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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. Ronin

    New 3D Prophet II GTS 64MB BIOS

    Cool, I'll go give it a try.
  2. Ronin

    Dual P3

    Taken directly from Intel. The Intel® 840 chipset was specifically designed to meet the needs of high performance multi-processor systems. The 840 chipset, together with the latest Intel® Pentium® III or Intel® Pentium® III Xeon™ processors, provides new levels of performance, scalability, and end user productivity. A New Design with Big Benefits The Intel 840 chipset utilizes the new modular design of the 800 family of chipsets. Like other 800 series chipsets, the 840 chipset has two core components: The 82840 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) differentiates the Intel 840 chipset from other Intel 800 series chipsets. The MCH provides graphics support for AGP 2X/4X, dual RDRAM* memory channels, and multiple PCI segments for high performance I/O. The 82801 I/O Controller Hub (ICH) utilizes Intel® Hub Architecture to make a direct connection to the MCH. The ICH supports 32-bit PCI, IDE controllers and dual USB ports. In addition to providing high performance, the Intel 840 chipset was designed for scalability. Two components may be used with the core components: The 82806 64-bit PCI Controller Hub (P64H) supports 64-bit PCI slots at speeds of either 33 or 66 MHz. The P64H connects directly to the MCH using Intel Hub Architecture, providing a dedicated path for high performance I/O. For systems needing high RDRAM capacity, an 82803 RDRAM-based memory repeater hub (MRH-R) may be utilized. The MRH-R converts each memory channel into two memory channels for expanded memory capacity. New Features Maximize Performance Dual memory channels, operating in lock-step, provide up to 3.2 GB/s of memory bandwidth. A 16-bit wide implementation of Intel Hub Architecture allows high performance concurrent PCI I/O with a P64H. The Direct AGP port provides up to 1 GB/s of graphics bandwidth. Supports processors using a 133 MHz system bus. A prefetch cache, unique to the 840 chipset, allows highly efficient data flow and helps maximize system concurrency. ... Now I can say that I would reather be using a BX board, but if you want support for all the new **** out there then you have to go with something with the 840 chipset. My Tyan Thunder 2400 is working just great. ...
  3. All I can say it awesome. This card rocks. Whem I run the timedemo in Q3 with my old Geforce at 1152x84 with everything turned on I get 41.fps With the new card I get 71 FPS If you can afford it this is a must buy! My System: Dual 850's 256 Megs ram Tyan Thunder 2400 - 840 Chipset All Scsi System Adaptec - Ultra 160 Controller Card 1 - 18 Gig Ultra 160 Cheetah 2 - 18 Gig U2W - Cheetah 1 - 9 Gig Ultra 160 - Cheetah Plextor 40x Ultra Wide Cdrom Drive Plextor 14/4/32 - Burner Sony 10x DVD Drive CL SB Live Hercules 64 Meg Geforce 2 ...
  4. Ronin

    Hercules Geforce II GTS - 64meg

    Well I don't know about your motherboard but my Tyan Thunder 2400 works fine. All games and hardware work fine. Now I can't turn SMP on in Q3 but all games work fine. Maybe you should consider changing boards.
  5. Ronin

    Hercules Geforce II GTS - 64meg

    No problem running dual cpus and W2K for me.
  6. Ronin

    Dual P3

    Here is my system and it works perfectly with W2K. My System: Dual 850's 256 Megs ram Tyan Thunder 2400 - 840 Chipset All Scsi System Adaptec - Ultra 160 Controller Card 1 - 18 Gig Ultra 160 Cheetah 2 - 18 Gig U2W - Cheetah 1 - 9 Gig Ultra 160 - Cheetah Plextor 40x Ultra Wide Cdrom Drive Plextor 14/4/32 - Burner Sony 10x DVD Drive CL SB Live Hercules 64 Meg Geforce ...
  7. Ronin

    Sick to death of IRQ problems.

