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Everything posted by Arin

  1. Arin

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I don't see what everyone is making such a big deal here. Lets make more interesting threads in the other section. I posted something here and only got 5 responces, but I posted the same thing on board.3dfiles.com and got over 50 responces in a couple hours. geez
  2. Arin

    Whats the big fuss on prossessor speed

    Making intel more wealthy will only bring goodness. Think about this. If you right now are content with the current speed of your processor and framerates on say quake 3 with it beafed up all the way, just emagin about 3 months down the road what games may come out. I am content with my stuff at 500 pumped up all the way that my monitor will handle in quake 3 but at times not. I still everyonce in a while get a drop in frames and that kinda sux, but the jump from quake 3 from 2 was so great in such a little amount of time and see what sof did with the quake 2 engine. If you have a gighrz processor just think about how much better the game would be. you could put it in the highest everything and not wory about anything bad. browsing your computer and doing things in photoshop will be so much faster. If you have ever rendered anything in photoshop that was huge, and you had a 500 processor and it took kinda long, just emagin how short it would take with a processor that was 1000. all i am trying to say is things will get better and better requires better stuff. planing ahead just keeps you up to date and gives you bragging rights at lan parties
  3. Arin

    If i get the sp1 beta.....

    Also, I tried to install win2k again but I quit the install because there are problems with my mobo and installin win2k. Well now when ever I start the comptuer it gives me the option to do the setup! Is there a way to make this go away? If I dont get it to go away, then I cant use nortan 2000 auto protect
  4. Ok here is my problem. I my friend tried to install whistler on my machine and the setup it just like that of windows 2000. I have problems installin winodws 2000 on my computer so i had to quit the install at the setuping up hardware blue dos like screen. now when ever i start the computer it asks to go to win2k or setup win2k pro (whistler) Is there a way to get rid of this. if you respond to this can you email me at arin@bellatlantic.net ------------------ Athalon 500 196mb Ram 3D prophet ddr-dvi geforce SB Live! sound card. biostar m7mka mobo 20 gig maxtor and 3.5 gig fireball 32x tosheba, and adaptec scsi mitsuia cdr 2x4x ms internet keyboard pro ms intellimouse explorer 640k DSL on wintell modem with linksys dsl router 100mbit dlink nic w/wol
  5. Arin

    PS2Rate, USBRate ???

    bomb slang is dumb.
  6. Arin

    JimmyK... ass?

    This guy was a real ass to me. Be careful what you post. He may beat you down. Example. here was my origional post, jims responce, and my responce. You judge. Me: I am selling the following hardware. Email me at freekietah@ezonline.com Msg on aim at W a r e z Drez. <- remove those spaces in the first word of my name. Here is what I am selling. 8mb 2d/3d s3 virge velocity video card. pci Diamond Monster mx 300 sound card. pci Ne2000 10mbit combo cat5/coax nic card. isa Ensoniq sound card. isa Generic 10 mbit nic. isa Generic 10 mbit nic. isa Radio Shack 2 port game controler card. isa Telepath 33.6 modem. isa Ms wheel mouse. ps2 Gateway 2000 104+ keyboard. ps2 Ms sidewinder game pad pro. Gameport Ms sidewinder Joystick pro. Gameport Generic joystick. Gameport Generic 4 port printer switch. parallel port Ass, er Jim: this is not a forsale and trade forum if ud idnt notice. There are forums/pages made specifically for that like www.agn3d.com or www.anadtech.com Secondly thisis an international forum there are MANY MANY people who arent in the continental USA. So please remove this post, nobody reply to it, or the moderator should lock it. Me: Dude, I ment no harm by it. Your are an ass. -------------------------------------------- What a jerk.
  7. Arin

    JimmyK... ass?

  8. I just upgraded to dsl and i was told to put microfilters (i think z-filters) on every line not using dsl. well i did that but i still get a small hum/crackel annoying noise. does anyone have this problem? ------------------ Athalon 500 196mb Ram 3D prophet ddr-dvi geforce SB Live! sound card. biostar m7mka mobo 20 gig maxtor and 3.5 gig fireball 32x tosheba, and adaptec scsi mitsuia cdr 2x4x ms internet keyboard pro ms intellimouse explorer 640k DSL on wintell modem with linksys dsl router 100mbit dlink nic w/wol
  9. I found this picture of horse boy in a magazine. I figured I would make him into a dj. Laugh away.
  10. Arin

    Horse Boy! Click here to laugh!

