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Posts posted by MarksmanX

  1. Quote:
    Originally posted by 80sgamer:
    I have a hp8100 and i can burn them fine its just they won't read after i burn them in 2k. They read in any win98 machine just not my 2k machine. Any ideas THANKS GUYS!

    This problem is only isolated only with the HP8100 only correct? If the Burned CD cannot be perfectly read by the other CD-ROM drives, than this is definately a Firmware and ASPI problem. Go to the HP site for updates and are you using a SCSI card for the burner or a EIDE interface? If you are using SCSI card makesure you get the new Windows 2000 drivers from adaptec ( if it is an adaptec card smile ) If this doesn't work after you update or if there isn't an update available then continue to use 98 till an update is available smile If this doesn't help let us know about it.

    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard
    Dual Intel Pentium III 850
    512 MEGS of ECC RAM
    Sound Blaster Live!
    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card
    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB
    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive
    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive
    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)
    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55
    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32
    Pioneer 10X DVD-ROM
    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  2. Quote:
    Originally posted by 80sgamer:
    Hey all,

    i'm a multimedia developer and have created several programs on 80 min disks in 98 just fine however when i burn them in 2000, it burns fine but when i go to run the cd it won't read i've tried in a dvd rom, a cdrw drive and a 32x panasonic drive. Has anyone else had any problems with 80 min disks and win2k?

    Thanks all


    What burner are you using? Did you update your firmware and ASPI? I have no problems buring also smile I always use the 80 min disks smile

    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard
    Dual Intel Pentium III 850
    512 MEGS of ECC RAM
    Sound Blaster Live!
    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card
    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB
    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive
    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive
    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)
    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55
    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32
    Pioneer 10X DVD-ROM
    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  3. Quote:
    Originally posted by Moses:
    CounterStrike chrashes all the time!!!
    My System:

    AMD Athlon 600@700, 192MB Ram, ASUS V660 GeForce 256 , SB Live!

    Can you help me?

    Did you try restoring your CPU to its default speed and trying to run the game?

    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard
    Dual Intel Pentium III 850
    512 MEGS of ECC RAM
    Sound Blaster Live!
    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card
    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB
    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive
    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive
    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)
    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55
    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32
    Pioneer 10X DVD-ROM
    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  4. What is you AGP aperture set at? Did you defrag you drive in Windows 2000? Did you install Half-Life in Windows 2000? Are you using the newest drivers? I have no problem at all in Half-Life Counter Strike. Runs better in Windows 2000 than it did in Windows 98SE smile





    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard

    Dual Intel Pentium III 850

    512 MEGS of ECC RAM

    Sound Blaster Live!

    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card

    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB

    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive

    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive

    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)

    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55

    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card

    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32

    Pioneer 10X DVD-ROM

    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  5. Yes PC-133 RAM will work with the Tyan Tiger 100 Revision F motherboards. I cannot speak for the older revisions but it will work with Revision F. I have never tried over clocking the CPU yet because Windows 2000 doesn’t like over clocked system much. From what I have read here it’s a mix bunch. Some have total success with their over clocked system in Windows 2000 while others have not. Just remember, you could blow that $3000 + system if you do something wrong and the warrantee does not cover over clocked systems.



    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard

    Dual Intel Pentium III 850

    512 MEGS of ECC RAM

    Sound Blaster Live!

    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card

    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB

    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive

    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive

    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)

    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55

    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card

    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32

    Pioneer DVD-ROM

    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  6. I got 3.2 more FPS in Quake 2 and 3 FPS in Quake 3 smile I never had any problems with the old bios either smile



    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard

    Dual Intel Pentium III 850

    512 MEGS of ECC RAM

    Sound Blaster Live!

    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card

    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB

    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive

    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive

    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)

    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55

    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card

    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32

    Pioneer DVD-ROM

    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  7. Quote:
    Originally posted by Biatche:
    Hi again,
    I am thinking of buying a new system with these components:
    2X PIII-733MHz Processor
    Dual P3 MB of course
    18.2 GB Scsi HD
    a soundcard <duh>
    ATI RADEON 256 (not released yet though)
    256 MB RAM - brand, type recommendations?
    19" monitor
    a good network card

    i will be using win2k

    please recommend me the specific brands/models i should purchase.
    i don't want an over expensive machine.. just a reasonable one - and a good one.

    aureal is kinda dead and I don't trust creative in any case. So.. what soundcard should I get?

    anyway.. i've thought of getting this..
    " Tyan Thunder 2400 "... seems good from my point of view... just that it only supports PC100 SDRAM.

