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Posts posted by felix

  1. I'm a little surprised that you don't have national dial-in numbers for the large ISPs.


    Here in Aus, all major ISPs have either 13xxxx numbers or 0198xxxxxx numbers which you can dial in from anywhere at the cost of a local call.


    Apparently it does some automatic cool thing were it locates the closest POP for the ISP and hooks you in. If you approach those ISPs and offer them some rack space in your business and allow them to hook up the required telco lines, you might be surprised how enthusiastic they are.


    Essentially you don't even need ever to talk to a customer as all you are doing is allowing these ISPs to use some of your space and put in some cables. If you make the rent attractive, you should be on a goer. Then all you need is a foil hat and and cod-piece to protect your important bits when you enter the room and you'll be sweet. smile

  2. So I dug out my Half-Life GOTY edition and re-installed it today.

    After doing so I remebered that to update it now you have to install Steam so off I went to do so.


    ONce it was installed it asked me for the CD-Keys of any games I had so I puched in my CD-Key and it was happy and showed me the list of games/mods I can play. THen it did it's whole "copying existing files" thing from c:\games\halflife into c:\steam etc.


    My question is - can I uninstall the old halflife directory and get some space back or does Steam require that those local files stay present?




  3. Here's the thing.

    I've been asked to find some good music for our on-hold system at work. Obviously it must be royalty free and copyright free etc etc and not sound like absolute shiat. Aside from MIDI, does anyone have any ideas of places.



  4. It's caused by heavy rain/floods washing chemical laden water & slit down from the mid west and out into the Gulf.

    All the extra phosphates and nitrates that come with modern fertilisers and pesticides really screw with the oxygen level of the water and things die. Ships also sit slightly lower in the water.


    A similar phenomenon occurs in the "Bermuds Triange" where the undersea geology is riddled with pockets of CO2 gas. When one of these is released, which occurs regularly, the bubble(s) of CO2 make the water unable to support ships and they will just sink on the spot. Once the CO2 leaves the water, any plane flying over that spot will get a engine full of CO2, plus a different density of air, and fall out of the sky. Would be very cool if people weren't at risk.

  5. Very much true.


    There has been recent conjecture regarding the attitude of most people on this board about PIRACY. Whilst there may indeed be members who do indulge in this kind of thing, the policy of this site is that it has never, does not and will never condone software piracy - a position which is made clear by the Admins, mods, senior members, the doormat and even the cat. This place has a reputation and whilst it may be quite straight, has the respect of people who seek answers to major problems with AD deployment & domain mgmt etc etc. Nobody wants to see that compromised for the sake of helping a few kiddies run a dodgy copy of a game.


    If however you have purchased the game/program and the author/publisher acknowledges that their product has a compatibility issue in regard to it not working without a patch, it is suggested that you contact them in regard to working around the problem.



  6. No. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's Google Corps twisted way of watching the organic growth of this service and how the web is interlinked.


    Or they're just having trouble getting enough HDDs to allow people just to wander on over and sign up.

  7. You could also try forcing your pagefile to purge at shutdown in order to refresh it. You can do it in the group policy editor.


    However I would also do what wicked101 says and move it to another drive, reboot and move it back in order to completely rebuild it and move it to another spot on the drive.

  8. ...other than the fact that it was posted on the 'net.




    This is a real University Essay titled, "Planes, Trains, and Plantains: The story of Oedipus" submitted November 30, 2004. View all 7 pages.


    For those of you who didn't see it from a link on Fark.com enjoy. I will however warn the discerning reader as to the use of colourful language, metaphors and similies. I think it gets an "R" rating.
