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Everything posted by Ekstreme

  1. Ekstreme

    Error from event log

    no clue man
  2. Ekstreme

    Converting DivX Files to VCD Format

    I use VirtualDub to split the file (for a regular movie, about 60 mins per half) then use TPGEncoder to encode the MPEG. It does all the black edging and cr*p for you via easy to load templates. So far it has provided me with the best sound/video results. Panasonic MPEG Encoder was giving me sh1tty results with terrible sound synching problems. I then use Nero 5.5 to burn baby burn. It has some great options for creating menu's etc, which work really well. If you need more help, check out VCDHelper
  3. Ekstreme

    Games skip/pause every other second

    Is your mouse USB? If it is, try running it in PS2 mode, if you can. USB can sometimes cause hicks because it relies on the CPU more than PS2. It may do SFA, but give it a try
  4. Ekstreme

    Windows XP won't shut down!

    Read your docs man. I don't have any of those boards, so I can't say. BUT most machines now days are ACPI, but just make sure
  5. Ekstreme

    Windows XP won't shut down!

    ACPI is advanced configuration and power interface or something like that. MAKE SURE your motherboard supports this before you force it or you'll have an os in worse shape than now, IF you can get it to install Not everyone would need to do this, but I had to because my bios was a bit old. Asus are getting a bit slack with updates for the P2B series moboards
  6. Ekstreme

    Windows XP won't shut down!

    I had the same prob with my machine. The issue for me was that windows was not setting my machine as ACPI during setup. The Fix? When you do a install and it asks you to hit F6 for scsi or raid driver, hit F5 and you will get a list of machine types. I just selected ACPI (not the multi or uni processor) and it worked fine. Hope this helps you out
  7. I've tried everything I can think of and what you have suggested. I ran the WCPUID realtime clock watcher for about 15 mins. THe processor just keeps changing it's speed dependign on what seems to be the amount of usage. It jumps to full speed and min speed all by itself, no matter what the bios is set for. I have had 2 bios updates in the past week, so maybe Sony are still working on probs such as this. We can only hope
  8. Ekstreme

    Windows XP questions

    1. I use IrfanView 32. It's a clone of AcdSee but it's freeware, and actually supports more file types. IrfanView 2. the image mouseover cr*p in IE is easily disabled by right clicking it and selecting disable the rest like the other guys said
  9. Well, I thought it was all working at full speed, but it turns out that's not quite so. System tells me that it's running at 700 but then a few seconds later it says 550 again. WCPUID comfirms this. If I keep hitting refresh, I can see the speed changing from max to min a few times a second. Surely this isn't good for the CPU. I just hope that this is fixed soon, it's really yanking my chain!!
  10. FANTASTIC! It works! the profiles still don't stay at the set default, but it works at full speed now! great work Dan!
  11. I have exactly the same problem with my FX140. I have all the update drivers/software patches form the sony site but still no go. Mine is a 550/700 but it seems to run at 550 80% of the time. I can set a profile to use in powerpanel and set that as default, but it only stays at full speed for a few hours, then defaults back itself or after a reboot. I have emailed Sony but haven't had a response back yet, but I suggest you do the same. The more responses they get, the better the chance they fix it quickly. BTW do you get the speed control icon in the sys tray?? I bloody don't!
  12. Ekstreme

    NT4 Startmenu Delay

    I'm having probs with TweakUI not storing the startmenu display speed under NT4. In the help file it says some users may not have enough privelages to write to the registry, but I'm the admin account. I've also set the display timing manually in the registry, but it hasn't helped at all. TweakUI works until I logoff or reboot, then it's back to default slow-*** speed. Any suggestions greatly appreciated
  13. I know this is a minor problem, but it really tweaks the hell out of me. For some reason, I can no longer double click on a folder in the start menu, to open it in explorer. Nor can I right click and use open or explorer. Each function does absolutely nothing any more. I've had this before and the only way to fix it was to reinstall. Any suggestions? Thanks
  14. Ekstreme

    Start menu problems

    Well, for those who care, I found the prob. It was WinRar's shell addon. If I install winrar and enable the shell extension from the installer, I have to do a system restore to gain the above functionality back again. So installing without the shell enabled works fine.
  15. Ekstreme

    Wolfenstein Test + NT4

    Well, as the title suggests, I'm running Wolfenstein test under NT4, but I'm having issues with sound. The problem is..... no sound at all! I have a SBLive value LW3 isntalled. Sounds works great in everythign else, just not this game. I can hear windows sounds going off in thr background still, like email coming in and ICQ etc, just not wolfenstein. Anyone else experienced this and or fixed it? Thanks
  16. Ekstreme

    Native XP Skins

    Fantastic Four and Twenty! I'd love to see some shots, and possible some instructions?? *nudge* *nudge*
  17. Ekstreme

    Start menu problems

    yeah it's XP alright. Yes it did work, then one day BOOM all gone! I've since done a reinstall cause it pi55ed me off that much!! BUT if any knows how to fix this, I'm sure it's going to crop up again.
  18. Ekstreme

    XP did not install ACPI?

    I think you can still change the system role udner device manager, but it's not advisable
  19. Ekstreme

    3D Studio Max R3.1

    Please tell me if anyone has this to work under XP? I keep getting errors about hardware lock not being atached, yet it is! Sorry if this has been discussed, but I can't find it.
  20. I'm trying to install my ******* scanner drivers for my CanoScan FB-630p BUT the setup won't run saying: "Can't run 16-bit Windows program" - Cannot find the file C:\...... (or one of it's components.) check the path filename and all required libraries are available. WTF is with this!??! it installs fine under 2k and I'm dead sure I had these drivers running under an earlier build of XP. Please help!
  21. I got no idea what the prob is, but I reinstalled and the damn things install now!! Ohh well
  22. Ekstreme

    XP did not install ACPI?

    When you install, as soon as it says 'hit F6 if you ned to install 3rd party scsi or raid drivers' or something like that, hit F5 and you will be presented with an option to select your system type. Select Advanced....ACPI machine and you'll be rawkin!
  23. Ekstreme

    XP pro / SB PCI64 - "scratchy" sound output?

    I had this prob under 2k many many moons ago. The best thing to a fix I could get was to drop the hardware acceleration back a notch or two.
  24. Ekstreme

    Wolfenstein Test + NT4

    There is a hacked DX5 install for NT4, it kinda helped me get Jedi Knight running once upon a time, but the game play was still really crap Might dig that out and have a play. No unofficial SBlive updates for NT4 then I take it?
  25. Ekstreme

    Wolfenstein Test + NT4

    Well, I hope there's a list of switches released soon, or a fix in the next test version, 'casue playing a game like this without sound is just not right! It's like the silent scenes in Saving Private Ryan... eerily disturbing A bit off topic, but do you guys have any problems with your SBlive under NT4? my beef is: no startup or shutdown sounds, and I can hear static in the background as I scroll up and down windows. Minor issues I know, but just damn annoying. Using the latest Liveware off the creative site, unles there is unofficail drivers released I;ve misses?