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Posts posted by ACID

  1. best drivers to date are the 12.20's

    and i have tried the other drivers.

    the reason im saying this is cos i use xp and they are the best for it as well.

    i have gf2mx and have a constant fps in cs of 75 (ie my monitor refresh rate) at 1024

  2. this program worked in 2465 by using the compatablity fix to make it think its win 2k

    but now in 2474 i do the same thing

    but it gives me the error of not the correct windows version.

    is there a reason for this?

    um using a asus gf2mx with the det 12.20's

  3. one is msn explorer and one is msn messenger


    but im talking bout when u load up msn explorer it has another msn messenger open with it that looks heaps better eg it looks a bit like quick time

  4. 2 things acctually

    i have noticed that media player wont open the files if u select open.

    the program starts up but plays the file u played last.

    i can work around it buy selecting open with each time, is this a known bug.


    and also i would like to use media player for software dvd. which is the best program to install (ie to us its software decoding)

    power dvd gives me errors.


    also finally

    why does there seam to install 2 versions of msn messenger.

    ie a pretty one and the standard one (buy pretty i mean it looks like apple made it.)confused

  5. can anyone get DMA to work

    i can see the option where it says dma if available

    but its like it doesnt detect any of my hard drives or cd roms but they all work.


    dvd is jumpy so im assuming even though i set all of them to dma that it didnt set it proppery


    btw i have a p3v4x using the via 4.29 4 in 1's

  6. what i was refering to (i own a voodoo 3)

    what i have noticed on my pc and others is that voodoo 3's seem to have deeper , brighter colours

    i agree the tnt does have a larger pallet of colours but they seem dull

    besides runnin a tnt in 32 bit colour is like runnin a voodoo 4 in fsaa it has the feature to do it but no the balls

  7. for some reason half life won't work with the 3dfx mini gl option turned on (ie glide) it say's unsuported opengl specification or something i've tried the 1.03 drivers for the voodoo 3 and also the custom drivers by anthony and it only happends in the latest version of hl

    i've also tried wicked gl and that says the same thing but also plays around with the gamma or something cos my entire screen in both hl and q3 went really really bright and stupid

  8. i use the standard hotrod drivers from the web sit the only thing is when i install windows i have to put the hdd on my mb ide instead of through the hotrod

    then i change it over but it only works if u put it in the secondary port (dont ask me why it just does)

  9. Jdulmage are you some fricken Nazi or something. So what if he uses freeBsd or Linux or Mac OS, his original question was about Winme and seems as how this is the win9x section of the board that is not such a bad thing is it.

    Alot of the people here who ask questions about win9x do it because this is basically the best established forum for help no matter what os. i personally dual boot win2k and winme. Just because someone uses an os other than 2k doesn't make them stupid or inferior. winme is superior to 2k in one thing games especially for people who haven't got p4's or thunderbirds etc, yes 2k runs games well but not as well for lower cl@ss systems.



    CELERON 333

    Asus p2b-b motherboard

    64 mg ram

    Seagate Barracuda 20.4 gig

    Abit Hotrod Ultra Ata 66

    Voodoo 3 2000-3000 hybrid (2000 with tv out)

    Sound Blaster Live value

    Realtek nic


    [This message has been edited by ACID (edited 02 December 2000).]

  10. don't give that bible bashing b#ll**** i own and use win2k its just that not all of us own the latest and greatest in pc's and win2k + 64 mg ram + games doesnt work all that well



    CELERON 333

    Asus p2b-b motherboard

    64 mg ram

    voodoo 3 2000-3000 hybrid (2000 with tv out)

    Sb live value

    realtek nic

  11. At the moment im running winme i've re-installed a couple of times for different reason but every time i've noticed that my network places and my pictures work fine for a couple of weeks then both start haveing scripting errors when webpage view is enabled

    The Network places error is

    an error has occured in the script on this page

    line 206

    char 21

    error unspecified error

    code 0

    file file://c:\windows\web\nethood.htt

    do u want to continue running scripts on this page??

    if u select yes the error contiues

    if u select no then nothin will appear when web page view is enabled

    the my pics one is mainly the same but with

    line 282

    char 17

    unspecified error

    code 0

    url file://c:\windows\web\imgview.htt


    has anyone else experienced this error both my friend and i have it and we are runnin completely different systems ie me celeron him athlon.

    could it have anything to do with tweak ui 1.33?

  12. i had exacltly the same problem i sorta fixed it by accident lol

    try changeing your hdd to the secondary port for some reason that managed to fix it for me

    did u install the drivers twice for once for each chip on the card

  13. At the moment im running winme i've re-installed a couple of times for different reason but every time i've noticed that my network places and my pictures work fine for a couple of weeks then both start haveing scripting errors when webpage view is enabled


    The Network places error is

    an error has occured in the script on this page

    line 206

    char 21

    error unspecified error

    code 0

    file file://c:\windows\web\nethood.htt

    do u want to continue running scripts on this page??

    if u select yes the error contiues

    if u select no then nothin will appear when web page view is enabled

    the my pics one is mainly the same but with

    line 282

    char 17

    unspecified error

    code 0

    url file://c:\windows\web\imgview.htt


    has anyone else experienced this error both my friend and i have it and we are runnin completely different systems ie me celeron him athlon.

    could it have anything to do with tweak ui 1.33?