    I found a pictur of this kid who looks like a horse in a scouting magazine.
  11. Arin

    Horse Boy! Click here to laugh!

    actualy i did that at school a while back. this was a long prom weekend.
  12. Arin

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Hey, look at this! Click Here!!! Its shocking! I did have the picture on the page, but figured that i would get introuble. [This message has been edited by Arin (edited 06 May 2000).]
  13. Arin


    I had the unfortunate experience of my friend sending me a japscat video. He told me it was a funny video, and well it is, but still, has anyone ever seen a japscat video?!? They are crazy! Why would they do that!!!
  14. Arin


    I found horseboy in a scouting magazine of my dads so i cut it out.... this kid i know moved away. he sent me the jap scat.
  15. Arin

    DSL from bellsouth and win2k

    bellatlantic works here
  16. Arin


    Badboy look at this www.ezonline.com/freekietah/djhorse.gif If you dont want to be disgusted please do not read any further. Anways jap scat is strange and disgusting. My first jap scat video that I had sent to me was shocking. (all characters are jap) this limp guy was some how jacking off into a girls mouth, saying "you sucki, you sucki you sucki" then she sorto of blew bubbles with it and rand it thru here teeth. then the guy got a turkey baister and sucked it up and put it in her butt. at this point i shut off the video. called my friend and ass. but he told me that is gets really funny so i opened it again to be horified. she farted out the *liquid* from the turkey baister. then the guy got down, and here is what makes it jap scat.... He ate here poop! He was all like into it to! moaning for more! i was throwing up when it just kept comming and then it was his turn. I had to stop the video there. But recently on stileproject... a link my friend showed me... has had a lot of posts making fun of jap scat. apparently it is like a contest over there. they all eat poop for fun or something! Why would a culture do this! I am sorry if i have disgusted anyone. [This message has been edited by Arin (edited 06 May 2000).]
  17. Arin

    system page file

    I have an old cold war craptastic 200 meg hardrive... should i put that in there as a slave to my cdr and make that deticated to swap? would that speed stuff up?
  18. I have a pc w/2000 and my sister has an imac with os 9 gettin os x. anways, how would i be able to see her in network neighborhood or map one of here drives??? we are both in the router table adn on the internet thru the router. ------------------ Athalon 500 196mb Ram 3D prophet ddr-dvi geforce SB Live! sound card. biostar m7mka mobo 20 gig maxtor and 3.5 gig fireball 32x tosheba, and adaptec scsi mitsuia cdr 2x4x ms internet keyboard pro ms intellimouse explorer 640k DSL on wintell modem with linksys dsl router 100mbit dlink nic w/wol
  19. Arin

    No More windows CD's with NEW System's....

    The only reason they do that is so people dont copy it and sell it. it was a smart move on their part, but i would be mad.
  20. I have dsl connected to my linksys dsl router. well when i am in aim and i try to send talk or im immages or files to my friend it dosent work. it gives me something saying that we may be on different firewalls, but i dident put down a proxy server for a firewall. anways in napster i cant log on. it never ever works. NEVER. it is not that it is crouded cause my friend on a fiftysix kb modem can get in. What is going on! ------------------ Athalon 500 196mb Ram 3D prophet ddr-dvi geforce SB Live! sound card. biostar m7mka mobo 20 gig maxtor and 3.5 gig fireball 32x tosheba, and adaptec scsi mitsuia cdr 2x4x ms internet keyboard pro ms intellimouse explorer 640k DSL on wintell modem with linksys dsl router 100mbit dlink nic w/wol
  21. yo, on my router i can specify ip addresses and ports for different services such as telnet and ftp... stuff like that. but anways, do you knwo what port i would need to set for napster?
  22. Has anyone seen a case like the g3 apple macintosh case in that it opens up from the side and lays down for easy installment of parts??? i like those cases. ------------------ Athalon 500 196mb Ram 3D prophet ddr-dvi geforce SB Live! sound card. biostar m7mka mobo 20 gig maxtor and 3.5 gig fireball 32x tosheba, and adaptec scsi mitsuia cdr 2x4x ms internet keyboard pro ms intellimouse explorer 640k DSL on wintell modem with linksys dsl router 100mbit dlink nic w/wol
  23. That was worse than my lame post.
  24. Arin

    Logitech WINGMAN FORCE

    kinda off subject, but with this force feed back, have you ever wanted to turn on a game in windowed mode adn plug in a nother mouse while installin that one in your pants? preffably when you have on god mode and have fallen in the lava so you get a lot of feed back? just a thought...
  25. Arin

    Should MS be broken UP?

    anti trust was for stuff like oil. oil should be not owned by one company because then it drives down prices. but ms should be because it only standardizes everything. could you emagin if there were as many different oses running as there are cars. it would be a world of ****tastic imcompatible.