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Posts posted by felix

  1. A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender "You got any bread?"

    Bartender says "only drinks and chips mate".


    Next day the duck walks into the bar and asks the bartender "You got any bread?"

    Bartender says "like I told you yesterday only drinks and chips mate"



    Next day the duck walks into the bar and asks the bartender "You got any bread?"

    Bartender says "listen you feathered freak, next time you come in here and ask for bread I'll nail your feet to the floor"


    Next day the duck walks into the bar and asks "you got any nails?"

    Bartender says "no"

    Duck says "you got any bread?"

  2. what's really cool is that if you click an expired link, it shows that address that was created from that link.


    Imagine what one could do if one was a vindictive person.....


    Also, I still have invites, PM me with an email addy to send to.

  3. I'd do the same but there is far too much effort required to extract invite addresses from emails.


    If anyone wants an invite after the above are taken, just PM me with an email address and I'll pop one off to you. I think I have the 50 available.

  4. What you are asking to do is illegal.

    This forum does not condone illegal activity, regardless of purpose. There are plenty of other forums out there with lower standards and far less professional reputations that may help you.

  5. Yes,

    Right click on "My Computer" then properties, then the advanced tab, then the environment variables at the bottom, then change the entries for "tmp" and "temp" to where ever you want to go.

  6. What you need to do is get on your domain controlller (which i assume is also your DNS server otherwise get on your DNS server) and set a DNS forward zone and point it to either your ISP gateway or your ISP DNS. This way it forwards all unknown DNS requests to another server who hopefully knows.


    Mind you, I'm still getting my head around DNS issues on my own DC so I could be completely wrong. If this is the case, Clutch or someone similar will correct me pretty quick.

  7. Given that nobody here is paid to answer your question, you should appreciate any assistance you get! Maybe people just haven't experienced this problem. Or maybe like me, they just don't care.

  8. Argh argh brains argh


    Oldest. post. ever. (props to Comic Book Guy) - well it isn't but who cares (Phillip locked the absolute oldest ones)


    2145.720235 days since started (I think)


  9. GMail is an interesting social experiment organised by the Google folks where the bottom line is to create more advertising opportunities for them to sell.


    However the world has seen the rise and expansion of the GMail phenomenon:


    "Gmail was announced exactly one year ago, on the April Fool’s Day last year, and has forever changed the history of web mail. Well, at least in terms of mailbox size. I thought it was a joke last year, but no one is doubting its existence by now. It has became my secondary email account since I got mine June last year, and meanwhile it has grown so many new features - except it has not grown out its “beta” status." --from http://scott.yang.id.au/2005/04/one-year-of-gmail/


    So the service gets announced and everyone gets excited, from "yay a new toy/service" excited to "my god google will search/read/archive all my mail and hold it against my great grandchildren" excited by the tin-foil hat brigade.


    In the beginning GMail was exclusive and a good tool for people who wanted to email big stuff or those who just say "ha I'm cool and have a gmail account" but these people are the ones who know first hand what an atomic wedgie feels like. At one point people were auctioning off GMail invites on eBay etc for silly sums and now I can't give mine away.


    The amount you can use keeps increasing, just sit at http://gmail.com for a while and watch the counter spin - I have 2140+MB available. I could actually give two ducks about the 2GB of space and the colours and the archiving etc etc. The main thing I care about is the free forwarding to another email account which is what I wanted so I can easily change ISP when I get pissed off and just redirect my mail. I could use Yahoo or Hotmail premium packages but I don't want to pay for it when I already pay for the internet.


    Funny thing is you have to make 3 seperate actions to delete any mail, it's like they don't want to lose your data (argh get my tin-foil hat) but I don't get spam from them and it's free so I don't care.

  10. Firstly - no w.arez or other illegal stuff on this site. Phillip has worked hard to get it a good reputation.


    Secondly - if it's a legitimate problem with your CD/DVD drive, contact support, they may have a solution (see 3 below). If they can't help, install some ad-ware scanners, update your virus scanner and then do a search for such software on Google.


    Thirdly - disable any drive emulation software on your machine ie CloneCD, Nero etc etc


    Fourth - Don't rant at me for posting the first one.

  11. Hi all,

    Just got an email from my sister who said the following:


    Hello; From your Youngest Sister


    I need your help.

    We are having trouble with sending e-mails.

    All our names are been blocked, as in ###########


    Some how some one at this end has done something and now I don't know

    how to change it back.


    I'll write all our names under here so u can see;







    Any suggestions?

    Love Kaz


    This one has me stumped. THey are running ME and Outlook Express 6.0 was the sender. Any ideas? I didn't think OE had that kind of tool built in.


    Ta. F.
