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Posts posted by Preacher

  1. I´m a bit worried about the temperatures of my CPU. During maximum load, the temperature goes up to 60°C. Don´t know if it would go any higher since I´ve set up Motherboard Monitor to warn me when reaching that temp.


    Do you have any experiences with this (1400 MHZ) CPU? What temperatures do you usually get? Is the Vantek CCK 6035D HSF worth buying? Right now I´m using a MasterCooler with a 4800 r/min fan.

  2. I think that the whole specifications above ATA33 are pure marketing strategies. No harddrive I know of (except SCSI server drives) can do more than 20 megs/sec random.


    So, why random and not sequentially? Easy, if you put files onto your harddrive, they will become fragmented thus cannot be read in sequence.

    Defrag utilities? You really believe in them? The last good defragger I had was the one in PC-Tools 9.0. If todays defraggers were any good, how comes that a completely defragged disk in the first util shows up as heavily fragmented in all the other utils?


    ATA66 and above ist just the same as DDR-RAM: althou they sound great they´re absolutely unnecessary. The only reason to buy DDR-RAM is if you do lots of rendering, but that would be another thread.

  3. Maybe your mainboard has given up the ghost. I had a similar error some time ago when my machine running Win98 sometimes reported it couldn´t write on drive C:, can´t find the Kernel and / or came up with that orange "shut down" screen . After replacing everything except the harddisk ( wink ), everything runs normal again.


    Try plugging your drive into another computer and see if it behaves strange, too.


    Hope this helps.



  4. this is a basic "how to". If memory serves me right, these are the necessary steps:


    1. copy the contents of the CD into a directory of a drive different to the drive WinNT is being installed on (preferrably FAT). We´ll call the drive and directory D:\WinNTCD


    2. extract all the files of the service pack into a folder of your choice. let´s assume we call it D:\SPDIR


    3. go to the folder you extrcated the service pack into and look for the "i386" directory. go into that directory, highlight all the files, right click and choose "copy"


    4. go to the directory you copied the files from the CD to. there should be an "i386" directory, too. go into that directory.


    5. right click and choose "paste" to copy the files from the service pack into the "i386" directory of "D:\WinNTCD", overwriting all existing files.


    6. reboot your system using a DOS bootdisk, change to the WinNTCD directory and install NT.

  5. I didn´t like Daemon Tools too back then. But after Virtual CD not being compatible with W2k and Farstone´s (Virtual Drive) usual "users being dumbasses" declaration (excuse me but this had to be said) I gave the ´Tools another try. As of yet, I think it´s the best CD emulation soft, and it´s free.

  6. Try using Daemon Tools instead of Virtual CD. Sure, it lacks the ability to compress the archive, but you don´t have the Win2k ability to compress NTFS partitions for nothing.


    A good CD reading software is needed, too. Try using CloneCD, BlindRead - BlindWrite Suite or DDump. However, DDump won´t run on my W2k machine so I need to switch OSes. Maybe you have more luck on that than me.


    Daemon Tools:






    BlindRead - BlindWrite Suite




    sorry, link seems to be down. Try using a search engine.

  7. Thx to all for your reply.


    Both Unreal and Unreal Tournament also have support for OpenGL. In many games, OpenGL provides better performance over D3D, at least on my system. In general, OpenGL works fine (let´s not look at cases like Deus Ex where some third party programmers had to show Ion Storm how to implement a working OpenGL solution) where D3D just lacks performance and image quality. That´s the reason why I don´t want to use Direct3D.



    I´d like to see the outcome of your test.



    After following some instruction, I managed to play the first Unreal level (Vortex2.unr)

    on the Unreal Tournament engine. However, when reaching the 2nd map, UT bots suddenly appear in the game and start to fight each other. This happens even after disabling the bots in the menu. Needless to say that Unreal isn´t playable anymore. I followed those instructions carefully, but to no avail.

    I´d like to see the instructions you used, could you please post them here? I´m not able to find anything on the web.


    I have this OpenGL problem with all versions of my drivers and Unreal patches.

  8. For some reason unknown to me, I´m not able to run Unreal in OpenGL mode. It always crashes back to the desktop during the OpenGL initialization phase. Any clues?


    And pretty pretty pretty please don´t tell me to use Direct3D, it´s just way too slow with Unreal.


