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Posts posted by MACis@

  1. Yuppie is right my mate got asked that when he installed it and in dosnet.ini he has 2195.3 i had no message and i have got 2195.1 i dont know mate i cannot be certain i am not going to say that all i can say is we will find out after 120 days i am on about week 3 of using it.

    Mon 24th JAN - 11:43pm - 11:44pm - 11:45pm - 11:46pm

    get counting





  2. Right guys there IS two versions of win 2000 2195 the first is 2195.3 if you have that u r stuffed it will stop working after 120 days the other version is 2195.1 that is the FINAL RETAIL VERSION right to definately find out which one you have open up the win 2000 folder CD etc go into I386 folder look for DOSNET.INF open it it will say what version you have on the 3rd line down this should clear up eveything.

    Thanks hope i helped





  3. Yep i agree with Llion it is simple to do i have windows 2000 2195 and windows 98 SE on one hard drive i just get a menu at starup which asks me which OS i want to boot up and thats it i have had no probs since i set it up about 3 weeks ago go for it mate.

    if anyone else wants some help with this get icq at www.icq.com and contact me on 53873233





  4. Hi mate i have windows 2000 2195 and windows 98 running together on the same hard drive with no problems what so ever at at startup i get a screen which gives me the option of (1) windows 2000 or (2) windows 98 SE simple

    it works great i only use windows 98 for fifa 2000 as it is the only piece of software or hardware i have probs with. I am not writing out what i did so if anyone wants some advice on this i sugjest you get icq and contact me on 53873233 i have no problems what so ever in helping anyone out






  5. Right then i found that when i tried to use windows dial up it would not work i know othere people had these problems with the diamond supra express. I was getting unable to detect modem i tried all the supra express drivers but no joy.

    The solution is to sign up to a isp who uses there own dial up software which you have to download, i currently have x stream network all you do is fill in your username and password (oviously) and it connects straight away very strange but i have tried windows dial up since but no joy ,

    oh well this will be fine till i sort it out

    i hope i have helped some of you out there get in touch if you wanna discuss anything about windows 2000 IcQ number : 53873233

    i have just managed to get windows 2000 final release and windows 98 on the same machine fianlly and it makes it very easy to update drivers get latest patches etc.

    if u want any help with that get in touch.

    x stream network is free by the way and 0800 access at weekends.



