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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Regular IDE drives use CPU clock cicles to transfer data from memory and back, this ofcorse is the old way. DMA is a method of moving a data from ram to HD without CPU involvment. This is why if u enable DMA in the bios for ya HD it will seem to work faster. DMA --> Direct Memory Access [This message has been edited by Igor (edited 13 March 2000).]
  2. Igor

    New CL TNT2 Driver for Win 2K Release ver?

    I have CL TNT Ultra and the drives work very nice. If u read info it says that the drivers DON"T work on RC2 and u need build 2183 or higher.
  3. Igor

    Tweaki...for Power Users

    No problem Although it wasn't me
  4. Igor

    nt service pack 6a

    If you are not in Canada or US then u r out of luck I think. It is against US law to supply 128bit encryption to outside US or Canada. This changed when Win2k came out and if u have that it then u can download the pack. For NT u will have to serach w***z groups or whatever...
  5. Igor

    Monster MX300 and A3D

    Here are the drivers for final Win2k that suppose to support A3d. http://saturn.spaceports.com/~a3dfan/w2k/
  6. Igor

    rain, cpu idle

    THe build-in idle process in Win2k only works for a single CPU setup, if u have duel u need to get cpuidle pro 1.0. That is the only version that officialy designed for Win2k & duel CPU's. Rain only works under 98
  7. Igor

    Limit on HPT366 on the BP6?

    Try flashing the bios to 1.22, I think that was the issues addresed in the update.
  8. Igor

    Disable Version Checks?

    U can also use setwin95 to make program think it uses win95. get it at: http://win2kbox.cjb.net/
  9. Igor

    BP6 + Maxtor 40 gig drive + ata66

    Abit found a problem with 36+ gig HD support so they released the new BIOS a few weeks back. Check their site for the fix. If u r not afraid they also released the beta bios that fixes duel processor, ACPI and USB problems with Win2k. THe downside is that u have to reinstall Win2k. Bioses are available on the ABIT site and beta bios is on the Beta ABIT FTP.
  10. I think they (web master(s)) need to make a small change in the design of the forum... they should stick BIG "Search" button next to post (maybe 2 or 3 times the size) so people can't say "they misset it" ;-)
  11. Igor

    Diamond Monster MX400

    BEFORE u get that card make sure u CAN get the drivers first. Diamond is the worst for releasing drivers. They are still on like 2nd driver release for TNT and for Mx300 they will not even bother making drivers unless A3d makes them and then MAYBE 12 month later they will stick their logo on them and post them on the website. I bet Liweware 5.0 for Win2k will be out before drivers for Diamond cards If u need card now think of Live! or Mx300 at least thouse have drivers. And Live! should have 3d sound if just a few weeks.
  12. Igor


    Can any1 suggest winmodem that works with Win2k ? I MEAN winmodem, not hardware modem, just need somthing cheap to send faxes . Cable rules
  13. Igor

    monster sound 300 problems...

    For the build --> Get REAL copy of Windows on Feb17. (And I don't mean download ) For the card, don't know. I have the same problem but it seems to work fine.. no 3d but sound from all 4 speakers.
  14. Igor

    yet ANOTHER power off computer qu.

    THouse guys at www.pcchips.com.tw make THE cheapest boards on the market. And u get what u pay for. Try flashing the bios, that could help, if that ain't ya problem then look in to getting an Asus or Abit
  15. Igor

    Over clocking

    Why don't u read it for yaself: www.hardocp.com www.tomshardware.com www.sharkyextreme.com www.thetechzone.com There you will also find 1000 other links...
  16. Igor

    You guys won't like this at all :(

    Commercial software has on average 1 bug per 1000 lines of code. With 40 Mill. lines of code in WIn2k the estimated number of bugs (known/unknown) is around 600,000 !! So a few thousands that they know off is just the begining.
  17. Igor

    Norton ANtivirus Corperate

    I don't know about this program but a friend of mine had Norton Antivirus installed and it killed his windows. He called the company and they said that they know of the problem and working on a patch. Same happend to PCAnywhere till the patch cameout. So I'd suggest looking for a fix. Also try e-mailing tech support.
  18. Igor

    LX/BX Question

    Then you don't have much of a choice. Just get more ram and bare yaself till the end of the year. Ya board CAN'T take more then 333 so just live with it. And why don't u wanna clock ya CPU's a bit? THey will last u for at least this year. Running 'em at 75Mhz fron side bus should not harm the CPUs at all. U can alsp check with ya board makes if u can use celerons in ya board. then u can get a couple of 400-466 celerons and....
  19. Igor

    A good dual PIII mobo ...

    Then just get an ASUS board. They are good, fast and reliable. Duel model is: Asus P2B-D 440BX 4PCI/2ISA/1AGP/4DIMM, Slot One, ATX, dual processor support. If you are planning to get Duel celerons then BP6 is not a bad board and it suppose to support duel compermines when the adapter becomes availale. [This message has been edited by Igor (edited 06 February 2000).]
  20. It is the question for which u gonna hear different answers depending on what some1 personal preference is. My Friend gets 20 !! More frame rates out of TNT then anothere guy out of TNT2 on almoust identical systems and same drivers. I was getting 15 less frames on GForce DDR then on TNT Voodoo3 is very good option 2. Just find the amount of $$ you wanna blow on a card and go get one.
  21. Igor

    Web Page Serving??

    Easy Goto add/remove programs then add windows components then pick the second check-box and insert ya Win2k CD, click ok and watch Server beeing installed (takes a while). THen goto Administrative tools and start Web Server. (All the config help will be there and it also installes Office2k support)
  22. Igor

    Nero available-win2k support!!!!! : )

    Dunno, mynie works fine from
  23. Igor


    I'd still get Windows 2000 specific drivers.
  24. Igor

    Voodoo 3 3000 TV Out

    1st, this forum is for NT not 2000. 2nd, NOT now but in the near future, when 3dfx makes drivers for it.
  25. Igor


    Pcchips is da maker of that chip. They have win2k drivers available. Better yet dump that ****ty card and get TNT. Just click here for driver: http://www.pcchips.com.tw/driver.html and go to VGA section. [This message has been edited by Igor (edited 31 January 2000).]