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Posts posted by -Maniac-

  1. Ok.. this is a huge problem for me, as this happens in the one program I need the MOST... the program runs everything fine.. but when I click on PRINT (By the way, I got the latest printer drivers and I CAN PRINT), but when I click on print, the program crashes causing a general protection fault in KERNEL386.EXE.. I tried APCOMPAT.EXE but it seems to freeze (cannot run the program) for some reason .. I tried setwin95.cmd but It cannot make an image of the exe (or it says).. i'm out of ideas.. if I can't fix this.. i gotta go back to Win98/NT setup.. i REALLY don't want.. please anyone help!


    -Thanks in advance

  2. First of all, I want to say thanks to all the guys that set me straight about Win2k.. i LOVE it now.. smile


    I need a little help though.. i made a boo-boo.. Under CONTROL PANEL->SYSTEM->ADVANCED->ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES, I lost the TWO fields that went into "User variables for administrator".. they relate to TEMP folders and even though temp is also set to c:\winnt\temp and c:\winnt\tmp in SYSTEM VARIABLES, I feel kinda slow without these two as they can no doubt only speed up the performance and not slow it down.. so if anyone can copy these TWO values and tell me what to put in there, I'd GReATLY appreciate it.. u can also write it directly to my e-mail if you want (bojanr@home.com)


    --Thanks in advance everyone

  3. Alright alright.. u've convinced me... Win2k does rule.. I'm also happy to say that I do not have the crash upon exiting UT with my Banshee (woohooo).. the only thing I can really ***** about is no Sound Blaster Live! FULL support for Win2k and mouse not fully responding in Rogue Spear.. but other than that.. kick ass... thanks to all who set me straight.. especially all "The Man" guys!

  4. Is there really any GOOD reason to upgrade to win2k??? Games, suck, drivers are scarce and most of them are hacks, and I even read on ZDnet that Win2k is faster than Windows nt4.0 workstation only on a system with 32mb ram.. on systems with 64+MB ram, NT4.0 workstation is FASTER than win2k?? SO why bother with it?? really.. I want to know (and I know it has a "user friendly" interface, but that word is reserved for computer illiterate people and no one on this message board is one (I hope).. So don't use USER FRIENDLY as a reason!

  5. Is there any other way (Other then apcompat.exe) of making a program that I'm about to run think it's Windows NT or Win9x


    I'm trying to run a program (which worked both under NT and 98 before), but now it crashes everytime I enter ANYTHING other than 0.. if I try a,b,7,. anything, it crashes.. but not with 0.. i'm not really interested why this is, I'm more interested in fixing it.


    --Thanks in advance

  6. I'm kinda confused here... according to microsoft I'm supposed to have a Support directory in my Win2k cd.. it's not there... Also according to microsoft I'm suppost to have a Support.cab somewhere and in that CAB file, there's supposed to be a file called APCOMPAT.EXE


    I can't find either of them.. maybe I'm dumb or something has been ripped from my CD.. but if anyone has this file, PLEASE send it to me through my e-mail adress (bojanr@home.com)


    I need it to run a program which otherwises crashes in Win2k (I ran it befure in win9x flawlessly)



    -Thanks in advance
