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Everything posted by J_Pro

  1. J_Pro

    W2k shutdown doesn't power down

    [This message has been edited by J_Pro (edited 29 March 2000).]
  2. J_Pro

    Creative Labs DVD decoder dxr3

    I can handle that one. Same thing for me. That option never has been usable under NT/2k. It's for 95/98 only. Sucks but true. right now I use the digital DIN to connect my sblive to DTT2500 and connect the DXR3 to the DTT2500 with spdif. The DTT switches seamlessly when I put a DVD in.
  3. J_Pro


    I just purchased Macmillan Mandrake Linux 7.0 complete today. Is this what you have. It comes with boot magic. They include it for doing stuff like you are talking about.
  4. J_Pro

    NTFS to Fat in Win2000

    While I would dare to convert NTFS to FAT with NT4, I may not try it with Win2k. The reason is because it's actually a newer NTFS. You can't even install NT4 on a Win2k formatted partition unless you extract the setup file from service pack 6. O.k. forget that. I can guarantee you this. I personally have resized an NTFS partition containing WIN2K with PM 5. I also did a copy to mirror 2 partitions. I can move, resize and copy. Shrink the partition. Then create a new partition to install Win98. Done it at least ten times With Win2k. My machine currently has 4 partitons. 2 Win2k NTFS's, A Win98 FAT and an extra FAT with data. I've experienced a 0% failure rate with Partiton Magic.
  5. J_Pro

    W2k shutdown doesn't power down

    This is what I am trying to do: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q246/2/36.asp?LNG=ENG&SA=AL
  6. J_Pro

    W2k shutdown doesn't power down

    Don't do that. I tried it. Now it's worse. I used to have a reboot on shutdown with APM on and a prompt for shutdown with APM off. Now I get a reboot on shutdown no matter what. I have the newest BIOS for ASUS tx97x. I thought I did do an install once where I was able to shutdown. I was able to shutdown in NT4. Now I am searching for a HAL.DLL that will work. I may try copying it from NT4.
  7. My previous post shows that there were also other versions of Win2k upgrades. Neptune and Odyssey were to be the code names. They got scrapped. Now there will be only one OS for gamers and businesses. Millenium will come out this year. Whistler is scheduled next March. Then Win95/95a/95b/98/98se/Millenium will be defunct. No more DOS period. Joy. It's all right here: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1006-200-1530729.html?tag=st.ne.ni.rnbot.rn
  8. http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1006-204-1583720.html?tag=st.ne.ni.bpbotxt.bp-1006
  9. J_Pro

    official direct cd 3.01 win2k compatible

    Try this..... Extract the downloaded file. I used Winzip. There is a subdirectory called 0011 inside the directory called setupdir. Rename it to 0009. That is where the missing DLL belongs. Then you will be able to run the install. Let me know if the install finishes for anyone. My experience was that it tries to move your version 2.5 files someplace else. The move operation craps out and you are left as if you never installed version 2.5. No shortcuts, program files or add-remove entries remain. Computer still worked afterward.
  10. J_Pro

    official direct cd 3.01 win2k compatible

    I installed 2.5. Then I also tried the update. Same story. So I tried to run the update again and I copied the temp files from my local settings\temp folder. I then copied all of those over the extracted 3.00 files in another folder. I ran setup again. It went farther then told me there was an error copying something. Closer but not yet there.
  11. J_Pro

    SCSI / Ultra66 / Abit

    I have an ASUS P3B-F motherboard with a Promise Ultra 66. My card is not a RAID. It installed with the driver on Win2k CD. All is well. It hibernates and stands by. Some people have noted problems with other controllers and other motherboards. This is all I have. I can tell you something about the Abit BF-6 and BE-6II. Both boards are IDENTICAL EXCEPT, the BE-6II has ultra 66 and the BF-6 has an extra PCI slot. This is probably because there are only so many IRQ's to go around. I have a friend with a BF-6 and here's what happens. He CANNOT standby or hibernate. He is using an Adaptec 2930U2W with NT4 drivers. I see numerous people asking about the Abit/Ultra 66 combo. I really think the best approach is to go beat on Abit to work this out. It's only a theory. I urge those with PCI controllers of any type to come forth with their experiences with these Abit boards.
  12. Standby works too. But my previously hidden volume control appears when I resume. I have to check show, apply and uncheck and apply to make it go away. I'm using Liveware Beta so I don't care for windows volume control.
  13. I have an ultra 66 under Win2k. It hibernates. Yippee.
  14. J_Pro

