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Posts posted by Toby

  1. That should not be a problem. How is your box secured? If you have a firewall and forward port 21 to your server that usually is not enough since ftp uses at least other port (22? correct me if i'm wrong) for the actuall data transfer.


    However, why don't you serve the files on your webserver? It would be for the best IMHO. What is the reason for having another (unsecure) service running on your box when the webserver could do the task?


    I'm on my linux-box right now using mozilla-firebird and I don't see any links so I can't try them myself.


    Also, make sure you try the links with "passive mode" enabled in IE.


    If you you use MSN-messenger I could try to help you, my msn addy is in my profile smile



  2. Debian gets my vote.

    It feels faster than both RedHat & Mandrake and I really like the packagesystem. There are LOTS of packages too.


    I have also used Gentoo and like it, but I just don't have the time to wait for the compiles. A disaster recovery on Gentoo seems like a nightmare building up the OS from scratch.



  3. The reason for setting it to half duplex is that hubs do not support full duplex. At least they did not 2-3 years ago, I have not seen a hub since then (and i'm glad for it :D) smile


    And that you brougt your switch from home can still suffer from the same problem. We have Intel nics and 3com switches here at work and have to set them to 100/full duplex on both or the performace goes way down, lots of crc-errors on transfers. No Auto !


    Hope you get it to work.




  4. What version of Norton do you have on the server?


    I got NAV Corp both 7 & 8 on different servers and I can open the application by running it from the startmenu and from there do a full scan.


    The shield is not in the systray but the realtime protection is still active.

    I downloaded a "testvirus" just to make sure.



  5. Better late than never? wink


    Both of these are from Phoenix, I took the file libgfx_gtk.so from a Mozilla XFT build and copied it to /Phoenix/components so it renders XFT the same as Mozilla but much more lightwieght.


    I really got sick of the bloated Moz, it felt like forever to open up the app on my machine. While I think it looks quite good, MS/IE still looks alot better I think...


    If some of you want the file to use in Phoenix and don't want to grab the whole Mozilla-build, I uploaded it here: http://m1.893.telia.com/~u89302417/libgfx_gtk.so








  6. The thing is that RH has crippled KDE. I have used the Fontinstaller in KDE (Mandrake too) before but in this release RH has removed it. I think that RH8 works with fonts in another way, not supported with the availble tools.


    At least I hope so, coz this method is not very strightforward smile


    Anyway, if you are using RH8 check out that Mozilla build.


    [edit] will add some screenshots tomorrow... [/edit]