    System specs:

    Celeron @ 450

    256 MB SD-RAM

    GeForce DDR with Det. 10.80


  9. Sometimes right after booting my machine, sometimes after starting some applications my system starts to become slower and slower. A look at the Windows Task Manager showed a program called NTVDM.EXE eating 95-99% of CPU power. Shutting down this program manually frees those eaten up ressources. Also, I don´t receive any error messages of other programs complaining about NTVDM.EXE not running.


    I´d like to know what program launches NTVDM.EXE, what it is good for (NTVDM) and how to prevent it from being started.


    Please help me out.



  10. With the 428 patch, D3D performance is finally close to OpenGL (still 2 - 3 FPS slower, but that is neglectable) I wonder if there´s a way to enable S3TC with Direct3D using a GeForce DDR with Detonator 6.18. Any ideas?

  11. Sorry, but a little more information is required in order to better help you with your problem. System specifications of both systems would be very useful. Actually, there are two guesses I could make right now:

    1. make sure you´ve set up the same subnet mask on both machines

    2. check if you have file access to your W2k machine if your other system is based on W9x, otherwise create an account with the _exact_

    W9x login specifications (the exact same login and the exact same password)


    I´m playing it flawlessly on my two systems, one running W2k, the other running W98SE

  12. Bing


    I´m wondering why my system (W2k, what else?) has some heavy harddrive activity in the middle of a big fight. Can´t be the soundfiles because I left them on the CD. Can´t be insufficent RAM ´cause I´ve got 256 MB. Excuse me if my english isn´t the best today, I´ve just finished Act 2, completely played through Act 3 and started with Act 4.

    Guess I need a well... erm, bed now wink

  13. Ronin


    the 3DFX V2 drivers worked for you??? How did you handle the board being installed as secondary video device? I tried tampering with the multi monitor settings which were then available but that was not successful. No video if using glide with these drivers.

  14. I know exactly what you mean wink


    OK, since your AGP slot is already used by your GeForce you´ll need a PCI voodoo board. (what am I typing here?! Of course you know _that_!)

    Yes, it is possible, I´ve got a GeForce and a Voodoo 2 running together in perfect harmony in my system. For the Voodoo 2 however, don´t use 3DFX´s W2k drivers but use the modified NT drivers which are version 3.03 and should be found on www.reactorcritical.com . So, why´s that? Simple, the 3DFX drivers will make your Voodoo 2 board another primary video device with which I´ve not been able to get pictures on my screen. The modified NT drivers however are working flawlessly, tradeoff is they don´t support D3D... ... hmm, what if one imports the D3D registry settings from W9x? Interesting question, gotta check it out for myself. Don´t know how it would work with a Voodoo 3, sorry. frown


    If you can´t find the specified drivers, send an e-mail to:

    Preacher.@gmx.net (Yeah, that´s a dot after "Preacher" wink )

    or ICQ me:



    If you choose to ICQ me, on requesting authorization please give me a quick hint so I know who you are. Too many spammers at the moment laugh


    [This message has been edited by Preacher (edited 05 July 2000).]

  15. Since 3DFX refuses to put a T&L unit onto their boards and nVidia´s drivers stay that crappy my next vid card is going to be a Matrox, too *hint* *hint*

    Already had a few Matrox boards, the Millenium, Mystique (no, not the advanced ones smile )and the Productiva G100. Matrox is somewhat the creme de la creme concerning video cards. God, I love ´em.

  16. at last someone besides me thinks nVidia sucks concerning drivers. Sure, they make some awful chipsets, but their drivers are terrible. For example to get OpenGL to work with Det 5.30, I need to copy the "nv_disp.dll" (I think that´s it´s name) and "nvogl.dll" from Det. 5.14 into the \Windir\System32\ subdirectory. Hell no, this Reg tweak doesn´t work at all on my system.


    I leave you with some words of wisdom from my ol´ pal Duke: "This really pisses me off" wink

  17. OK folks, he´s asking if resolutions higher than 640x480 are possible with Diablo 2.

    I´m interested in this one, too.




    ´tschuldige bitte, falls ich dir damit auf die füße trete, aber dies hier ist ein englischsprachiges forum, daher wird die wahrscheinlichkeit auf eine antwort immens steigen, wenn man alles eben in englisch postet. und daß du ein iso gelutscht hast laß ich lieber weg aus meiner kurzübersetzung smile

    hab auch schon mit dem gedanken gespielt wink

  18. Reznor11:


    I would guess you have FSAA enabled. Disable it to get a normal screen again. Had the same problem with UT.