    Liveware for Win2000 and SPDIF Out

    I have a creative DVD card. It doesn't use WinDVD. It has it's own software that I use. My digital out works for CD,midi,wav,mp3 etc.
  15. J_Pro

    Liveware for Win2000 and SPDIF Out

    My setup uses the digital DIN for connection between DTT2500 and SBlive. I also have a DXR2 card connected to the spdif in on the DTT2500. Probably not comparable to your setup.
  16. J_Pro

    Win2k (final) + Abit BE6-2 = No stand by mode!!!

    What about the BF-6 with the same problem. My friend is having this trouble. The BF6 is the same board plus a PCI slot minus the ulta 66????
  17. J_Pro

    Liveware for Win2000 and SPDIF Out

    I upgraded the Dell to the Beta. It worked both ways for me. One thing noted is..... the mixer disappeared from AudioHQ when I upgraded. I tried several permutations of uninstall and reinstall in different order. Mixer still worked, but it wouldn't show in HQ. I use DTT2500 also. Sometimes speakers wouldn't work either. I wouldn't be surprised if noone else could duplicate this, but when I put the 70MB Beta on a clean install everything was on the money....speakers,mixer,4point,digital DIN spdif etc. Although I have not gotten the positional audio demo to actually move the instruments for me in 2k.
  18. J_Pro

    NTFS to FAT32?

    Geoph and I must be alone. I, like him, use the PM5 boot disks on win2k all the time. I have done 100's (accurate count) of manipulations with Partition Magic and have not even once encountered a problem. Now that I spoke up I am knockin' on all the wood I can find while I await catastrophe.
  19. Nevermind. I found it.
  20. J_Pro

    NTFS to FAT32?

    I have used Partition magic 5.0 to successfully manipulate NTFS partitions on Win2k. It is, however, not possible to install the program in Win2k. You can, however, make boot floppies when you install the program that can be used to boot from and perform your operation. Of course you will need a win9x/nt4/dos partition to install this on so you can make the boot floppies. Once you work around that, Partition Magic will allow you to convert FROM an NTFS partition when you boot from the floppies.
  21. Quote: Originally posted by Damien Green: Look at the post entitled Creative Encore 6X in this forum. In reply to a question not unlike yours I have detailed a solution that will get your DXR3 working under win 2k. I don't see any posts about Encore 6x. Searched everywhere. Can you put the solution in here please....
  22. J_Pro

    Liveware 2000 beta for Win2k HERE

    Hey Wolverine, I'm set with the sound font. Rockin and rollin with 8MBGSFX E-mu Rev B.
  23. J_Pro

    Liveware 2000 beta for Win2k HERE

    I put the Beta drivers back on top of the Dell drivers. Midi works. I don't know how much we gain from this. Playcenter went from ver 1.51 to 1.53a. Other than that, I'm just keeping up with the joneses. The wrong midi channel theory could have been true. To anyone else out there... If you've got the Dell drivers, just leave em when you install the Creative Beta. J
  24. J_Pro

    Liveware 2000 beta for Win2k HERE

    O.K. I am the type of guy who always seems to not have the problems everyone else is having. Now I'm having this. I installed the Beta drivers after removing all the Dell stuff, while never having used any hacked drivers except for the inf. Guess what..... I can't play midi files. I installed the whole Dell package to the same directory as the Beta drivers without removing. Guess what... I can play midi now. All is well.
  25. J_Pro

    Liveware! for Win2k beta

    Hey guys, I got the 15 MB piece and it's sweet. I am in the process of cleaning out the Dell stuff. I was not able to get the stuff from http://ftp.freehome.myrice.com:81/blaster/sound/w2k/. What am I missing without the other files? I guess you guys are putting them up for ftp now huh!