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Posts posted by jonny

  1. Thx for the fast reply.

    As big a fan as I am of powertweak I cant use it with my new system. I dont know if its win2k or the new ver of powertweak or what but it causes my system to run like crap. And thats after I even get it working. The default optimization causes my machine to crash and reboot. So after a big of tweaking I get it working but my machine suffers. Doh I should have mentioned that in my original post sorry.. I myself recommend powertweak to people. hehe. Any others...

  2. Yes win2k does support direct pc connection. Im not sure why you would be having the trouble. I think maybe its your media type. Instead of having it as default choose the actual media type like 100basetx or 100baset. do this with the other machine as well. I have had problems and have heard of network related problems due to the fact that the media type was left at default in win2k.

  3. Yeah this is for the people that get that wierd application error... something like Application failed to initilize properly..

    0x50000000000000f or some crap. I forgot what it was because I havent installed it since I have reformatted. But heres what the guy said from infogames.


    ''begin msg



    Hello Jon,


    You could send us your error message, which I will then pass on to the development team, it may be useful to them. The real the point is that Win2000 is substantially different from Win95/98 and the game was never designed to run under this OS. I’m not sure if the developers will/can make a patch but if I receive any further information I will forward it on to you.

    ''end msg


    Everyone send this guy your error msg. Maybe they will patch it sooner. It doesnt seem like they really care at the moment.



  4. Dunno when I first installed win2k I had fat32 and I converted to ntfs with the command convert. My harddrive seemed to run like crap and was loud and slow. But since then I have installed win2k on a fresh ntfs partition and my hardrive is running real nice. Especially when its fully defragged. =P

  5. You are supposed to setup the clients to obtain ip address automatically. Setup the clients as if you were getting a dhcp address. Thats the way I have it and the way the help explains it. Although what spacey said would probobly work also so as long they can see eachother.

  6. I guess my ip # has been banned from ntcompatible message board. Been trying to get in since yesterday. Only now that I have accessed through an anon proxy can I get in. Oh well... I guess I said something somebody didnt like or something........ Im outter here... sniff..sniff... bye people frown

  7. Yes agreed if you left out norton windocter from the install then I dont see how it could screw up your comp. But one thing though... Is there an nu for nt? And if not I dont think the unerase wizard will work. And I wouldnt use speeddisk. or the regtune. Somebody prove me wrong and then smack me across the head. If your looking to speed up your performance alot I recommend doing a defrag with diskkeeper for win2k. Not just a regular defrag. There is an option for boot time defrag. Cuz win2k cant defrag everything while it is running. I noticed a huge performance in my system.

  8. I swear I was going to post the same thing this afternoon. I had the message written and everything. But at the last minute I backed out because I was afraid that the computer gods would eat me alive smile. No in actual reality I thought to myself if you had this much ram couldnt you just zero out the swap file? Then windows would be forced to just use the ram.

  9. voodoo3 2k on tekram mvp3 award bios


    q3a - is running smooth for me at 1024x768. Actually its running great.


    unreal tourny - see above posts

    motyr - fast no probs.


    messiah demo. works good. Be sure to install 2.0 clean and run in 16bit color.


    half life - sweet.

    nba2k - good.


    Yeah some games dont work but Im still fraggin so Im good for awhile.

  10. Well I flashed it. I guess I cant resist breaking my computer. Anyway to my dissapointment it didnt break it actually worked perfectly. And it saved my old bios automatically. No noticeble differences for me. It is supposed to resolve compatibility conflics. It might be my imagination but I think q3a is slightly faster then it was before.

  11. Damn dude I think your going to have a heart attack. Anyway thats exactly what I just said. Reread my post and I confirmed exactly what you said. I just didnt know how the os used the swap file, but since you have made it so clear now I will go with the second part of my post.

  12. I might be totally off on this but here goes..


    Suppose you have a gig of ram. Im not sure how the os uses the swap file or whatever but if the os makes use of the swap file and I am only using... say 20 megs of my gig of ram then it might be benificial to have a swap file on a ram disk. Because ram is faster. But if the os only makes use of the swap file after all of my gig of ram is used up and it needs the swap file then making a ram disk would just basically make less ram available to the os. Make sense?

  13. Whats an illegal operation? smile I forgot what they look like. Oh yeah those things. I think there might be a relation between illegal operations and hair loss. Since I have started using win2k my hair is getting thicker and I have less wrinkles on more forehead.
