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Posts posted by Seldzar

  1. Your framerates in UT will peak in the 40-45 fps. I've seen benchmarks of a gigahertz athlon and a geforce DDR get 45fps....that seems about as high as UT is gonna go(for now) but hey thats fine with me.....muns sweet as hell on my tnt2 in 1024@ 32bit color....can't wait to see it on the V5 5500 i'm gonna be grabbing. =)

  2. Can you say touche?(Add little french thingy on the E =)


    I still don't see that resounded "YES" for full acceleration playing UT and perfect sound.......anyone?.........anyone?......


    I didn't think so.......


    Hey Ronin, at the risk of starting another flame war =) this is awesome advice:


    "Maybe you should upgrade hardware or something." especially the "or something" part. Hehehe =-o)


    calm down there fella


    MsGUY you say your live is working perfectly, so is mine at standard acceleration, but the question is is yours set to standard or FULL accleration?

  3. IF all else fails, reisntall win98 from a boot disk to the same drive, you will still have to do some tweaking to get some programs right as it will still think it's on the previous drive letter and isntall stuff to there(ie a program files dir etc will appear on your other drive)I had to do all of this not more than a week ago.

  4. Thats UT D3D performance causeing it to be that slow...try cranking your res to 16x12 16 bit and you will notice it probably runs the exact same. I played with a geforce DDR and at 16x12 I got 40fps(or so) on my TNT2 in 1024 32bit color gets about 40 fps as well.

  5. I wouldn't complain, the 5.13 drivers cause q3 to run at 1 fps and SOF works fine......the 5.14 caused ANYTHING opengl to not function(couldn't create a gl context for the window in q3), going back to the 3.81 drivers q3 would load fine but played horribly slow as well and the gamma was messed. Being that I just got a tnt2 recently I have to be missing something.

  6. Win2k WILL use the HLT instructions in SMP mode when you have ACPI Multiprocessor unser computer type in your device manager. If you have MPS multiprocessor PC then it won't =(


    CPU idle pro is good for those who need it.

  7. whaaa whaa whaaaa cry cry who f**king cares?


    I don't, I'm sure many others don't either.


    However there is a simple solution, IGNORE IT. This is a message forum, whoop de do someone posted a message you didn't like....and?......how does this change anything?.....it doesn't....so just ignore it and move on.......

  8. I have the solution for you, remove the software. Also it will shutdown, i had this same problem, just leave it alone once you click on shut down and watch it. After about 5 minutes or more the system will slowly shutdown. It annoyed the hell outta me so bye bye software. Anyone know if they put out an update for it?


    [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 29 March 2000).]

  9. I tried the bringing the mixer volumes down and it did squat. The only solution is to bring your acceration from full accleration to standard(1 notch down from full)in dxdiag/sound


    Lets hope creative fixes this issue, but as drschmoe put it, liveware4 is jsut around the corner.





  10. Don't feel left out I ran it on my V3 and it loads the main screen and then sits there and sits there. Task manager says it's used about a GIG of memory. SO as you can imagine this is rather annoying. Anyone else have this issue?


    BTw I have dual monitor with a V3 and a banshee but the D3D is disabled ont he banshee and runs fine on my v3.





  11. Actually I used a sis 4mb 6326 POS vid card for my second monitor and it wasn't multi monitor supported. To fix your problem in your bios set your init first display to your PCI card so your s3 is the main card on boot. Once in windows it should have set your AGP card to your main card in display settings. What is the agp card? Now I use a Voodoo Banshee PCI for my second monitor with a v3 3000 agp





  12. Blah blah, blahblahblahblahblah!


    blah & blah


    blah ba blah


    Enough already. comments like this "Yeah, Win2k and Win98 are different but the under lying core is similar (if some win9X and NT apps all work on top of the OS, it can't be that different). " confirms what everyone reading this is thinking.