    Heck, under the W2K system properties it tells me that all my pci cards are sharing IRQ 9. But everything is working and has been so I'm not going to *****. But I see your point for some people it can be a major problem. ...
  8. Ronin

    Nividia, and SMP in Quake3

    What drivers for the Geforce work so that you can enable SMP in Quake 3. Or does SMP not work at all. I would like to know what everyone has been experiencing. ...
  9. Ronin

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    Just downloaded W2K service pack 1 from the MDSN site (you must be a member) so thought I would post a message before I upgrade. The download was 190 megs but not problem on a T-1 Well I'll be back if everything goes well and post an update. ...
  10. Ronin

    Detonator 2

    I have not had any problems with the drivers since upgrading. I have not had any problems with anything in my system since everyone has released better drivers. My System: Dual PIII 850's Tyan Thunder 2400 Mainboard 256 Megs Ram Adaptec Ultra 160 Scsi Card 1 - 18 GIG Ultra 160 HD 2 - 18 GIG U2W HD 1 - 9 GIG Ultra 160 HD Plextor UltraMax Wide 40x CD-Rom Plextor 12/14/32 CD-R Sony 10x Scsi DVD CL Geforce DDR CL SB Live ....
  11. After installing W2K when you go into explorer and browse the drives and folders and the icons and file names in each direcory are defaulting to Large Icons. I myself prefer to have the details button checked for each folder. My problem is that I can't seem to find a way to enable "details" as the default layout for all dir and folders. Anyone know how to do this. ..
  12. Ronin

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    There will never be a patch for eax in quake 3 And how are the drivers buggy? They work fine for me.
  13. Ronin

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    I have the SoundBlaster Live Platinum. Don't see every changing. Plus combined with the cambridge 5.1 dolby speaker system it's even better.
  14. Ronin

    Unkown Hard Error: ntdll.dll

    Just reinstall. Or you can try to run the repair portion of the w2k setup.
  15. Ronin

    New stuffs for VIA chipsets users ...

    Buy the Asus P3V4X mainboard. I have not had any problems with it and Windows 2000 It has the Via chipset.
  16. Ronin

    I just quick-formatted the wrong HD!

    Goodluck, But if you formated that drive then it's history. NO MAS DATA! Bummer, sorry dude. ...
  17. Ronin

    Whats the big fuss on prossessor speed

    "He who dies with the fastest computer wins" For me it's all about having the best stuff, I can afford it so why not? But I see your point also. I don't need the fastest stuff for playing games but it helps. Also when attending LAN parties you tend to be the center of attention and envy. (hehe) My System: Dual PIII 850's 256 Megs Ram Tyan Tiger 100 Mainboard Adaptec Ultra 160 Controller 1 - Seagate 18 gig Ultra 160 10RPM 3 - Seagate 18 gig U2W - 10RPM Plextor - Ultra Wide 40x Cdrom Plextor - 12/4/32 CD Burner - Scsi Sony 10x DVD Drive - Scsi CL Geforce DDR CL SB Live Platinum 24" Sony Wide Aspect Monitor ....
  18. Is there anyone out there running dual PIII 850's??? If so what MB are you using? ...
  19. Ronin

    Dual 850's - anyone running them?

    Having dual cpu's for gaming is not worth it, but for everything else it's great. They allow you to do many things at one time without a performance hit. ...
  20. Ronin

    A stable MoBo?

    I was running an Asus P3B-F untill I upgraded to dual 850's Now I'm running a Tyan Tiger 100 and have no problems with it either. ...
  21. Ronin

    Dual 850's - anyone running them?

    Well I found a motherboard for my 850's I bought the Tyan Tiger 100 flashed the bios and it now supports my 850's This is very sweet. You all should see how fast my system is now. I'll run some test and get back on the SMP in Quake 3. ...
  22. Ronin

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    I have not noticed anything new, and it seems to make my system run a little better, could all be in my head. NO! I would not post the service pack on my FTP server, I think everyone can wait. It was a thought though. ...
  23. Ronin

    New P3B-F Upgrade Install Pro?

    Great choice on motherboards, I ran one for 8 months untill I went dual PIII 733 You should be able to just swap MB and start the system back up with no problems. ...
  24. Ronin

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    It's funny, I post a thread about upgrading to SP1 and people like "rocko" have to get everyone pissed off. I did say that is was a heafty 190 megs and that you have to be a memeber of the MSDN to download it and that I have a T-1 (at work) but that is just because I'm lucky. Like I said this thread was created so that other people who where lucky enough to download it could post there comments on it. Oh and people with 56k modems still exist and will for sometime untill the phone and cable company's get off there ass and upgrade there networks so that people like me who have ISDN at home can get DSL or cable. So rocko give people a break. Update: Have not had any problems since upgrading to SP1. If I was not afraid of getting busted I would post SP1 on my FTP server, but that would be real stupid and piss of Bill off. ...