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Everything posted by Seldzar

  1. Seldzar

    File and Printer Sharing not working

    No problems here, using 2485 and shares with reset.bat at work and at home. The only thing that doesn't seem to work is remembering my messenger password. I remember having this converstaion with you shrink, btw use your damn icq!!
  2. Seldzar

    Dreamweaver4 + winxp

    huh? I don't understand, did you try the registry editing? I adjusted the registry as per my previous post and my dreamweaver now works with the dir i specified and not the desktop. This is 2485, i'll let you know if 2495 does it as well later tonight.
  3. Seldzar

    Dreamweaver4 + winxp

    Not sure on what the issue is, most likely changes to the registry that confuse dreamweaver. Hkey Current User\software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 4\Sites\site0\Local Directory Hkey Current User\software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 4\Sites\site0\Local expanded dir 0 Set both those keys to the path you want and it will stick. Did you try running dreamweaver in compatability mode? Either way there is your fix, enjoy.
  4. Ensure your actually using the latest drivers and not the default ms ones. Check your 3dfxvsm and 3dfxvs drivers and check the version , you really should be using wicked GL for the game or D3d anyway.
  5. Seldzar

    NFS5 Porsche + Windows XP

    I have never had any issue running NFS5 on win2k or winxp with a v5 or gf2 except for the gimme.dll issue, after that NEVER an issue. So no the game doesn't need to Be all patched up, it works fine. NFSHS in d3d is another story thou.
  6. Seldzar

    Xp 2485

    Well the sblive SBL512013209 drivers dont' work in 2485 but that could just be the install I'm working with(windows update sblive driver doens't install either) the main system volume doesn't do anything still and the wave volume and winamp have to be almost at right at the point of being all the way down to get a tolerable volume level, otherwise it's way too damn loud. A new crack would be good but if the crackers were smart they woudnt' crack it at all till it's finished and then crack it when its too late.
  7. Seldzar

    Xp 2485

    Works good here, apparently the 2474 reset fixes don't work, but I'm sure i'll find out soon enough. Did notice a few things, the sound crackling on my philips acoustic edge is still there even with the new philips drivers. My sblive on my work box is ok but the main volume doens't do anything anymore(gonna do the windows update and if that doesn't work then to the 3209 version of the 5.1 drivers) Aside from that a massive build # increase in dx and works good with the nv 12.60 drivers(I used the 620 interim release on 2481 and the 12.60's problems I had went away. btw use the NvQtwk.dll from 11.01 or any release around there to get your overclocking to stick in 2k/xp on boot.
  8. Seldzar

    NAV Symevent Update

    It also shows that the company understands it's users and pc enthusiasts(sp?) in general and would rather put out a fix than lose customers. but basically yea, what shrink said =)
  9. Seldzar

    3dfx voodoo3 2000 pci-REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!!!!

    The latest 3dfx drivers work fine in xp(sans glide), the drivers are the same as the v5 and they work fine in winxp. Just install the drivers manually and don't install the 3dfx tools(Use voodoo4+ runner). I just did the install and the drivers are good on my 2000 pci(can use v4 + runner for basic settings) Played mcm2 on my second monitor(v3 2000 pci w/1.03 drivers) Ran 3dmark 2001 as well, I can only assume you were referring to glide not working? This maybe fixed in a later build, who knows but does it really matter now?
  10. Seldzar

    2475 Is Rocking !!!

    It shouldbe fine, I tried upgrade 2474 to 2475 BUT the cdrw I burned the image to was a little funky and gave me a failure error during setup. Reburned it to a nice cdr and it worked fine, so I believe the upgrade should be painless. Please let me know, err ummmm if you happen to "find" 2481 lying around =)
  11. Seldzar

    2475 Is Rocking !!!

    When is 2481 supposed to be out? Gotta get that if it fixes my issues. Thanks for the files shrink.
  12. Seldzar

    2475 Is Rocking !!!

    Yes it's an ATI tv wonder and I haven't seen a problem when used in conjunction with a sblive, only the Philips Acoustic Edge sound card. Care to point me to those drivers your using? I'd love to see if I can mix and match some dll's possibly clear the issue up.
  13. Seldzar

