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Posts posted by Sweevo

  1. The only thing I'd changed was that I'd Flashed my BIOS to the latest revision, and reset the BIOS to it's defaults - it may sound like an obvious thing to do, but if you haven't done it, then try it.


    I'd probably reinstall 3 times (for varying reasons) before the install the gave me the correct speed - and the installation disk I used was a "new" one (shrink wrapped copy).


    If you do a search for my previous post, you'll find that I quoted a Microsoft Knowledge base artical which talks about the problem (well sort of anyway) - I contacted my M/Board manufacturer (MSI) and they confirmed that there was no problem, so it really looks like it could be a configuration problem on your machine - and most likely it's the BIOS... but I could be wrong...

  2. I had exactly the same problem as you (It was my post that Reaper_uk saw)


    I've got an AMD K6-2 500, everything was reporting it to be a 251Mhz - I'd pretty much given up hope of fixing it, Something I did made me have to reformat my hard disk and reinstall, after the installation everything reported the processor at it's correct speed of 500Mhz


    I can only put the original problems down to a bad installation, so my advice is Backup - Reformat - ReInstall


    Hope that helps - let me know how you get on


    P.S. I may be imagining it, but I'm sure there has been a performance increase since I reinstalled...

  3. Thanks Jonny - I've tried that one with no sucess - it reported the same speed both before and after the update. When the machine boots, on the bios screen it does show that it's a 500Mhz K6-2, it Only seems to be Windows 2000 Pro that seems to think is a 251Mhz, so any other suggestions would be welcomed!

  4. Can anyone explain why my AMD K6-2 500 shows up as running at 251Mhz in both System Information and alot of other small utilities that are supposed to display the running speed. I've downloaded a util from AMD and that shows that the processor speed is 502MHz - so now I'm really confused - it seems that all the programs are showed the processor as running at half speed - has anyone got any suggestions?
