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Posts posted by Lord_Brandl

  1. Okay this has been raging for quite some time and I have to see a good direct answer. I have many drivers here, but some work either with OGL or just with D3D or some just don't work.


    Let's get it down to what drivers work best for the riva TNT chips with win2k 2195 and with both modes: D3D and OpenGL?


    Just felt like putting a cap on this issue. Thanks for all the help.

  2. Hey I seem to have an odd problem with Half-Life when I try to update the servers from the game's menu. It starts at 2000 or so servers, refresh a few of them, jumps down to 40 servers and abruptly finishes. In other words, it doesn't refresh a monkey's left nut. Now I had this problem since beta 3, then same thing in RC2 and now in the 2195 (Final) it's still the same story. Can anyone help me out? Running Pro Final with a 56k modem.


    Oh by the way I haven't had this problem neither in W98 (may the lord blast it to hell) or NT4.


    Thanks for the help!

  3. Hey, does anyone have problems with half life in multiplayer? Not during the game but more like when you try to refresh the servers from the multiplayer menu. Somehow it jumps from 2900 servers to 40 and it only refreshes a dozen servers or so. I have patched half life with the latest patches and I am running the Final of Windows 2000 Professional. Any suggestions? Oh and I have a 56k modem.


    But somehow on NT4.0 I don't get that problem....
