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Posts posted by Vermyn

  1. You don't need drivers for the hard drive. You need drivers for the SATA controller on your motherboard or for your SATA add-on card.


    What motherboard do you have? What kernel are you trying to use? Chances are, using RH 9.0, the kernel isn't going to have drivers for your SATA controller... IIRC, that came out before SATA.

  2. Anyone using a relatively new Konqueror? Going to the xmlhelp page on this site or NT Compatible and it brings Konqueror to its knees... slows down to a crawl and almost never loads the page completely.


    The xmlhelp page is the one that lists the XML news feeds...

  3. There is malware out there for linux, but not in the way you think of malware for Windows. It's very hard to pick up a virus from an email in Linux because regular users do not have admin privileges to the machine. Without the root password, malware can do little to take over the machine.


    Spyware is not considered a threat in Linux right now - at least, not to me. I'm sure that as Linux gains more attention we will find people finding ways to exploit flaws if they exist, but as Linux is set up in the way I described earlier, it's practically impossible for a web browser to install a root-level process and take over the machine.


    All in all, the structure of Linux makes it more secure than Windows.


    As for apps, your company's users probably only use a few of them anyway and anything else should be disallowed. I'm sure your company has a policy about installing unauthorized software...? If not, that's one of the things you, as a net admin, need to bring up.

  4. The PDC20276 works fine for me in Windows and other Linux distros. That CONFIG_PDC20XXX_FORCE value in the 2.6 kernel has to be set to overcome the BIOS bug. Since it's not set, the PDC20276 won't work in the MEPIS version of the 2.6.7 kernel.


    Unfortunately, due to an apt-get dependency problem in 2004.1, I cannot recompile the kernel either, so I cannot use MEPIS until that simple value gets set correctly.

  5. Gentoo is an awesome distro and well worth the effort to set up, but that's the problem - it requires effort. Lots and lots and lots of effort.


    Portage is a fantastic system for installing software, but it compiles *everything* from source. This will not solve the problems you stated.


    I highly recommend you seek out some sort of Debian distro. MEPIS is an awesome pick, even though 2004.1 has a little bug or two in the kernel (which happens to prevent me from using it at the moment), but it is an excellent system. Any Debian distro will treat you right with apt-get. Apt-get will solve most of your packaging nightmares.

  6. Are you sure you compiled in the necessary filesystem needed to read your root partition? i.e. if it's ext3, did you compile in ext3?


    I toasted a Gentoo box once by setting reiserfs as a module instead of compiling it in - and the root partition was reiserfs... it croaked with the exact same error.

  7. When it's that bad, I'd like to introduce you to a piece of software that will work 100%:






    format c:


    Works every time.


    After you use this wonderful utility and reinstall Windows (if you want to torture yourself like that), check out http://blogs.red-abstract.com/vermyndax/articles/147.aspx - this page contains a little software I wrote called "ProxyHelper." .NET runtimes are required... use this to create a scheduled task that will auto-download a blacklist of bad adware sites and install it as a HOSTS file so they can't go there.

  8. Can anyone point me in the direction of an iTunes-like store to purchase and download music? I used buymusic.com while in Windows, but I'm trying to use Linux as much as possible. Aside from just finding a freebie MP3 out there on some FTP server, I'd rather pay for it ala .99 cents per song.


    Can anyone out there recommend an online music store that is Linux compatible? Doesn't have to be an iTunes file format... actually I'd prefer OGG or MP3, but I know the likelihood of that is slim since there's no ridiculous DRM for those file formats...

  9. To load the nvidia driver, you have to change the name of the driver in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. You don't want to use the "nv" driver, that's the stock nvidia driver with no opengl acceleration.


    Since you seem to have solved the inittab problem, that should mean your nvidia driver is loading into memory. Now edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and change:


    Load "nv"




    Load "nvidia"


    Then try startx. If you get the Nvidia logo, then it's fixed. If you still don't get the Nvidia logo and X still fails to start, try "modprobe nvidia" then startx again.


    If THAT works, then the nvidia module is not loading on boot and you still have to solve that before X will work.

  10. Quote:
    IMHO Vermyn, you're being unreasonable to expect anything else. If you really want 'only' Gentoo news releases, then go to the Gentoo site.

    I apologize, I did not mean for my comments to be perceived this way. I did not intend to turn Philipp into solely a Gentoo user. My objective was to get Gentoo and other distros added to the mix of coverage on this site, which he has thankfully done. I probably could help out by submitting more Gentoo news to him and will try to do so in the future.

    As for the other facets of this thread - I did not intend to start another distro war. I'm simply trying to point out that not everyone uses Fedora.

    It should be noted that I think Debian is a fine distro. I thoroughly enjoy Debian but I decided I wanted to go for something a little more intensive to learn about Linux in general... hence, Gentoo.

  11. Perhaps a good feature for your CMS, Philip, would give the user the ability to ignore certain news categories... smile


    And thank you for the Gentoo news. I swear by Gentoo and will stick with it... for those of you who haven't tried it and the RPM-based distros give you headaches, you really should give it a try!

  12. What is the deal with *every* updated package of Fedora Core getting the top billing at this site? It's starting to get ridiculous. If you would like to post updates to packages of Fedora Core, why aren't you posting package updates for other distros like Gentoo, Debian or Mandrake?


    Please examine the posting policy of this. I could honestly care less about Fedora Core and there are plenty of websites that cover these updates. Why not an RSS newsfeed to one of them?

  13. No, this won't work. Mono won't work either. Mono only implements the C# portions of .NET and even then it's nowhere near complete.


    You're in the same position I am - I'm a VB.NET programmer also but you'll just not have a way to run it in Linux, especially on a slimmed down linux environment.
