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Posts posted by jonny

  1. I understand that. Im happy with the drivers. ( sortof I was hoping for some bad ass ones better then the betas I was using. =P ) I dont care though because they work. Fine. I guess I should keep my mouth shut. But I cant help analyzing the fact that they told everybody that they were waiting because they couldnt post them unless ms whql certifies them. Then they post them today uncertified. So who knows maybe they are still waiting on ms and decided to post some to be cool. And I stand corrected about the files not being different. In fact they were very different. Thx yuppiescum. Sorry SHS.

  2. Thats rediculous! Your telling me that when you change code the byte size stays exactly the same? Im sorry man but I may not be that smart but I used program code in assembler. 1 byte is very small. If you change 1 line of code your going change in bytes. forget that if you change 1 machine instruction your going to get a change in bytes.

  3. Win2k hardly ever gets them when she does she means business. I had a bsod once and I found that win2k was not liking my motherboard. It was because I had tweaked my bios to all hell. I reset to default and it went away. Also if you install a new application you might be able to get that. So you might want to try last known good configuration. Can you get in safe mode?

  4. Im just curious because I saw someone posting the new pstrip in regards to win2k users at the voodooo3 messageboard at 3dfxgamers. Can you use pstrip in win2k with a voodoo3? I cant get it to run it reboots my computer as soon as I try to load it.

  5. None the less they arent any different. I just did a size comparison. All files but 2 were the exact same size in bytes.








    the 2 files that were changed




    were only off by like 300 bytes or something.


    Point is they are basically the betas. Maybe minor modification. Your not going to see any different results then they beta though. Why did they say they had to wait for certification I wonder? Do you think that they probobly just released they betas to keep 3dfx customers happy and are still waiting for WHQL?

  6. Hey anyone notice that the voodoo3 retails werent digitally signed? I thought thats what they were at microsoft for. Anyways I dont care about that. The part that is funny is they basically took the beta drivers and renamed them to retail. So those of you that were expecting something better then the 1-26-2000 beta drivers you wont. They are the same.

  7. Hey man dont mess with basic. I wrote my first program with line #'s. I outta smack you for that. smile j/k


    10 input "What do you think of basic";a$

    20 if a$ = "Basic is cool" then

    30 print "You are cool"

    35 goto 70

    40 else

    50 print "you suck try again"

    60 goto 10

    70 for x = 1 to 10

    80 print a$

    90 next

  8. Lol win2k is buggy? I have found one bug. My internet explorer crashes sometimes. ( Anybody have that problem? ) but I think that is related to installing old programs on my system like cuteftp 2.8. Other than that I dont think I have found one thing wrong.



    The coolest thing is safe mode with networking. Not that i need it. hehe.

  9. I know this maybe maybe out of the question but I get really tired of looking in my email for my password. Could it be possible maybe to set a cookie that remembers it forever? Or is there a reason that you guys have it that way... If there isnt a reason then could you plz? If the site is in asp Ill be happy to write it myself.

  10. LOL... Thats funny M. smile


    Yes I can see the ill tempered who like to flame message boards using the 17th as a field day of confusion and chaos. I think Ill just go play some q3a on my perfectly working win2kbox. I just want better drivers so I can get my daily tweak fix. Its like a drug!! Tweak it!! tweak it!! If I cant tweak my computer its useless. Hehehaha.

  11. What I did was get a win98 startup disk and copy the flasher and the bios to disk. Bootup with the startup disk and flash from there. Read the the instructions of the program your using it might require that no other things be in memory. Like emm386 or himem.sys. All you have to do is go into the autoexec.bat and config.sys file and remove that stuff. Try to make the bootup disk bare as possible just so it boots. Read the readme to see if you need or cant have certain things loaded.

  12. This is why you should get diskeeper 5.03 for win2k. See win2k cannot fully defrag in one session. Nor can it defrag directories like win98 can. With diskeeper you can do a boot time defrag which will defrag everything in one shot. Provided you have enough disk space. Takes awhile but its totally worth it.

  13. Hmm have you tried just setting up a regular lan without ics? Like with netbeui or something? If that doesnt work it probobly isnt ics that is the problem. Also I always say this when I see a network related problem in win2k but here goes... Always make sure that your nics have the correct media types.. In other words dont leave it at default set it to 100basetx or 10basetx or whatever type you have for each the client and server. I myself speak from experience with this I was having trouble were the client would periodically disconnect and I would have to reboot the server. I no longer have this problem because I set both the client and the server nic to 100basetx. I have also read other cases on newsgroups where it didnt work at all. Try that hope it works.

  14. It doesnt... Im not sure if its enabled by default or not thats the think. I have always had poor benchmarks with this chip.. benchmark program tells me gee your computer sucks for what you have most people that have similar setup out perform you. Anyways Im just trying to find a way to break it so I can get a new computer smile. No seriously.. I cant live with the fact that I dont even know if its enabled or not. If i find out like next year that its not this whole time I will be very frown
