cannot get it to work. Apcompat.exe didn't work and the patch didn't help. It runs in dosmode with no sound and that's all i can get it to do.
  11. Four and Twenty

    Can Someone send me apcompat.exe

    i have a downloaded copy of win2k and it doesn't have it If someone could send this to me it would be great Thank jparker@zoo.uvm.edu
  12. Four and Twenty

    Can Someone send me apcompat.exe

    have a job not interested in buying software could someone who doesn't have a problem with the fact that i pirated the software email me a copy of apcompat.exe or post a link thanks
  13. Four and Twenty

    Be honest now!!!

    I pirate every peice of software I can win2k pro included. I can't wait to finish downloading win2k server. The only software you should buy is the stuff you can't pirate or stuff made buy companies that actully need the money (IE not Microshaft)
  14. Four and Twenty

    Let me get this office 2k sr-1 thing straight

    You can register the same serial number hundreds of times it really doesn't matter microsoft is not going to come after you. If you are worried fill the reg info with bull****. I have installed the same copy of O2K Pro on at least 20 computers on the same network and registered all of them. Along with Frontpage 2k and a **** load of other programs it really doesn't matter! And I really don't think anyone should be ashamed to pirate from MS it is not like Bill needs more money.