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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    Counterstrike problems

    i've had the same problem, try exiting Cs a few times and retrying it, hit ESC a few times....i really don't know how to Officially fix it, just a little "half-a.ss" fix that i just told you. Max FPS command: (in console) fps_max XXX fps_modem XXX fps_lan XXX i dunno the hunkmegs command
  2. EddiE314

    Which dets - 27.20 or 29.20???

    enio: have you tried the 8.04's? i used them when i had a gf2mx, too bad they don't work with a gf3 though.
  3. EddiE314

    S L O W bootup with XP

    have you tried BootVis from Microsoft, it might shave a few seconds off.
  4. EddiE314

    Just saw Episode 2

    it wasn't george lucas' fault Episode 1 kinda sucked, he had to tell the story and Episode 1 was part of it, kinda like reading a book where the first 2 or 3 chapters suck. Although i think we could have done without Jar-Jar, or at least he could have been more professional and not as annoying....wait, C3PO was annoying too in the other ones, i guess its something you gotta deal with huh? And Yes, i would have to say that i would do Natalie Portman. LOL
  5. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    i'm not upgrading again until next summer, i can't see the need amymore to upgrade every few months.
  6. Okay, whats up with multiplayer games, cheating, and "so-called" bug fixes? In the new Counter-Strike 1.4, they "fixed" it so you can't plant the bomb while moving...lol, ok, you know in real life its impossible for you to carry an explosive, arm it, and drop it on the ground while you're walking/running, WTF! Bunny Hopping? I know its annoying, but its part of the game, why is this such a problem with CS and not other games? What about cheating? First of all, Cheaters suck, just so all of you out there know. But any more its getting so bad that I don't even play on the net anymore, i'm on a 56k modem (not by choice), it sucks when server admins run cheat protection software that constantly scans for cheats/hacks, for christ's sake, i NEED every ounce of bandwidth i can spare, otherwise i wouldn't tweak my games' configs just so i can get a ping below 300ms, i don't need scans and third party programs like Cheating Death and Punkbuster running in the background sucking up CPU cycles and precious bandwidth that I NEED! Anyway, this is some of the sh1t that crosses my mind and pisses me off. I don't care if people don't feel the same way i do about this, but the thing is, a lot of you know you feel the same way i do. </rant> </sarcasm>
  7. EddiE314

    Are Multiplayer games starting to suck?

    56k here, my pings suck, maybe 150-275ms in CS and about 300ms or so in Q3. I doubt i will have any luck connecting to the server, but i will give it a try when i get the modem i just ordered.
  8. EddiE314

    Are Multiplayer games starting to suck?

    If people would only spend time actually playing the game rather than finding creative ways to screw over others like "cheating", then they may actually have a chance of winning the fair way. And yes, people (server admins) get very paranoid about cheaters. Clutch: I agree, i only play with people that i personally know, like at a lan party. What i really want to know is what people here think about the various changes being made to games such as the above mentioned CS 1.4, its supposed to be a realistic counter-terrorism simulation, but instead of adding more realism, they take it out.....know what i mean?
  9. EddiE314

    How long have you owned a computer?

    i'd say around 1986-87, for God's sake, i was only 6yrs old. lol, mine was a Tandy 1000 too, gotta love DeskMate.
  10. EddiE314

    What would you do with 10.000 dollars

    10 bucks isn't a lot of money these days Cody.
  11. EddiE314

    Nvidia buys Amd?

    lol, i can't believe you fell for it dude. April 1st, 2002
  12. EddiE314


    Test Also
  13. EddiE314

    what's the best ms os?

  14. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    reinstalls due to hardware/software f.uck ups piss me off too man. LOL, Saran Wrap.......whatever works right?
  15. EddiE314

    What's you favorite search engine?

    Google as well
  16. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    3dmark2000 - default - 7675 3dmark2001se - default - 5651
  17. EddiE314

    Return to castle wolfenstein

    it did that to me once when i used certain cheats like "noclip".
  18. EddiE314

    Disk at Once OR Track at Once?

    I use Disk at Once with no problems, i use 80min cdr's.
  19. EddiE314

    Happy B-Day SHS

    happy birthday man
  20. is there any way i can export my favorites to an html document, more or less creating a list of my favorites?
  21. EddiE314

    admin mod

  22. EddiE314

    export favorites to list

    for god's sake, clutch answered my question. Thank you though for your tip Insanity, even though i was well aware that it could be done that way.
  23. EddiE314

    export favorites to list

    damn dude, now i feel really dumb, thats simple as hell and i never knew it.
  24. EddiE314

    Uxtheme.dll - NOT w@rez

    i agree it was a great tip, yet so simple.