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Everything posted by Seldzar

  1. Seldzar


    3.0?? who cares about 3.0 i'm using 4.1 i'm sure that issue has been fixed a while ago.
  2. Seldzar


    Check out winroute 4.1 www.winroute.com VERY versatile program.
  3. Ahhhhhh ok gotcha! Have you tried jsut installing the hollywood drivers and then the hollywood software? Skip all the creative junk? I had to disable PnP OS in the bios as well for my Asus p3v4x.
  4. I play UT at 16x12 and the FPS counter NEVER drops below 40fps. I do see it spike up towards 60-70 but it all depends on the action on the screen. There are VERY few people having problems with hollywood cards. Btw why are you installing the NT driver? It should be Hollywood plus beta driver, reboot, Creative software. Or in a Official hoolywood cards sake it's Hollywood plus beta driver, reboot, Hollywood Plus software(dvd station). [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 21 May 2000).]
  5. Seldzar

    A stable MoBo?

    I'm using an Asus p3v4x (via apollopro 133a) with the latest via drivers and it's DAMN stable and smooth. Not to mention supports those nice new features (agp4x/133mhz/udma66) etc. It's cheap to boot
  6. Quote: Originally posted by ledzeppel: Dude, The thing is not going to work right until they get official drivers. It isn't EVEN worth it. Just use your Hollywood Plus in 98 for now and wait like the rest of us. Dude, My hollywood plus has worked FLAWLESS in win2k since I've had it. I had one issue with my new motherboard but that was easily fixed. Check the sigma designs newsgroups.
  7. Seldzar

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Ok ok I managed to hold off until now, but http://www.webtoolsplus.com is just WAY too funny. I know I know, I'm just generating more hits for his "Website" but man it's just hilarious. oops, I guess this would be considered a useless post so count me down to 407 posts instead and that only makes me 7.4 times smarter than the king himself, according to his method of calculating intelligence. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 19 May 2000).]
  8. Seldzar

    DirectX 8 Beta and Win2k

    I'm not using dx8 beta and i'm getting perfect sound at full acceleration.
  9. Seldzar

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    No, TV out support is not in reference drivers. SO far I have experienced(upgraded to 5.16 from 5.14) a loss of opengl and McM2 beta(which used to run alright) now freezes. Came to my pc in the morning and had to reset it as there was nothing but a blank screen. AVI playback is still quite flaky and will lock up my machine whenever the hell it wants. Oh yeah and Unreal Tournament is CHOPPY and SLOW as Sh*t right now. Still haven't tried figuring that one out. Thank god this DDR was free and will be replaced by my V5 when it arrives. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 11 May 2000).]
  10. Seldzar

    Microsoft Motocross Madness 2

    I'll repeat again, it's a beta. In case your not sure what that means is, it's NOT FINISHED. "It is BETA for sure, but even though it should work!!" <-- why? Point of a beta is to test the software for issues(bugs) and fix them. Well I would tend to say you found some issues they have probably been fixed. So NO it's not gonna go above 640, No no one is gonna find a way to make it work any better. And Be patient it's out in 2 weeks anyway. And if your so persistant do what I do, use FSAA it looks tolerable then.
  11. Seldzar

    Microsoft Motocross Madness 2

    It's a beta, wait for the final.
  12. Seldzar

    Dual Monitor

    Yes it would run on the second monitor on your tnt2. But actually you would have specified your tnt2 and that monitor to be your primary display in windows display settings. So technically it would be running on your primary. All setting the bios to pci first followed by agp does is tell the tnt2 to take over the secondary monitor capabilites cause windows CAN do it with the tnt2 as second(the tnt2 supports the dual monitor). The other way around says for the S3 to do it but then windows can't do it(as the s3 drivers don't support dual monitor).
  13. Seldzar

    Dual Monitor

    If you switch the bios settings around your tnt2 will be the 2nd monitor(tnt2 supports dual monitor. The S3 would be doing the main monitor. Then in windows you respecify which is your primary and adjust your setup accordingly. I had this problem with an SIS 620 card(and it did work but sis cards suck ass). I now use a banshee for my secondary monitor. In 98 you can simply reconfigure the setup when you switch it in the bios. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 06 May 2000).]
  14. Seldzar

    Dual Monitor

    And your primary card is? What error message are you getting? What exactly happens? Try setting your bios to init first display to PCI to tell windows that your AGP card is your secondary card. Then switch it around in windows.
  15. Seldzar

    Video Card advise please

    KEEP THE GIFT, and sell the g400 or hell sell both and get a geforce DDR.
  16. Seldzar

    HELP!! New motherboard --> win2k BSOD

    As far as I know your out of luck and will need to reinstall.
  17. Seldzar

    Should MS be broken UP?

    I think your mom should be broken .....errr up. =)
  18. I got a ACTUAL Hollywood plus card not a dxr3 and I have NO issues what so ever. All runs flawless. Have you tried the card in other pci slots? Are you using the pass through cable? [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 02 May 2000).]
  19. Seldzar

    nt in reverse/w2k going forward?

    Win2k for all of the above......comes with IE 5...office 2k goes in flawlessly wihtout a reboot. My USB mouse even works in safemode. Win2k is the way to go.
  20. Seldzar

    For those who wants to run Fifa2k under Win2K

    Well said, what I think he was getting at was (find) and download euro 2000 and enjoy it to make up for your fifa2000 ass reaming.=-)
  21. Seldzar

    Hot Damn!! I won a preview of Motocross Madness 2

    From One canuk to another =), your getting beta2 lets hope it runs better than beta 1. The only vid card i've seen beta 1 run in win2k with is an ati rage 128(errr umm yeah)everything else stops responding(3dfx/nvidia)I don't know if Ballplayer was referring to beta1 or 2. I Can't wait for the final......god damn.....no WinMe for some MCM action.
  22. Seldzar

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    No idea on release date, the changes I've seen are purely cosmetic.... ctrl alt delete brings up task manger immediately(no windows security menu) there is a user tab in task manager to see users loggon onto your pc.......there options to see the processes and resources used by the users. the shut down on the task bar is "Shut down computer" which brings up a 3 button box with shut down restart and cancel. Control panel is setup like Win Me. It still says win2k everywhere. The inital boot is much quicker the white bar that moves across the screen is there not even long enough for you to hit F8. The task bar says "windows 2001" on it. Aside from that I couldn't see much different in the 30 minutes i played with it.
  23. Seldzar

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    From My quick use of Whistler I can say that THAT OS is gonna f'n ROCK. Just the little changes they've made so far are quite nice.
  24. Seldzar

    Outlook with Dual boot.

    Simple solution for your putlook problem(and it's probably the only one your gonna get) In the OS you use the most don't change your settings.....in the otherone(probably 98) set Outlook to leave a copy of the messages on the server. SO when you download in 98 they will be left there. When going to win2k you will downlaod them again and then remove them fromt he server, having a copy in both outlooks.
  25. Seldzar

    Hollywood+ driver installation

    Wierd, I got me one of those cards,(they are sweet as hell)You did install the drivers for the card first then install the apps right? I had no problems with the card. Try changing PCI slots.