    2475 Is Rocking !!!

    Hey hey =)Usually only come in here every so often to see whats happening. I did install the Smyevent and it used to work fine (for example beta2) but it no longer works. This is the least of my concerns however, I'm sure it's a windows issue that will be fixed. My main issue is with this ATI tv tuner and philips sound card, read this and then go figure: When I first installed winxp and nothing else from the clean install the tv tuner installed and worked fine, nice clear picture but no sound(obviously) Now upon installing my soundcard drivers and doing the web update for them and a reboot I now have tv tuner with audio but a messed up picture that seems scrambled. If I click the capture button and it starts to capture to my hd then the picture becomes clear. If I set my second video card(v3 2000 pci) to primary and my GF2 GTS as secondary the tv tuner works fine. If I then set my GF2 back to primary with the tv open I get a blank tv screen on my main monitor but if I minimize it and let it become my wallpaper(very cool feature) it doesn't do it on the primary but on my secondary monitor(only while still open from the switch) once closed it reverts back to messed up video. I've tried disabling the sound card, nothing. I've tried using older and different nvidia drivers, nothing(bluescreens with 10.80 and 11.01's) I've tried disabling the second monitor, nothing. It could be something in the new DX thats in these later builds but alas I don't know. Funny thing is that it's a Philips tv tuner chip in the ati and a philips soundcard, you would figure they would play nice =( Oh well, I've emailed philips just to see what they have to say, probably the usual winxp isn't supported blah blah blah.
  14. Seldzar

    2475 Is Rocking !!!

    Well 2475 is better but I still have some issues perhaps someone has had the following: Philips acoustic Edge sound card has popping sounds more noticable during desktop sounds and not as much in gaming. When I install my philips acoustic edge it makes the my Tv tuner(ati tv wonder with a philips tv tuner chip) display all messed up, it works and the sound is fine but the screen is like it's scrambled. Last build My MS sidewinder forcefeedback wheel would only have partial force feed back in something like NFS:PU(the engine rev's weren't present in the wheel but hitting a sign was fine etc)I haven't tried this yet. Norton Antivirus still doesn't work, same error as previous build (unable to start Symevent)
  15. Seldzar

    Anti-Virus on Whistler?

    Well go figure so far on 2 machines i've put it in its the best running winxp yet that i've had. aside from that norton issue but I can always live without it for a bit. Gonna slap it in on my main box tonight and see how it goes.
  16. Seldzar

    Anti-Virus on Whistler?

    The SymEvent.sys doesn't work in 2474, at least with my box here at work. I get unable to load SymEvent.sys and an ok box.
  17. Seldzar

    W2k Sp2 Drivers

    Computer working = leave it alone.
  18. Seldzar

    No! Not a fried CPU - Someone comfort me! :(

    All I have to say is you are the luckiest Motherf**ker in the world. =-) That could have been a very expensive mistake. I'm amazed it's not dead but hey, get a good fan and overclock the hell out of it.
  19. Seldzar

    multiple monitors problem

    Get a better PCI card Voodoo3 2000 PCI's are really cheap and would beautfully with your Geforce(i've done it) Or get a cheap SIS 6326 PCI card.
  20. Seldzar

    No! Not a fried CPU - Someone comfort me! :(

    http://www.hardocp.com This was the site that fried the Tbird 1 ghz in 8 seconds. And he was experienced at doing this kinda work. Your p3 850 is D.E.A.D, you left it on almost 4 times as long as the tbird at Hard ocp was on. Intel will see that this cpu was overheated to hell and say tough sh*t for you. A new Motherbaord isn't going change that fact. I killed a p3 667 cause someone f**ked with the jumpers on the sloket adapter at work and it was set to 4.00 volts. It died in about 10-15 seconds and thats with a heatsink/fan on it. You took a p3 850 that with standard cooling cruises anywhere from 40-50 degrees C and ran it without anything at all. It's time to face the facts, the cpu is dead. The only hope you have is to return it and see if they will replace it.
  21. Seldzar

    No! Not a fried CPU - Someone comfort me! :(

    Or how about DON"T POWER ON YOUR PC WITH OUT A GOD DAMN HEATSINK/FAN! dude, that p3850 gets very f**king hot with a huge piece of metal attached to it and a big fan blowing on it. What did you think would happen if you had nothing on it? Perhaps I'm mistaken you had a heatsink but no fan? Or no heatsink/fan combo at all? If it's the later kiss your cpu goodnight and your hard earned money goodbye(only if the store knows what you did) Next time have " " this much more patience =)
  22. Seldzar

    For those *****ing about SP1

    Oh my, That was one of the funniest and most interesting creations i've read recently. Deadcats wins the award for most creative writing =) oh, and for the biggest b*tch slap/put in your place post. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 20 July 2000).]
  23. Seldzar

    W2K Dual Monitor

    I had a banshee for my second monitor and had the garbage boot issues. It ran stable however when it didn't garbage boot. I got a voodoo3 2000 pci and this card is jsut beautiful for dual monitor [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 07 June 2000).]
  24. Seldzar

    how do i turn fileprotection off?

    try from a command prompt sfc /? that will tell you what you need to know
  25. Seldzar

    Internet Conenction Sharing (how-to + a Q.)

    calebb, have you checked to see if any of the ICS services are starting in your services manger?