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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Igor

    Professional vs server

    Server comes with a few extras that PRO doesn't. Like Network Monitoring Tool, Terminal Services (which will allow GUI access to your box from ANY windows based PC anywhere in the world). Some programs like MS SQL server will only install on Server. Server is also a bit more memory hungry.. 256 Megs would help a lot
  2. Igor

    CDRwin v3.8b

    U r righ about not paying for CDR-Win. They change the protection for every build so key-gens for older verisons get "accepted" but then u get bad CD-s or the program "crashes". The older versions used to **** up the system if u try to use pirated key. Try just getting a shareware version and DON'T register it. It'll burn at 1x but this will allow u to check if it is a software problem of just a bad hack issue.
  3. Igor

    My harddrive is suddenly behaving strange

    The HD's do die. Try doing a surface check with scandisk under 98 or Norton Utilities. U can also get diagnostic software from IBM that will check your HD for problems. (I belive this software requares a complete format and repartitioning of your drive) Maybe just reinstall of WIn2k will fix it...
  4. You should be ok with a simple swap and let Win2k take care of everything 4 u. In most cases it will work fine. Only if there are some diferences that WIn2k can't find will u need to re-install. Back your stuff up just in-case and just do a swap. If your system will be having some wired IRQ problem then re-install will most likly solve it. Win2k in general is much better with HW swaps then 95/95 and can usualy handle it without problems.
  5. No much for legal stuff yeh ;-). Maybe MS forgot the Story with NT 4. If u install Servicae pack 4 on a trial version it became full blown one I guess they ****ed up a bit
  6. Igor

    Getting Win95/98 to speak to Win2000

    But guest presents a security hole. A special account for the WIn98 would be the best.
  7. This is 90% due to a network setup. Windows is trying to find your settings and it takes LONG. Try taking ya card out and see if it makes a difference. (Also remove all the references to it). It coud also be a faulty driver..... but usualy a network... Even if it is just a card, the Windows doesn't know that it ain't plugged in
  8. Igor

    How to make Bootup Disk ??

    Since u use Win2k with NTFS u just can't go to dos any more. Thats the end of the line for u. DOS can't read NTFS !!! Boot dosk from WIn2k CD is designed for installing WIn2k if u DON"T have Bootable CD or you are doing a network install. If u make a rescue disk u can load a command version of Win2k which looks like DOS but has nothing to do with it. So, no more DOS for u What u can do is to get Partition magic 5.01 and convert back to FAT32 then go to a friend of yopurs and create a boot disk of his WIn98 and use it for yaself.
  9. Igor

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    Mx300 works great for me. The current drivers are ok and they work fine on Duel setup
  10. Original Diamond Monster soundcard. $ speaker oputput, surround sound. Works greate in NT, 95/98 ME. Just no Win2k drivers. $15 + shipping ($5-$8).
  11. Igor

    Diamond Monster Sound

    Canada (the price is in US dollars and shipping cost is estimated in Canada or US, ground)
  12. Igor

    p3-600mhz with B

    The best answer is: it depends. For more info visit: www.hardocp.com www.tweak3d.net and to see ya chances of clocking the CPU form a particular week visit: http://www.overclockers.com/
  13. Igor

    Advice required on new Motherboard Purchase

    Why even bother upgrading NOW if you are planning to get cpu LATER? When ever u are ready, then see what is available on the market. Maybe by that time you will have a new Bios for ya board that will be able to support Copermines. 2 friends of mine got Via 133 and Via 133/A boards and they seem to be more or less stable (the Asus one is better) but even with AGp4 and Pc133 ram they still run slower then My BX I'd recomend to NOT get anything now till i815. Isn't 550 'naugh 4 u ? ;-)
  14. Igor

    disk damaged or unformatted ??????

    If u used Partition Magic 5.0 then that could be the problem. Try redoing the whole thing with 4.0. It is most very possiable that that is the root of ya problems. The whole thing u outlined sounds wired. WinNT4 SHOULD NOT see Drive E at all sonce it can't read Fat32 and if drive C was damaged it wouldent even boot since C is ya boot partition. Sometimes the FAT table gets pfuked adn the best way is to Start with Fdisk whiping out all drives and re-doing it from scratch. PS. For linus u gonna need one more partition for Swap file which should be the same size as ya Ram.
  15. Igor

    Flashing BIOS..dos prompt

    If u have OEM 98 cd then u can just boot straight to dos and run the flast program from ya HD. Just when u boot only select "boot to DOS prompt"
  16. I actualy like this feature But anyway: Start--> Settings--> Taskbar&Start Menu--> Uncheck "Use personalize Menu"
  17. Igor

    flashing bios

    If u do it right flashing the BIOS is no big deal. Download the latest bios and MAKE sure the model and REVISION on ya board are corect for a given motherboard. The just follow instructions that every maker posts on their site. As long as the power will not shut off during flash you should be ok. In 90% of the cases the flash goes well. In the rest 95% is user fault and 10% manuf. mistake.
  18. Igor

    Abit site?

    I can't connect either. So here: http://www.abit.com.tw/english/index.htm
  19. Igor

    bp6 and win2k

    The guys are right. I have Duel 366@550 on BP6. Alone they can do 550 at 2.05v but 2gether they need 2.2v to be stable. U can also drop the speed tp 500 (93Mhz bus) This can help and it will not harm yaa system and the performance difference is minimal.
  20. Igor

    How do I remove the 120 day timebomb?

    Good one Seldzar
  21. Igor

    How do I remove the 120 day timebomb?

    DON'T post any warez related messages here. Search ya self on news-groups! We don't wanna MS shutting down this site just because of a few "illigal" messages.
  22. Not that I've noticed.. I have Epson 800 and I can use the system while printing. It does seem a bit slower. Also tryed with Epson 440, HP 6L, Cannon 4000/4200 all on different systems and they appear to use some resources but definatly not 100%.
  23. Igor

    Finding my ip

    If you have a permanent IP then YES.. Remember it . But other then that not that I know off. Just type ipconfig with no switches it is all u need to get ya IP.
  24. Igor

    "Plug&Play compatible OS..", enable or disable

    If u use Win 95/99/2000 then leave this enabled. If u run Linux or NT on that system then turn it off.
  25. Igor

    New Abit BE6 BIOS

    It doesn't matter what is the extension of the file. U can remove it if u don't like it, u can name it anything u like as long as it is 3 characters or less. They call it "bin" just because they always did, I'm a lazy typer so I just rename it to "a" with no extension at all this way I have less to type in dos . When u install BIOS always boot from disk to be safe.