    Anyways, recommendations?

    I would recommending waiting till the end of 2000. If you MUST upgrade then I would go with the BX line because they have never failed me yet. I did try the i840 chipsets. Nothing but a pure dissapointment! The RAM must be RAMBUS or you won't get 100% compatibility with PC-100 or PC-133 RAM. But for my situation I had to upgrade. So I got the Supermico P6DBE( http://www.supermicro.com/PRODUCT/MotherBoards/440BX/p6dbe.htm ). Also the Tyan Tiger 100 ( http://www.tyan.com/products/html/tiger100_p.html ) is good also. They have never failed me once smile

    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard
    Dual Intel Pentium III 850
    512 MEGS of ECC RAM
    Sound Blaster Live!
    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card
    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB
    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive
    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive
    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)
    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55
    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32
    Pioneer DVD-ROM
    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  8. That FPS score is decent but not great. You should aim for around the 90s+ fps scores though. You should consider upgrading your video card if you want more FPS. Nvidia DDR based cards are excellent for OpenGL games.



    Supermicro P6DBE Rev 3.0 Motherboard

    Dual Intel Pentium III 850

    512 MEGS of ECC RAM

    Sound Blaster Live!

    Adaptec 29160 SCSI Card

    GeForce 2 GTS 64MB

    IBM DMVS18N Ultra 160 Hard Drive

    Western Digital 20.5GB Hard Drive

    Razer Boom Slang 2000 (USB)

    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55

    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card

    Plextor Plexwriter 12/4/32

    Pioneer DVD-ROM

    Sony GDM-F500R Monitor

  9. I installed Final Fantasy VIII on Windows 2000. IT installs fine smile But the game won't run without EAX.DLL file in my WINNT\SYSTEM folder. I did get the updated patch but that didn't help. They have the unified EAX drivers but it always executed an error. I need some help smile If you one of you guys could upload it to me (marksmanX@hotmail.com) I would love it smile Thanks for the help!

  10. Can the Hercules Prophet run Nvidia reference drivers for Windows 2000? I know hercules likes to tweak their cards and might do somethings differently. I am planning on retiring the old TNT2 for a Hercules Prophet II 64DDR (Geforce 2). I just want to see if anyone has been having trouble with it. Thanks smile

  11. Quote:
    Originally posted by crunchyjedi:
    Other than security, are there any advantages to using NTFS as opposed to FAT32? Do apps load faster or run better?

    For me it runs terribly slow frown I have a Ultra 160 SCSI drive. When I went NTFS it takes longer to load apps and it is much much louder. I did give it a straight week though smile For games It took alittle longer to load. FAT32 is fast for games on my system. You should try both and see what suits your needs.

  12. My problem happened once I installed the new HD and made it my primary. I formated my old drive and made it my secondary. I reinstalled windows 2000 and installed the new 3.81 drivers from Nvidia ( the frame increase in Quake based games is AMAZING! ) and everything worked fine. Today when I executed Quake2 it just leaves me in a grey screen. I run the task manager and it says Quake 2 is running and by the looks of it the second CPU is indeed being used by Quake 2. So I uninstalled Quake 2 and totally cleaned the directory ( deleted ). I did a fresh install and the problem surfaced again. Any advice would help guys. I really need Quake2 running again smile Thanks smile





    Dual Intel Pentium III 750

    384 MEGS of PC-100 RAM

    Sound Blaster Live!

    Promise DMA/66 Controller

    GeForce 256 DDR

    IBM Deskstar 34GXP 27.3GB DMA 66

    Western Digital 20.5GB DMA 66

    Intellimouse Explorer (USB)

    Roland Sound Canvis SC-55

    3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card

  13. If you need something ASAP get the TNT2 line of video cards, they don't cost that much. But if you can bite the bullet for a few more months the NV 15 will be out smile

  14. Hi guys I have just got my two 750E processors today. Now I jave to remove my old 450s. Will I have to do a system format because I have added a new CPU and NT ( Windows 2000 ) will operate correctly? I have heard people swapping CPUs with no problems, but Windows 2000 I am no so sure about. Thanks guys

  15. Quote:
    Originally posted by LoveRat:
    DirectX Version: DirectX 7.0 (

    My mistake - what a moron smilesmile Thanks mate.

    You're not a moron smile You just don't fully understand Windows 2000 yet smile When I first got RC1 I did something similar smile These guys helped me a lot! It's a plus I am learning and helping at the sametime. So contribute to the cause. smile