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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. Ronin

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    The download is just an upgrade. You can't do a full install. I have not had any problems since ugrading. In fact things seem to be running a little better. ...
  2. Ronin

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    SMP when working right...hehe With the Cg_drawfps 1 feature turned on at 1024x768 the fps meter sits at around 100-110 fps. I don't know if that is accurate but I have not run and benchmarks to see what the actual FPS are. Plus Q3 lockups from time to time with SMP on so I just leave it off. ...
  3. Ronin

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    Well everything went ok, all my software,games and hardware is working fine. The only drivers that I had to reload where the W2K SB Live drivers. Don't really know what all was fixed other than to say that after uncompressing the archive it became 413 megs. The whole OS must have been replaced. Wish everyone had the chance to download the SP but only the chosen few get the pleasure. ...
  4. Ronin

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    ledzeppel!!! I have the same setup as you do, I have all scsi, don't know if you do. But dude you are right with this setup I have no problems with lastest drivers. My system runs great, as far as everyone else it's just a matter of matching hardware. W2K runs great now that there is better driver support. My Specs: Dual PIII 733 Coppermine SuperMicro PIIIDME Motherboard 256 Megs PC/133 Adaptec 64 bit pci Ultra 160 Controller 1 Seagate 18 gig Ultra 160 Hd 3 Seagate 18 gig U2W Hd Plextor Ultrawide 40x cdrom Plextor 12/4/32 Burner Sony Scsi 10x DVD CL Geforce DDR CL Sb Live Plat. Compaq 10/100 NIC Card CL 5.1 Digital Speakers - The best there are. ... [This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 13 May 2000).]
  5. Ronin

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    Guess you need to try it to find out. What a stupid question... hehe
  6. Ronin

    Searching for the best Geforce2

    I'm waiting for the Asus 64meg card, there Geforce cards kicked ass.
  7. Ronin

    AGP 2x, why can't I get it??

    It's a drivers problem I bet. For the longest time before Nvidia released good drivers for W2K, my TNT2 and Geforce both ran with no AGP support. That's my best guess. ...
  8. Ronin

    sigh__ back to 98

    Don't do it!! hehe I've benn running W2K and I can say I will never go back to 98. Everything works fine for me. My system: Asus P3B-F PIII 733 256 Megs PC 133 Memory 4 18 gig cheetah hd All Scsi CDROM,Rurner, and DVD CL Geforce DDR SB Live Platinum I'm running the lastest drivers for all my harware and things are just great. ....
  9. Ronin

    Why does Liveware 3 for Windows2000 suck?

    I'll say again! Not all of us are having problems. And judging by the numbers of replys to this thread I would say this is an isolated problem. My system: Asus P3B-F PIII 733 256 Megs Ram Adaptec 39160 /Ultra 160 Scsi 2 18 gig Cheetah HD System is all Scsi CL SB Live Platinum CL Geforce DDR and so on.... I have no sound problems at all. Maybe you should upgrade hardware or something. ...
  10. Ronin

    Why does Liveware 3 for Windows2000 suck?

    WOW!! That's funny, I have had no problems with the new drivers. I did a clean install and all sound works fine for me. I don't think the drivers are the problem for most people it must be a hardware issue. I have the SB Live Platinum. ...
  11. Ronin

    Windows ME

    So anyone played with beta 2 or 3 and if so how is it? ...
  12. Ronin


    This is true, but I learned a long time ago on this message board not to complain about drivers and other stuff related to W2K because it won't change anything. ...
  13. Ronin


    Be patient, we have all had to wait for drivers for something related to W2K. Good things come to those who wait. ...
  14. Ronin

    Overclocking geforce ddr. How far?

    I'm overclocking my CL DDR to 140/320 and I have not had any problems. As long as you have proper cooling in your case you should not have a problem. If you start having screen problems or games start locking up then just back it off a little. But all in all you should be fine. ...
  15. I installed Easy cd creator 4.0 and patched it to 4.02 and the program starts but when I try to burn a cd it tells me that it can't find any CD-R drives, but the drive is there and working ok. Please help. Thanks, ...
  16. Does anyone know what program is best for converting MP3 files to wave files and works under W2K. Thanks, ...
  17. Ronin

    Converting MP3 to Wave.. What Program works?

    Nevermind, I'm an idiot it's built in with Winamp.. God I feel stupid...
  18. Ronin

    Converting MP3 to Wave.. What Program works?

    Oh and where can I download it. Thanks, ...
  19. Ronin

    Converting MP3 to Wave.. What Program works?

    Thanks, And what's up with Calvin with putting my original message in your reply? ...
  20. Ronin

    Easy Cd Creator 4.02 and Yamaha 6x burner

    I have a new MB I have to install, so I'll be doing a clean install in the next few days. I'm hoping I won't have any problems, but on a different note, I have installed Nero Burning Rom and it works just fine. ...
  21. Ronin

    OpenGL not working Voodoo 3 2000 PCI

    Buy a Gforce.. lol ....
  22. Ronin

    Easy Cd Creator 4.02 and Yamaha 6x burner

    hmmmm, I'll give it a try but everything works fine under NT 4.0/98 so I don't see why that would matter. Thanks,
  23. Ronin

    Easy Cd Creator 4.02 and Yamaha 6x burner

    Well making the burner the master drive won't work because my whole system is scsi. ...
  24. Ronin

    What kind of crap is Creative releasing???

    You guys who are having problems must not be doing something right because I did a clean install the day the drivers came out and have not a problem since then. My sound works fine with a SB Live card. ...
  25. Ronin

    What kind of crap is Creative releasing???

    Don't know why you are having problems, but I have installed the Liveware for W2K and everything works fine for me. ...