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Four and Twenty

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Everything posted by Four and Twenty

  1. Four and Twenty

    What date is shown for your...

    Quote: Quote: 10/1/2002 5.2.3790.0 That version looks like Windows Server 2003...yes? The shutdown problem has been present since SP3 hit. I have done a complete re-install of Win2k but as soon as I install SP3 it starts freezing on shutdown. Oh well, I'll keep researching it. And yes I keep up-to-date with Windows updates. perhaps try sp4
  2. Four and Twenty

    What date is shown for your...

    yea that is server 2k3
  3. Four and Twenty

    What date is shown for your...

    10/1/2002 5.2.3790.0
  4. Four and Twenty

    Remote desktop thru ics

    situation i have win2k3 with ics as my main network server it is connected to cable modem and has private ip address of i have another server on teh private network i setup a dynamic dns service on the main server so i can get to it over the internet without needing to know what the ip is. So now i can remote desktop in to the main server from anywhere on the net. What i would like to do is be able to remote desktop in to the other server. Is this type of routing possible with ICS or do i have to set up some other type of nat in order to accomplish this?
  5. Four and Twenty

    Remote desktop thru ics

    Quote: ICS does indeed support port forwarding. in the advanced section of ics(settings) there is a list of comon ports to forward (Ftp 21 etc) and you can add your own. Make a new one (Or choose remote desktop one if it is there) give it a groovy name, and set the internal IP you would like that pot sent to. thank you that worked perfectly just went and tried from my friends house up the street. -Jeff
  6. Four and Twenty

    Remote desktop thru ics

    i set remote desktop to forward to the address of the other server and i have tried to connect to my public ip address but i still just sends me to the computer perhaps i have to try from somwhere outside my network to see. i think i will go do that right now.
  7. Four and Twenty

    Defragmentation Software

  8. check this out these graphics that are now part of win2k3 server date all the way back to the xp betas. And the icons in the tray date back to win2k what the phuck.
  9. Four and Twenty

    BIOS Flashing - or rather, UNflashing

    the sound and network if onboard could be disabled in the bios by default
  10. Quote: svchost.exe is normal. I forget what it does though. it runs dlls
  11. Four and Twenty

    swap file missing error at boot up in win2k

    if you can delete the swap file by puttin your drive in another system it should set one up for you on next reboot
  12. Four and Twenty

    Migrate settings

    my buddy has been using xp for over a year and he wants to migrate all of his iexplerer setting like the passwords and username to either a reinstall of xp or a new install of win 2003 server. is there a section of the registry that is related to these settings? I know that alot of it is probably cookie that controls that but is there a way to migrate that or is it all conected to some global GUID?
  13. Four and Twenty

    Problems loading Windows 2000

    if it is a pirated copy it could be corrupted yet another reason not to use pirated software. could be your cd rom drive. seems unlikely but possible.
  14. Four and Twenty

    Migrate settings

    my buddy has been using xp for over a year and he wants to migrate all of his iexplerer setting like the passwords and username to either a reinstall of xp or a new install of win 2003 server. is there a section of the registry that is related to these settings? I know that alot of it is probably cookie that controls that but is there a way to migrate that or is it all conected to some global GUID?
  15. Four and Twenty

    How to get $25K in MS software for $299

    so if you want the pub server buy the standard server at 400 and pay the 3 bilz a year for the production environment nuf said
  16. Four and Twenty

    So where's iTunes for windows?

    downloaded update seem to make it faster that was my main problem with it before is that it was slow.
  17. Four and Twenty

    proof that there are stoners working at M$

    the taskbar properties window should look more like this although that is a bit sloppy u get the idea.
  18. Four and Twenty

    proof that there are stoners working at M$

    ok the screen shot is from server 2003. which does have the ability to run the luna theme however by default it is not installed. and the icons for the things like the network conection have all bee redesigned also. I think that the expample should reflect this.
  19. Four and Twenty

    proof that there are stoners working at M$

    my point is that it is sloppy. someone should have noticed this besides me. particularly someone at Microsoft.
  20. Four and Twenty

    Dual booting 98 on NTFS?

    Quote: Win98 can go on any partition you want (fat32), but c: must be fat32 in either case. good point
  21. Four and Twenty

    Dual booting 98 on NTFS?

    you need to repartition the drive but that doesn't mean that you need expensive tools you need to make the primary partition fat32 that is what 98 will go on the other partition can be fat or ntfs (ntfs is better but you woln't see it in 98 without a special driver) install 98 first then your nt variant the nt variant will realize you got 98 on there and give you a boot option for it.
  22. Four and Twenty

    cd burning software

    well that sux i am sorry to hear that but since i allready have clone cd i am all set for the time being until i get a drive that it doesn't support.
  23. Four and Twenty

    windows version

    no prob man that is why we are here
  24. Four and Twenty

    HP Scanjet 4100C compatibility?

  25. Four and Twenty

    OpenGL for XP

    http://www.windowsxp-drivers.com/drivers/46/46476.htm you might consider gettin a new nvidia card for real cheap the card that you have is quite dated and will give you very crapy performance in MOHAA