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Everything posted by Kyguy

  1. Kyguy

    Carmageddon 2 in Win2k - Glide only?

    lol I know your not trying to sell it, hell I already have it, I'm just saying I'm the curious type that likes to explore, not spend the whole friggin game trying to find peds to kill just so I can find more friggin peds to kill ;( it's kinda sad when I can try to go through EVERY DAMN CHECKPOINT as fast as I can and not pass the level! (and trust me, I can drive) ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  2. Kyguy

    Carmageddon 2 in Win2k - Glide only?

    Sorry I'm a lazy american, I don't like the amount of time you get (less time to screw around) and hitting peds gives you only 2 seconds, compared to 15 in carmageddon 2... It may look a little bit better (only the cars in my opinion) but my friend also keeps saying the control sucks ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  3. Kyguy

    Carmageddon 2 in Win2k - Glide only?

    Tried it, it sucks ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  4. Kyguy

    CUSL2 supports Hibernate?

    dude the hibernate tab wasn't there and now it is ;( go away while I try to keep my smartness ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive! [This message has been edited by Kyguy (edited 07 October 2000).]
  5. Kyguy

    WinTV Remote problems

    Thanks ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  6. Kyguy

    This is freakin halarious!

    I forgot I was registered here I'm a senior with a newbie amount of posts BTW hi, I'm usually over at http://board.3dfiles.com but I'll try to stay here a lil if it's as lively ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  7. Kyguy

    Will there be any CPP for Whistler? If so when?

    CPP was my savior I don't like doing illegal acts to get my baby ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  8. Kyguy

    Whistler 2257 and Neptune 5111 Whats the Difference

    ok, so what your saying was Whistler is from Neptune development features but based on the win2k core. I thought (stupidly) that Whistler started after win2k on the final code and went from there BUT now that I think about it, it would be pretty damn smart to fix all the bugs in whistler in realtime while they were being found in win2k... I also thought Whistler was just Win2k+SP1+new gui.. 2257 had refresh problems w/ the new window scheme though ;( ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  9. Kyguy

    Whistler 2267

    Yeah, I saw a LOT of information about system restore in 2257 but obviously it's not even in it yet.. forshadowing rocks ------------------ Moo In case of an emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death. CUSL2-650e@905-256pc150cas2-wd20&13gbata66-10x4x32sony-8xcldvd-clap2gts64mb-supadisk-sblive!
  10. Kyguy

    Carmageddon 2

    I tried running carma 2 in pro, but it says using NT (duh) is there a way to tell it that it's in 98? of course I could always go into 98, but that means rebooting
  11. Kyguy

    Tribes under Win2000 Pro?

    Well, my setup works fine, try changing them to default and see what happens... then change em back if they do work in default