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Everything posted by Vermyn

  1. Vermyn

    More Liveware 3 problems

    Actually, it's rather funny... but at one point, I found this problem taking place in RC2 as well... I'm not on RC3 though (yet), but the same thing happened to me. I bantered with Anthony about this stuff last night via email - he thinks it may have something to do with my USB Alaris QuickCam (which is working fine under Win2k). When I get my energy back from fighting with the system last evening, I will go at it again and make attempts at it. I was just happy to get my Voodoo3 working!
  2. Here's a copy of what I just sent to Anthony... anyone else run into this? --- Greetings... I followed your directions numerous times in the latest update of your Win2k fix... there are a few items that took place that weren't in your notes, and I ended up with an inoperable system under your fix I'm afraid... had to go back to the WDM to be able to boot... I have the LiveWare 3.0 CD, rather than the download. After executing the instructions to copy the drivers to c:\audio\english\nt4drv and up[censored] the drivers there, I booted to safe mode and executed run.cmd. Afterwards, the system was unable to boot normally. I had to come back in to safe mode and perform the next set of operations, to check the box reading "do not map through this device." After this, the system booted fine. However, after I continued on and installed LiveWare 3.0 from the CD and then reinstalled the driver as per your recommendation (to fix the launcher), the system was once again unbootable. The system hangs at "preparing network connections" and never comes out of it. I've tried and tried to get through it using every idea I can think of based on your instructions... after four hours, I gave up and uninstalled LiveWare 3.0 and the driver... went back to WDM. Any ideas on what could be causing it? BTW, I'd like to help rewrite your instructions if you don't mind - I can clean up the instructions a little for you... however, I need to get it working first Thanks. --Alexander